Sing Tao Daily News Agency Just in the past weekend holidays, radical demonstrators have made the most serious damage to multiple stations and rails on MTR. If there is a slight difference, it may cause serious casualties.The right to be tracked severe punishment.The MTR, police and transportation and housing bureaus should review the deployment of the strain to prevent the destruction of the operation.

In response to the conflict of the August three -year parade on Saturday, MTR has announced early closure of some stations.The destruction operation continued on Sunday, and a large number of citizens and passengers were affected. Some citizens even spent money to spend money because they could not find a transportation tool to return home.According to the statistics of the authorities, 32 MTR stations have been destroyed in the past two days, accounting for about one -thirds of all stations.

Violence Destroy the upgrade threat life

In addition to the increase in the number of stations that have been attacked, it is even more omitable to upgrade violence.In the early days of the anti -repair example, demonstrators interfere with the operation of MTR by blocking the doors and chaos, in order to make the public's inconvenience and promote more people to strike, but the radical demonstrators directly target the MTR itself and crazy for madness itself.Strike the stations, platforms and rails.

These demonstrators smashed the control rooms, gates, ticket machines and other facilities at the station, and even destroyed the curtain door of the platform, and twisted the fire -fighting throat and a large cleaner. The passengers were easily injured and injured.What's more serious is that someone throws metal tube and stones on the road rail. Once the MTR derails, it will cause catastrophic casualties.

A radical demonstrators not only destroyed the station, but even broke into the compartment to have physical conflicts with passengers holding objections. They also used fire extinguishers to erupt the fire smoke to the carriage, causing other passengers to run away.

These destructive actions, completely disregarding the rights of the citizens' safe ride, and ignoring the law and discipline. In addition to violating the railway attached examples, they also involve criminal destruction and contempt of the ban on the court.

MTR is the most important transportation of citizens. The daily load of millions of passengers is reached by millions of people. The stations and the rails are damaged, which has a great impact on social and people's livelihood.Destruction to vent his resentment.Authorities must ride the destructive as soon as possible, and they must not be lucky to avoid sanctions.

Strengthen coordination and set up cross -departmental mechanisms

After the MTR staff for repair overnight, the train service was roughly returned to normal yesterday, and the scene where the citizens were strike and pursuing were not repeated.In addition to the emergency and good afterwards, the MTR must also discuss with the transportation, housing bureau and the police, how to more effectively cope with the damage operation that will come at any time so as not to allow it to spread and upgrade.

The measures of some stations of the MTR stations failed to prevent radical demonstrators from getting started in other stations. In the past few days, the situation was seen in the past few days. Because multiple stations were damaged at the same time, no police officers came to dispel and arrested some stations.The destructors have caused the degree of damage, and some stations are suffered by radical demonstrators.These situations expose the deficiencies of the authorities to deal with the destruction.

MTR and authorities must review the safety strategies of the station and the rail rail, set a close high -level connection, and deduct various emergency situations to revise and respond to deployment, improve the efficiency of cross -department coordination and manual deployment, in order to quickly and effectively control the order of the station and ensure the protectionNormal service and passenger safety.