On September 2nd, the People's Daily published an review article entitled by rational views and response to Sino -US economic and trade frictions, authors: Jin Canrong and Sun Xihui.

The following is the original article:

Since March 2018, some of the United States unilaterally provoked economic and trade frictions, levied tariffs on Chinese transmission of goods, and unreasonably suppressed Chinese high -tech enterprises, not only stirring strong opposition from the Chinese people, but also widely criticized by the international community.A few days ago, the United States claimed that it would further increase the tariff rate of Chinese goods in China.This seriously violates the consensus of the heads of state of the two countries, harms the interests of China and the United States, threatens the global industrial chain and supply chain security, and drags the international trade and world economic growth.Faced with the extreme pressure and bullying behavior of the United States, China maintains a rational and restrained attitude, and always emphasizes that we are unwilling to fight or be afraid of fighting, and we have to fight any provocations if necessary.However, there are also a few people in the society who have some vague knowledge, and the psychology and remarks of fear of beauty and beauty have appeared.In this regard, it is necessary to identify and guide, clarify right and wrong, condense consensus, and resolutely safeguard the core interests of the country and the fundamental interests of the people.

Weakly concession can't be sympathetic

Facing the Sino -US economic and trade frictions that the United States took the initiative to provoke and upgrade, some people felt anxious and worried, and there were some remarks in the society in the society.For example, there is a view that China should not counterattack, but should lower its posture and comprehensively, and meet the requirements of the United States as much as possible in exchange for the sympathy and exemption of the United States.Those who are afraid of the psychology of the United States, when facing the friction of Sino -US economic and trade, do not objectively judge whether it is wrong, but almost instinctively think that the United States is always reasonable. China fights with the United States.It's myself.This kind of psychological psychology of fear of beauty is rooted in the humiliation history of poverty and weakness in modern China, and has been bullied by the powers. It is a very unconfident psychology.It's easy to be afraid of concessions.Of course, some people have no intention to use the gap between China and the United States, to preach the views with the United States to contribute to the defeat of China, weaken the confidence of the Chinese, and create chaos.There are others who are unknown or unknown, and the clouds are also bewildered by the remarks of fearful beauty.

It should be acknowledged that there is still a large level of development in China and the United States today, and the United States still has obvious advantages in terms of economy, technology, and military.However, it should also be seen that, after more than 40 years of reform and opening up in the 70 years of the founding of the People's Republic of China, China is already the world's second largest economy, the largest manufacturing country, the largest country of goods trade, and the largest country of foreign exchange reserves.The national strength rose rapidly.From the economic perspective, China and the United States have their own advantages in many fields. For example, China has the world's most complete industrial system and industrial chain, while the United States occupies a high -end link of the industrial chain value chain, and so on.It is often said that the economy of China and the United States has strong economy, which actually means that the economies of China and the United States have their own comparative advantages, and the Chinese economy's autonomous ability, institutional advantages, and huge potential are more conducive to long -term compete with opponents.Recalling that when the New China was just established and was abolished, we all dared to fight at the door of imperialism, and we all dared to fight and played an insurmountable 38th line.How would it bullish today in China today?

People who hold the psychology of fear of beauty do not understand the essence and intention of some people in the United States to provoke economic and trade frictions.In order to seize the monopoly interests and safeguard the hegemony, some of the United States regardless of international justice and the interests of the people of the world, and adopt a series of unilateralism and trample rules. It only hopes that the United States is unique and has been generally affected by the international community.condemn.Because of the rapid development of China to challenge the US hegemony, they regard China as a strategic opponent, and strive to curb China's development momentum for China.Some people in the United States even threatened to return China back to the third world.At this time, fear and fear are useless. These people will not change the goal of maintaining their own hegemony because of the completeness of the Chinese commission, and will only get inch in the field until they completely suppress the development of China's development.However, nearly 1.4 billion Chinese people cannot give up the right to pursue a better life, and China cannot change the correct development path that has been proven by practice.If China is weak under the pressure of hegemony, it will really make disruptive historical errors.Therefore, in the face of extreme pressure and bullying behavior, weak concessions cannot be sympathetic. Only by persisting in rational, favorable, and fierce struggles can we maintain the core interests of the country and the fundamental interests of the people.

Dare to fight to win victory

Since some of the United States provoked economic and trade frictions, China has done its best to communicate and negotiate with the biggest efforts to maintain the overall situation of Sino -US relations, and maintain rationality and restraint when resolutely counter -provoking the United States, but on the issue of major principlesNever give up.It turns out that the weakness of the service does not allow some of the United States to return to rationality and stop pressure.We have to lose the belief of fantasizing, daring to fight, good at struggle, and establishing and strengthening the victory through the struggle.

Some people in the United States now show extremely tough stances.In the fields of economic and trade policies in China and in the fields of diplomacy and security, most of the US government played a leading role in some tough politicians.These people believe in the laws of the jungle, bullying, fear of hardness, weak meat and strong food.For these people, the softness shows weakness and cannot be safe.In the face of such opponents, we should not have any fantasies.The softness shows weakness cannot be sympathetic. Only by daring to fight can we win respect.At that time, the Qing dynasty wanted to measure the material resources of China, and the joy of the country, but attracted the crisis of being dissected by beans and destroying the country.In the 1980s, Japan was forced to sign the square agreement by the United States, and laid a foreshadowing for Japan's 20 years of lost.History has repeatedly warned us that the logic of these people's hegemonism has never changed, and the nature of the bullying of hegemonicists has never changed.The status of a great country in New China is obtained by daring to fight and good at struggle.Today, the Chinese nation must not expect the gifts of others, and must have a great struggle with many new historical characteristics.

China has adopted a strong response and countermeasures for the United States' repeated impermanence and extreme pressure in negotiations, but China ’s response is very restrained, showing the reason that a responsible country should have.However, some of the United States have been giving up and constantly adding it.On August 23, local time, the United States claimed that it would increase the tariff rate of tariffs on about $ 550 billion in US exports.As everyone knows, the economic operation has its own laws, and those who violate the law may be fast for a while, but they will eventually defeat the momentum.

The Chinese civilization advocates peace, but it does not mean that the Chinese people dare not struggle. The Chinese nation has forged an indomitable and brave character in the hardships.Looking back at history, the Chinese nation continued to achieve new victory and innovation in the struggle and good at struggle again and again.respect.In the early 1990s, in the face of sanctions from Western countries such as the United States, Comrade Deng Xiaoping said firmly: Sino -US relations must be done well, but they must not be afraid.The more Chinese people should have the spirit and ambition of Chinese people, the more weaker it is, the greater the energy.This is a conclusion that summarizes history and reality, which is of great significance for us to deal with Sino -US economic and trade friction today.People must be self -esteem, and then respect them.Self -esteem can win respect, self -esteem can self -confidence, and self -confidence has power.Faced with the economic and trade frictions of coming to the door, we must completely lose the mentality of fear of the beauty of the United States. Sobw to recognize that some of the United States' containment and suppression of China is an external challenge that China must bear.A hurry.

Realize great development in the changing situation

The world today is in a long -term change, and the competition of great powers is more fierce, especially to dare to fight and be good at struggle.It should be seen that China today is no longer China, which has accumulated poverty and weakness, and has a firm confidence and strong strength to overcome difficulties and challenges.It should also be seen that we adhere to multilateralism, oppose unilateralism, advocate win -win cooperation, and oppose a family monopoly. This conforms to the trend of the times and is in line with historical laws.As long as we are closely unite around the party's central government with ... comrades -in -law, firm confidence, work hard, focus on our own affairs, and go to the world more confidently, we will achieve great development in the change of the situation.The road of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation moves forward.<<<

The Chinese economy maintains a good momentum, and the comprehensive national strength will continue to grow.Although the Chinese economy is no longer growing with double digits, the growth rate is still at the forefront of major world economies, and the quality and gold content of economic growth are higher, and it is accelerating the turn to high -quality development track.Although the population of our country has begun to aging, the median population is still relatively low, and there is a long period of demographic dividend.In 2018, the total number of Chinese college students in China was close to 30 million, becoming the largest higher education in human history, and China's future talent dividends are very considerable.After 70 years of development, China ’s science and technology level has entered the world's advanced ranks in many areas, and it is still progressing rapidly.China has the world's largest manufacturing industry, and its system is complete and innovative. It also has a domestic market at the forefront of the world and still has huge potential.These advantages can keep the Chinese economy grow rapidly for a long time, and China's comprehensive national strength has a broad prospect.

Chinese society is united and stable, and has good conditions and environment for healthy development.The new China has achieved huge development achievements in 70 years. An important condition is national political and social stability.As the core of the strong leadership of the cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics, the Communist Party of China has played the role of the overall situation and coordinating all parties to ensure that the country is effectively governed. At the same time, the role of the peopleRisk challenges, Chinese society has a solid foundation.Especially under the strong leadership of the Communist Party of China, the Chinese people have opened up the road of socialism with Chinese characteristics after long -term practical exploration, and the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation shows an extremely bright prospect.We are confident that we will continue to maintain social and political stability, and create a good environment and conditions for the further development of the country and the continuous improvement of people's lives.

In the international storm, China, as the world's second largest economy and a responsible country, has always been a world peaceful builder, a global development contribution, and a maintenanceer of international order.Facing unilateralism and protectionist influx, China has firmly maintained the multilateral trading system, deepened cooperation with countries, and continuously injected positive energy into global development.Some people in the United States ignore multilateral trade rules, unilaterally raise tariffs on multi -countries, and seriously interfere with market rules based on market rules, damage the global free trade foundation and economic globalization process, bring significant risks to the world economy, stable to the entire international system to stabilize the entire international systemRunning brings a huge impact.In today's world, China has become an important force for defending multilateralism, international rules and free trade, and China's contribution has been highly evaluated by all parties.The trend of the world is mighty;Sino -US economic and trade frictions are right and wrong, and we have defeated, and we look at the answers of history.

(The author is a professor of the School of International Relations of Renmin University of China and the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences ... Researcher of the Socialist Socialist Thought Research Center with Chinese characteristics in the new era)