What does the latest round of tariffs in the United States mean?There is a book in the United States public in the heart of MDASH; mdash; impacted the American consumer market, and the scope of the influence is expanded to the weekend's drinking beer, to the musical instrument of the performance, and then to the book; hellip;Delivered the improving tariff effect is huge, and American consumers have not split the tariffs, which is completely separated from the sense of reality.They should listen to the protests and condemnation of all sectors of the United States on the rise and condemnation of the raw tariffs, and seriously face the increasing opposition and complaints of the United States.

In the era of economic globalization, you have me and me in the economy of all countries.The continuous upgrading of tariff threats in the United States is a completely irrational behavior that violates the basic laws of economics. It is the interests of American companies that damage it. In the end, it is ordinary consumers in the United States.The interests of China, the United States and the world economy will also be damaged.

According to data from the US Labor Bureau of Labor Statistics, researchers found that almost all of the costs caused by rising tariffs were borne by American importers; JP Morgan Chase reported that if the US government levies the latest round of tariffs on Chinese goods, the average U.S. families areThe annual income will be reduced by $ 1,000; research partners of the US think tank trade show that if the United States imposes a 25%tariff on all Chinese transmission of goods in the United States, employment positions will be reduced by 2.16 million.American companies and American people are soberly aware that the upgrading trade friction under the banner of protecting the interests of the United States is just that some of the United States have a scam of their own personal interests, and as a result, it will only cause the US economy to fall into a downturn.

Some people in the United States have recently decoupled from China, but analysis from sober people say that decoupling with China means the decline in the United States.U.S. Foreign Policy's two -monthly website publishing article judgment: Seeking decouples with China will only decompose the United States and the global economy.The Wall Street Journal twice in August issued the editorial of Navaro's decline as a title, criticizing the claim of the extreme paranoid of the Washington Decision Circle represented by the National Trade Commission of the White House;The uncertainty generated will cause US economic growth to slow down or even decline.Andrew Middot, managing director of Oriental Capital Research; Kelle pointed out in a needle that his wanton tariffs were a sword that resisted the throat of the American economy, not the throat of China's economy.

There is no winner in the trade war.Faced with the reality of the pain of the United States, companies and consumers for the United States' wanton increase in tariffs, some people in the United States continue to wave tariffs.Is it big?