I hope that the alliance has been in power for more than a year.(France -age archives photo)

In the last Malaysian election, he voted to the then opposition party hoped alliance and promoted the rotating voters of the ruling party for the first time. At least two expectations of the Pakatan Harapan who came to power.

One is that I have gone through the Barisan Nasional for more than half a century to operate the political group politics to consolidate the regime, especially the middle class, urban voters, non -Malaysians, etc. I hope that the Pakatan Harapan can bring new and progress to the Malaysian country.Political and social operation model.

The second is that the voters of rural areas have deeply appreciated the dilemma of Malaysia's economic performance in recent years. They linked these economic development problems with the corruption of the governance of the Governor's Barisan Nasional government at the time, especially the various scandals of a Malaysian company.It was the last grass that was pressed on the back of the camel, so that they made up their minds to change the government to try it.

The Pakatan Harapan who is anxious to win a thousand years of hardships to win the election also lists many political, social and economic commitments in the campaign program., Dangdang.

However, the Pakatan Harapan has been in power for more than a year, and for many years, for many years, it has continuously supported the party's alliance or individual members' voters, but now tears are full of tears.In the last election, more than 90%of the Chinese voters who voted for the Pakatan Harapan were regretful.In the Malaysian Constitution, the clauses and discounts of indigenous peoples and discounts, Malay voters have regarded these long -entered privileges and discounts that have been extended to infinitely expanding, and they are considered to be a political reality.Don't talk about abolition.

Therefore, the Malaysians have not dared to make a long time, and they cannot pursue positive equal treatment as the advanced national ethnic groups, and they can only fight for more equal treatment.For example, the Malaysian political philosophy of the Malaysian Malaysians of the Democratic Action Party of the Pakatan Harapan member of the Pakatani Union, one of the ruling parties, has a huge response in the minds of Chinese voters (and other non -indigenous voters).More equal political struggle goals advance.Before that, the Pakatan Harapan government initially announced that it was intended to sign the United Nations to eliminate all forms of racial discrimination with international conventions, but in the end, this decision was put on hold, which also disappointed many non -Malaysians.

However, even in the concept of ethnic equality, there are different versions around the world.One version is based on France, Japan, South Korea and other places. Equal equality seems to be based on minority of ethnic minorities on the basis of culture and language by most ethnic groups.For example, French officials believe that all citizens must be able to fuck French, and also integrate into France's mainstream social culture, so as to promote national identity.

This concept of assimilation to promote recognition is also the mainstream of Malaysian Malaysians and the concept of most Chinese educators in Chinese. They believe that non -Malays should integrate into Malay culture and language, and serve as their main cultural practice and communication.Language can promote the combination of national unifications.As for the statutory definition of the Malaysians must be Muslims, whether it should also be commonly used in non -Malays, this should be extremely sensitive and usually vaguely brought.But whether this integration is the first step of ethnic equality, it is not clearly explained.Regardless of the former Dynasties of the Malaysia or the current government, the idea of its core ruling elite is mainly based on this.

Another ethnic version in the world, such as Switzerland and Canada, regardless of the size of all ethnic groups, can live to the greatest extent in the culture that has been passed down for many years, and fully use their mother tongue to communicate.Canada's bilingual policy is well -known. Almost all official documents are issued in Britain and French. Although French Canadians have a population ratio in Canada, which is much smaller than Malaysians.Quebec, Canada, uses French fully at all, and even the former Prime Minister Crian from the local area also admits that he only learned English when he was in college, so when he said English, he was slow when he said English.Calling Karmotor voters overwhelmed several times to support the Liberal Party he was led at the time.

Switzerland goes further. Like Singapore, there are four official Chinese. Although most of the people practice German, like in the French region in Geneva, German is almost extinct, while the south mainly speak Italian.Of course, this kind of practice of various words has not blocked the Swiss united for more than a thousand years to resist foreign enemies, maintaining absolute neutrality, and then becoming one of the richest countries in the world.

In the Malaysia State's Educators, and the leadership of the leadership of Ma Guohua Education, the Chief President of the Malaysian Chinese Education, what they strives to be similar to this kind of right to accept mother tongue education.It is the basis for mutual respect between ethnic groups.

A while ago, the issues that caused warm arguments, including the teachings of claws in Chinese primary schools, were worried that Chinese people and many Chinese were concerned about their own culture.However, it seems that in the senior management of the Pakatan Harapan government, it is not considered a big deal, and it even regards it as helping to promote cultural understanding.A solution that must be taught after the parental consent must be taught.

At the same time, President Dong, who strongly opposed this teaching, was labeled as racism. The person in charge was summoned by the authorities, which was shuddering.It is also arrested because the Chinese News Agency opposes the authorities' assignment to the Chinese school to serve as a high school.

However, on the other side, India was originally wanted by the local area, but in the Malaysia country, it was given the right to permanent residence, and the missionary of the missionary of the ethnic group and religion Zakir everywhere, because the former dynasty and the current senior officials and the Malay ClubMany people in the group are welcomed, but the right to residency has not been canceled, which makes people question whether the authorities have double standards?

In terms of economy, the Pakatan Harapan government is eagerly expected to propose an effective economic development plan. This is not only owed so far, but the government has publicly questioned that the poor population ratio of Malaysia in the United Nations is too low.The consistent caliber deny that it is doubtful whether the relevant parties understand the suffering of the people, let alone point out the fascination of economic difficulties.

The author is a senior researcher at the Singapore International Affairs Society (SIIA)