Both Japanese and Korean governments and media have blamed the responsibility of the current situation on each other, but it is obvious that the occurrence of this situation is not accidental, but the inevitable result of various contradictions accumulated in bilateral relations for many years.

Chen Hongbin

In the first half of this year, the situation in Northeast Asia is really ups and downs, with a wave of twists and turns.

On June 29, when it was about to visit South Korea, US President Trump suddenly passed on and wanted to meet with North Korea's highest leader Kim Jong -un in Panmunnia; then Kim Jong -un responded positively in 10 minutes.The next day, Trump staged the 38th -line meeting with Kim Jong -un.

I thought that the relevant parties in Northeast Asia will take advantage of the hot iron to further promote the ease of the regional situation and strive to make it irreversible.A dramatic reversal in the situation of turning around: Japan suddenly announced sanctions on South Korea. South Korea has a strong response to this. The South Korean government has issued corresponding countermeasures.He died before.This is often a fierce situation that only happens between two hostile countries.Japan and South Korea have now reached the point of riding tigers. Both leaders and the public are unwilling to show weakness. In addition to eliminating the other party's trade list, they even intend to abandon the military intelligence protection agreement between the two parties.

Even the two important allies are so surprised by the United States.Although South Korea hopes that the United States will coordinate from it, the United States also feels insufficient and insufficient, and Trump is deeply confused about it.

Of course, both Japanese and Korean governments and the media blame each other's responsibility on the current situation, but it is obvious that the occurrence of this situation is not accidental, but the inevitable result of various contradictions accumulated in bilateral relations.The author previously pointed out in related articles that 1919 100 years ago was an important node in East Asian modern history, including 3middot; 1 independent movement that occurred in Seoul that year and the May 4th movement of China.

Although Japan ended the colonial rule on the Korean Peninsula after the defeat in 1945, Japan signed a basic treaty with South Korea in 1965, and also signed a request rights agreement, stipulating that Japan provided US $ 300 million in free assistance and paid assistance for US $ 200 million and US $ 200 million.A $ 300 million commercial loan, thus solving the problem of claims between the two countries at one time, while the South Korean government has given up claims.Subsequently, the two countries established diplomatic relations to carry out economic cooperation.

However, the interpretation of Japan and South Korea's interpretation of this agreement is completely different: Japan believes that including the government and the people all levels, but South Korea insists that it does not include the folk level.Under the rejection of Japan, the Korean court supported some of the Japanese corporate assets operating in South Korea, which led the Japanese government to impose sanctions on South Korea.

Faced with the sudden improving sanctions imposed by the Japanese government, South Korea can be described as anger, and the people's anti -Japanese mood instantly rose sharply.From the perspective of the Korean government and many people of insight, Japan has actually caused this damage in the current bilateral relationship pattern.EssenceBecause of the perspective of South Korea, Japan has already lost its strong momentum in the 1980s, and South Korea is not Wuxia Amon at all. Japan wants to force South Korea to compromise with pressure, which is completely wrong.

In 1994, Japan's GDP (GDP) accounted for 17.7%of the world, but last year fell to 6%, which was slightly higher than one -third of the year.In South Korea's foreign trade, Japan's status is also sharply lower.

As early as 2001, the trade volume between South Korea and China exceeded South Korea and Japan, and then the Sino -South Korean trade volume in 2003 threw the South Korean and American trade volume to the back.By 2007, China and South Korea's trade volume had exceeded the sum of Japan and the United States. Last year, China and South Korea's trade accounted for 26.8%of South Korea's trade volume, while South Korea and the United States had only 12%, and South Korea -Japan trade was only 5%.With the significant decrease in the South Korean economy to Japan, the atmosphere that does not care about Japan naturally does not care about Japan at all.

Another important reason is the huge contrast to the policy of North Korea.Since last year, the situation on the Korean Peninsula has a dramatic reversal. Within half a year, South Korean President Moon Jae -in met with Kim Jong -un three times. At the same time, Trump and Kim Jong -un held talks in Singapore and Hanoi respectively.Visit Russia; Chinese President ... also visited North Korea in June this year.Between Japan and North Korea, there are no channels for connection between the two sides, let alone Kim Jong -un talks with Abe.The Abe government has always emphasized pressure and sanctions on DPRK, while the Wen Zaiyin government has made every effort to promote the nuclearization and peace and stability of the Korean peninsula.

In addition, the Park Jung -hee government was a military dictatorship in 1965 that the Park Jung -hee government was signed with Japan.Now that South Korea has long achieved democratization, people can freely express their views on major affairs in any country.From the perspective of many South Korean public, the agreement signed that year was unequal, so it was natural to have the problem of being forced to conquer workers in South Korea again last year.

Since the upgrading of Japan and South Korea, domestic media in Japan have almost accused South Korea in a word, which seems to be an important feature of Japanese politics today.Therefore, during the G20 summit in Osaka, although Wen Zaiyin hoped to hold talks with Abe, Abe refused, and he would not even give a chance to chat for a while.

Abe obviously has the style of losing the host (not to mention the deserved style of the leaders of the great power), but has received strong appreciation and applause from right -wing public opinion.Some right -wing newspapers in Japan published their topics and albums almost in a row, whispering and scolding South Korea, and even called for broken diplomatic relations with South Korea.

However, the Japanese media do not find more reasons and solve the dilemma from their own countries, but put forward some incredible suggestions: for example, trying to reduce South Korea's dependence on China, so as to pull South Korea back to the correct track.Let South Korea join Japan's leading Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPP).This is a bit wishful, talking about yourself.

As China ’s role in the region is increasing, even Japan's own dependence of China has been increasing year by year. How can we reduce the degree of China’ s existence to China?It even said that the fight between Japan and South Korea is a fisher in the mussels. In the end, it will make Chinese fishermen gain profit. They want to warn South Korea to seriously weigh the gains and losses and avoid being fooled.It can be seen that some people in Japan's thinking have completely drilled into the tip of the horns, so it is very difficult to improve Japan's public opinion in China and South Korea.

The author is Shanghai, China

Associate Researcher of the Institute of International Issues