China Focus

On the evening of June 16th, I shared a short video clip on multiple social network platforms. Thousands of Hong Kong demonstrators quickly separated a road, allowing a ambulance to quickly pass.This is a peaceful demonstration according to the organizer's participation in the participation of 2 million Hong Kong citizens, which aims to express their dissatisfaction with the amendment of the fugitive regulations that might allow Hong Kong suspects to extradite to the mainland.I wrote: It's like Moses divided into the red sea, which is really moving.

Many of my friends also immediately expressed their admiration and sympathy for these Hong Kong resistances.These friends are from mainland China. They have received good education, can obtain free information, and have a criticism of authoritarian authority.

However, when Hong Kong's protest entered the third month, as violence became the norm, the obvious radicals of movement could no longer be continued to be decorated and avoided.By mid -August, with the iconic demonstrators occupied the airport, paralyzed this third busiest international transportation hub in the world, preventing international passengers from boarding the plane, and even beaten two mainlanders suspected to be undercover public security.I communicated with these friends who had been appreciated before.Without exception, they all expressed their disappointment and anxiety.

R, a Guangzhou boy who is fluent Cantonese, has worked in Hong Kong for nearly ten years after graduating from the United States. He recalled his attitude conversion and appeared on July 1.The night of computer facilities.He said: I really don't understand why those who claim to be democratic to destroy the city's most important institution of implementing democracy and practice of three powers. This is not good for venting emotions.

L, born in Hangzhou and currently serving as engineering manager in Silicon Valley in the United States. I also remember that he had doubts about the strategic choice of demonstrators that night, but he was particularly disgusted.The rude and uncomfortable treatment of people.He added: Even if Hong Kong people have worried about the freedom they enjoyed by themselves, in general, Hong Kong society is still a mature free society, and the Hong Kong government is far from a authoritarian dictatorship.It is hard to say that it is difficult to say with the police and the citizens with different opinions.

Muzi, a young teacher who works in Shenyang and currently working in Washington, has recently suffered a lot of disputes with her husbands of her American Hong Kong descent.She felt unable to accept the charges of the so -called Hong Kong Police Force's extensive abuse of force.She said: How will the US police deal with the violence such as setting fire, smashing bricks, throwing gasoline bombs, and beating police?Real bullets.At present in Hong Kong, the police team has always been restrained and has not upgraded from force from tear smoke. There have been no death cases in the past three months. However, these policemen and their wives and children have been harassed violent, the online human meat search is announced or even lsquo.The death threat of his wife and children rsquo;

And when she saw that the two mainlanders were humiliated and humiliated at the airport, many Hong Kong people were hostile to the mainlanders. When I speaking Mandarin in some Hong Kong stores, the clerk was very unfriendly to me.And not just that I have such an encounter, it hurts people's feelings.

For J's birth and currently engaged in the financial industry in Singapore, the transfer point appears at the normal operation of demonstrators hindering the normal operation of subways and airports.He felt a group of people who claimed to be free to forcibly block the subway automatic doors and airport values counters. Employees who commute early peaks and international passengers who are anxious to go home are used as hostages.Respect and compassion, even watching pregnant women with difficulty breathing, crying babies who are crying, and old people sitting in wheelchairs, they still have no hidden heart.The boundary of a person's exercise of personal freedom cannot infringe on the freedom of others. Unreasonable radicals have always caused disasters. He sighed.

None of my friends are nationalists. They all understand the depression of Hong Kong people's devouring political freedom. What makes more and more Chinese people who have an enlightened Chinese change their attitudes?

First of all, many mainlanders who have the values of liberals have learned and witnessed their ancestors, father, or their own experience. Under the grand narrative of the revolutionary discourse in the first 30 years of China, political enthusiasts, order damage, and laws are terrible.Accepting violence and the so -called way of thinking for ideology.

Hong Kong's fighting movement is the biggest feature of no platform and decentralization, and it is as liquid as water.In the movement of loose and internal democracy and discipline constraints, there is a highest principle of unquestionable MDASH; mdash; not cut off, not gray.In other words, no matter how radical violence, those who advocate peace, rationality Non -violence can not be cut with radical brave and martial arts, but must be united.

As a result, the use of violent and sympathy has always become the unique scenery of the movement. In the past, the most basic condemnation of violence in the past social movement became an unspeakable taboo.The hijacking of some participants.At first, mainlanders who support peace and understanding have their own bottom lines. As the movement continues to upgrade, they will always have an unacceptable day.

Secondly, for many mainlanders, the pain of June 4th is still clear.Looking back now, many people will hope that modern politics based on seeking compromises and consensus can have the opportunity to take root in Chinese society at that time and avoid a tragedy that has not been healed until today.Faced with the current slogan of Hong Kong's young radical demonstrators, that is, jade is burned together, they are unable to understand the selfish logic.

In the words of Muzi, students should not refuse Lin Zhengyue to ask for a dialogue in June.The so -called lsquo; the sending bill rsquo; obviously dead, it is impossible to restart, why can't you recognize this stage of victory?You love Hong Kong in a mouthful, why do you want to destroy the city and 7 million people living here?

In addition, in the past two months, the gap between the mainland and Hong Kong is accelerating.Today's Hong Kong people, especially the younger generation, are becoming more and more unwilling to distinguish between the differences between the official government and ordinary citizens, and generalize the hatred to all mainlanders, and the departure of China is very high.While the older generation of popular people, while pursuing the core values of democracy and freedom to rule the rule of law, they also cherish their identity of their Greater China and will not discriminate against and hostile to ordinary continent people.

Unfortunately, due to the rise of this obvious localism and emotional emotions, the mainlanders degraded the words such as locust barbarians and mainland dogs.Begisive, such as the branches that appear, the graffiti that appears from time to time.

At this point, both sides have deep misunderstandings and stereotypes on the other side.Many mainlanders think that the Hong Kong demonstrators with the British and American flags are because the city is unbalanced in the relatively decline of the city's economic status and geopolitical role.All words and deeds that do not meet the mainstream mainstream of the mainland are Hong Kong independence.

On the other side, Hong Kong people couldn't help but say that all mainlanders or Chinese overseas Chinese were degraded into brainwashing totalitarian slaves and enemies with democracy and freedom to universal value.The depth of misunderstanding and the strong hostility have made it impossible for dialogue communication.

In more than a week, after the return of peace and rationality, and the return of peace and non -violence, this weekend just passed, chaos, violence, and wanton destruction returned to the streets of Hong Kong again.destroy.Looking at Hong Kong today, Huanggang Port is deserted like a ghost city, serving the retail industry a depression, and commercial real estate lease and sale appeared to jump cliffs. The economy fell to the worst in 10 years.Surprisingly.

I never like to analyze the only economic perspective, but the reputation and image of a city requires all those who love her to maintain it. It is extremely difficult to build, but it is very simple to destroy it.I can only hope that the beautiful feelings that night on June 16th canIt is enough to return to one day, a tragedy like 30 years ago, can be avoided by people who love Hong Kong today with sufficient wisdom.

The author is a Chinese media