Song Zhongping

Recently, US President Trump said that even if trade sanctions on China will cause short -term damage to the US economy, it is imperative.After a few hours of remarks of Trump, the US State Department approved the sale of US $ 8 billion (about S $ 11.1 billion) F-16V fighter to Taiwan.This will be the fifth military sales case approved by the Trump administration, and it is also the largest military sales case in the United States and Taiwan.

In addition, American dignitaries such as Trump, Pence, Peross, and other American politicians frequently expressed rudely interfere with the Hong Kong issues in Hong Kong and met the unique leadership of Hong Kong. This riots have been defined by the Chinese government as the color revolution.

Whether it is trade issues or Hong Kong -related issues, it highlights the United States' comprehensive confrontation strategy for China, especially in the United States, and has a serious conflict and confrontation with the Chinese overall national security outlook.

The national security system that integrates information security, ecological security, resource security, and nuclear security.

The United States is now fully challenging all eleven security matters in China's overall national security concept.

Destroying China's political security is the key demand for the United States to implement the color revolution in China.The United States is to work hard to completely change China's characteristics and completely subvert China's current regime.This is the core safety matters of major strategic conflicts between China and the United States, and the Chinese government has no room for compromise.Including the Sino -US trade negotiations, the United States has repeatedly accused China's characteristic politics and interference in China's internal affairs, which will inevitably lead to the breakdown of Sino -US trade negotiations.Similarly, the United States interfere with Hong Kong affairs and engage in the color revolution, hoping to use the Hong Kong chaos to completely disrupt the despicable maps of Mainland China.

Harmly China ’s land security is a long -term established policy in the United States.China is the only major country in the Five Changs of the United Nations.Among them, the US manufacturing territory is split and forcibly select the side stations on Chinese territorial issues, such as Taiwan, Nansha, Diaoyu Islands, southern Tibet, etc., to create a four -point China, and even encourage and support the split forces.

It is the number one strategic consideration of the U.S. military security for Chinese military security.The PLA has become the number one enemy of the U.S. military. For example, one of the main purpose of withdrawing from the China Guide Treaty and the test mid -range missile is to fight against increasing military capabilities of the PLA.

Destruction of China's economic security is an important goal of maintaining economic hegemony in the United States.The trade war, financial war, and currency war are the norm of the game of China and the United States, and the politicalization of economic issues is the core.Destruction of Chinese cultural security is a key area for American cultural erosion.Wave corrosion of young people, slander Chinese culture, and encourage faith in western culture, and completely destroy the Chinese cultural self -confidence in terms of values. This has been revealed in Hong Kong and Taiwan.

Endog of China's social security is the insidious plot of the United States.The United States always pays attention to some contradictions in Chinese society, and has continued to make rumors and slander the Chinese government. It is lest that Chinese society will not be chaotic.It is evident.

Suppression of Chinese scientific and technological security is an inevitable choice for American science and technology hegemony.The United States suppressing Huawei is the tip of the iceberg that seeks science and technology hegemony. All of them curb the development capabilities of Chinese scientific and technological development, especially the basic science and technology capabilities.The scientific and technologies have the world, and the United States is worried about China's rapid development of science and technology.

Endog of China's information security is the strategic goal of the United States to seek information rights.This is the United States constantly accusing China's network security and information security. In fact, it is precisely the United States itself that infringes information security in other countries.

Destroying China's ecological security is the strategic goal of the long -term development of the United States.Sacrifice the Chinese environment and achieve the US economy. This is the United States who wants to see the United States, which is unchanged in ancient times, but China does not want to do so now. The United States does not agree or get used to it.

Endog of China's resources and security is an important option for the United States to restrict China's economic development.If there is no resources, it cannot be developed. It restricts China's resources and stuck in China's development of the neck. The United States spared no effort in this.

Making China's nuclear security crisis is an important means of curbing China in the United States.China is the only big country surrounded by nuclear weapons countries, and the national security environment is relatively harsh.The double standards of the United States on nuclear issues are precisely the initiator of the Chinese nuclear security crisis.

It can be seen that the confrontation between China and the United States is not the rise of Trump at a time, and it is a long -term and comprehensively curbing China's strategic considerations.Therefore, China does not have fantasies about the United States, but we must strive to strive for the opportunity to rise peacefully.This development path will never shake.

The author is Phoenix Satellite TV commentator