Sing Tao Daily News

As the chaos in Hong Kong is becoming more and more serious, the Hong Kong and Macao Office and the China United Nations Office held a symposium in Shenzhen yesterday and people from all walks of life in Shenzhen. According to Xinhua News Agency, Zhang Xiaoming, director of the Hong Kong and Macau Office, notified the central government's important spirit of stabilizing the current situation in Hong Kong, showing that he conveyed him to conveyThe message is unusual, and all parties must attach great importance to it.

There are several points in his speech. Among them, the special attention is that if the situation in Hong Kong has deteriorated further, the unwavering of the SAR government cannot control, the central government will not ignore it, and there are many methods and sufficient power to be quickly chaotic.On the one hand, this statement deteriorates the opposition of the chaos upgrades, and also gives the citizens who worry about Hong Kong more chaotic.

Deng Xiaoping is still applicable now

At the symposium, Zhang Xiaoming pointed out that the central government paid close attention to the current situation in Hong Kong and made a high degree of research and deployment from strategy and global., Shooting in response to the development of the situation.Based on this, he was admitting that the power of turmoil would not misjudge the situation, regard restraint as weakness, and underestimate the determination of the central government.He did not say that he would dispatch the PLA, but the outside world could understand that this was one of the methods he said.

When Zhang Xiaoming talked about the central government's situation of the situation in Hong Kong, he quoted the two speeches of the late state leader Deng Xiaoping that year, and the original text was worth reading.Deng Xiaoping said in 1984: It is necessary to worry about intervention in general, and some intervention is necessary.If there is a mess, the central government will intervene.There is another role in the Hong Kong garrison that can prevent turmoil.Those who want to make turmoil, knowing that there are Chinese troops in Hong Kong, he must consider.In 1987, he pointed out: Will the Special Administrative Region also cause the fundamental interests of the country?At that time, Beijing couldn't ask?If the central government has given up any power, there may be some confusion to harm the interests of Hong Kong.

Deng Xiaoping's predictions were fulfilled to some extent, and his response that year was still applicable today, that is, the central government must intervene in the Hong Kong chaos to avoid worsening the situation and harming the country and Hong Kong.

Let go of personal grievances and unity to protect Hong Kong

Another message of Zhang Xiaoming's speech is that the central government has determined that the repair storm has changed. It has the characteristics of color revolution, which is to challenge the bottom line of national sovereignty and one country.Due to the serious nature, not only the criminal responsibilities of the behind -the -scenes planner, organizer and commander must be pursued not only to punish violations of violent operations.It is foreseeable that the investigation of law enforcement agencies will be extended from front of the stage to behind the scenes, involving people with different backgrounds.

Facing the critical situation, the anti -violence and stable force must strengthen unity in order to curb the power of chaos. Therefore, the central government requires the establishment of a camp to work together to fight this battle together.Therefore, Zhang Xiaoming specially let go of the patriotic and love Hong Kong camp, hoping that they would put all personal interests and grievances aside, take the overall situation, and unite Hong Kong.In fact, if the establishment camp does not resolve the internal contradictions, there are still each calculation, different opinions, and the chaos will be difficult to calm down.

Although the current situation in Hong Kong is severe, as long as the central government supports and the unity of all parties will support the government and the police, I believe that Hong Kong can gradually get out of the crisis and see the sun again.