Hong Kong's violence activities have continued for several days, and reports and analysis of the riots and status quo can be described as overwhelming.Nowadays, more than 20,000 majors, restrained Hong Kong police officers are fighting against violent riots at the front line, and many passers -by who do not agree with violent venturers and dissatisfaction with violent demonstrations have been beaten and injured.It is self -evident that the impact of Hong Kong's social order and citizens' lives, especially for business staff.The Hong Kong Statistics Department announced last week that the local GDP (GDP) in the second quarter of this year only increased by 0.6%year -on -year. It continued to be a ten -year low. After seasonal adjustment, the quarterly increase was actually a negative increase of 0.3%.Chen Maobo, director of the Financial Secretary of the Hong Kong Government, warned that the local GDP increased by 0.3%in the second quarter. If the third quarter continued to show negative growth, Hong Kong was technically fell into a economic recession.

As far as the nature of the incident is: First, the dissatisfaction with the fugitive regulations leads to the guidance and encouragement of the people in the region and outside the region to evolve into violence and riots.Second, a legal issue was pushed to a serious violence that seriously endangers social security and order, and even aimed at the safety of the central and the SAR government's authority and the life of the people of patriotism and love. This is no longer right.Repair the legal demands of opposition.In fact, the violence and riots in Hong Kong have risen to serious political issues, especially in challenges to one country, two systems and national identity issues.As far as the current situation is concerned, I just want to talk about the causes of riots and how to calm the riots.

Causes of the current riots in Hong Kong

Since June of this year, we have assisted the regulations on the amendments to the regulations of the fugitive and criminal matters, and some parade and rally activities have occurred in Hong Kong. There are some radical demonstrators deliberately provoking and creating violent incidents.Social order, economic and people's livelihood, and international image have seriously affected.The reason for the out of control of the anti -repair demonstration demon

First, the main group of launching and participating in violent activities is young people, and strong consciousness is strong.They lack the education foundation for national history and one country and two systems, which has led to a weak national concept and lack of recognition.In fact, it was brainwashed and manipulated by the anti -China, anti -China, anti -China and anti -China forces in political society, and was particularly sensitive to the political system of the Mainland, especially the extreme resistance and excessiveness of the central government's authority.In addition, their so -called revolutionary emotions were seduced and guided by people with interested people. They suddenly became the disabled of the order of Hong Kong. They were both the bureau who disrupted the prosperity and stability of Hong Kong and the ghost of Hong Kong's economy.

Second, the abuse of personal rights has become an obstacle to riots.Hong Kong's self -advertising freedom, human rights and legal systems are regarded as the tools and ears of violence. The abandoned greens infinitely expand the margin of individual freedom and individual rights, which leads to excessive dispersing and flooding of the social power of the public. In particularAgree.Due to the imbalanced legal system, the law of the law on arrested arrests is not enough, and the waste greens can completely destroy and disrupt social order.The slogan of the legal system destroyed the real legal system, and regarded the legal system in the abolition of the abolition of the green mouth as the basis for the crime and the shield of evasion of the crime.Ironically, such as the convener of the Hong Kong National Party, Chen Haotian, Chen Haotian, self -made weapons, violently attacked the police, and the police station had been arson before the police station.

Third, the help of overseas forces.Since illegal occupation in 2014, the flow of Hong Kong monarch Huang Zhifeng has been ambiguous with Taiwan independence forces.As the riots said again, as Mr. Dong Jianhua said, various signs point to Mdash; MDash; Taiwan, the United States.Hong Kong monarchs have a lot of contact with Taiwanese green camp people, especially the so -called era power represented by Huang Guochang. It has long been with the riots who have disrupted Hong Kong society.After the arrest of Yang Yilang, who was suspected of attacked the police, he immediately fled to Taiwan to seek political asylum after being arrested. One of them and other people attempted to escape from the United States.Judging from Tsai Ing -wen's arranging humanitarian arrangements for friends from Hong Kong, it is a suitable statement that all kinds of hooks here can be described as clear.

American friends who are particularly concerned about Chinese affairs have never been relaxed, and they do not want us to reduce the burden for a while and a half.As Mr. Dong Jianhua said, the special status of Hong Kong is regarded as a pleasure by foreign politicians and anti -China forces with ulterior motives. They use the differences between the system of Hong Kong and the Mainland to destroy the relationship between the Mainland and Hong Kong.The battlefield turned Hong Kong into a base against the central government as a chess piece to restrain China.The US -China Economic and Security Review Commission (USCC), known as the US Congress Anti -China Camp (USCC), was eager to try on the Hong Kong repair.Reporting to his American master instructions was not diligent.

Fourth, the method of crime of riots increases the difficulty of maintaining social order.1. Riot elements increase the difficulty of arrest after a mask.2. Information exposure to the family members of the police officers and intimidate and hurt them.3. Beat and exclude people with patriotism and passers -by of different opinions.4. Inciting non -cooperative movement, strike, stopping, and trade.5. The crime method is very skilled. Obviously, the veteran training and guidance, especially the information is very timely, the organization is very secretive.6. Riot elements have a strong media team to help elute the crime and publicize the law enforcement police force. The media that favors violent demonstrations also restrict the police's law enforcement activities, making the mobys even more unscrupulous.

Fifth, lack of effective forces to deal with riot elements.First of all, most of the silences have not yet formed effective forces to check and balance thugs. The spillover of violent activities caused the overseas support forces to be embarrassed.Secondly, somehow teenagers followed the thugs and danced into the catastrophe, which has caused social opposition and family division, and also spawned hostile and hatred people to continue to sit big.Furthermore, the mainland people's attention to Hong Kong's situation is also a force that cannot be ignored. To balance this patriotic and love Hong Kong, the public opinion of the people who love Hong Kong needs to be more understandable, and it also needs to properly handle the Hong Kong area affairs.EssenceHowever, for the reason why one country, two systems, and high autonomy, the central government is currently considered to be inconvenient.

Riot Activity Method

Hong Kong's current riots today are the result of accumulation. From the perspective of the urgency of calming riots, from the root cause of the problem, the problem is not neither hydrated, and the thirst can be used.At present, one is to calm the riots as soon as possible, restore order, regain confidence, and reshape the image.Yu thought

The following suggestions are more cautious and effective in the riots:

First, it is necessary to clarify the importance and urgency of the central government in setting up riots, and from the legal level and development of public opinion for the central government to help the SAR Government's calm riots.

It is necessary to see that Hong Kong continues to mess like this, the problem will be more and more intense. The challenges and sequelae of the central government and the SAR government and the challenges and sequelae of one country and two systems are great.The great idea of one country, two systems provides new ideas and new explorations for human governance models. Its self -confidence and tolerance spirit should not be regarded as a tool for political struggle under the framework of one country and two systems.amulet.If you do not seize the leveling of the Hong Kong incident and the opportunity to re -born after the robbery, discuss some of the existing gaps, then the Hong Kong incident will be repeated, the disaster will be repeated, and the successful practice of one country and the two systems will affect the one country and the two systems.Discussion and advancement of the plan.As the Hong Kong and Macao spokesman said, the sovereignty and dignity of the country cannot be challenged. The bottom line of the one country and the two systems cannot be touched.At the same time, we must also be alert to Hong Kong's riot models and riots' criminal methods.

Specifically, first of all, we must first start the legal basis and start the legal procedure as the law that the central government helps the SAR government to calm down the situation.Base.The second is to fight public opinion and fight for social forces: the central government, official media, garrison and mainland support forces must speak in time with high frequency to express their firm support for the strict law enforcement of the SAR government and the Hong Kong police.People are supporting Hong Kong elements to strongly support.Mainland media should drive the Hong Kong media to take the initiative to shape the situation of public opinion, actively conduct high -frequency vocals to guide Hong Kong's voice, and set up Hong Kong public opinion and mobilize silent.It is necessary to mobilize the power of Hong Kong's civic society and all chaotic Hong Kong elements to do a good job of Qingyuan, otherwise the mobs that disturb the people in Hong Kong will become the norm.Finally, we must start the legal crimes of chaos from the national security perspective, and this can start by the central government's sanctions on the sanctions of random Hong Kong elements. It also needs to sanctions on out -of -the -domain individuals involved and supported Hong Kong riots.

Second, the interference of external forces must be cut off.The riots in Hong Kong are no longer able to solve the small repair and small tonic. The outside

The long -term control and influence of some affairs in Hong Kong are the smell of colonial forces, and the interference and encouragement of external forces will become a time bomb that riots will resurgence.External forces provide funds for violent activities, training, riots on -site information and command to fight against police, public opinion support, and pressure on pressure on the port area.The external forces have released wrong political signals to violent activities, making it confident and confidently illegal crimes. Once the police are tired, the riots of dogs will become incredible.

Therefore, from cutting off external forces, the support of random Hong Kong elements has to be fast, accurate and stable.First, the central government

It is imperative to face direct contact with out -of -the -world forces, and negotiations and warnings are imperative.If not, the specific information of external forces can be publicly released by Hong Kong citizens' discipline.Thirdly, evidence and information that challenged random ports and external forces were released in a timely manner in time, and the conspiracy and conspiracy and conspiracy and docile of chaos were discussed.

Third, the central government should support the SAR government to stop riots, restore order, and solve the concepts and plans of deep issues in Hong Kong.This is an open, transparent agenda, and welcome the constructive participation and dialogue of Hong Kong citizens.This is also an important part of the support of citizens' support for the riots of the Hong Kong Government and the Hong Kong Social Affairs Government's calm riots.

Author: Zhang Changbiao, School of Government Management, Shanghai School of Political Science and Law, mailbox: [email protected]