Trial Time

After the Osaka Summit, the head of the G20 (G20) group (G20), when the international community is highly concerned when the new round of trade negotiations between China and the United States start.According to the results of the second telephone consultation held by China and the United States recently, a new round of trade negotiations will be launched in Shanghai.Considering that the US President Trump has said that the negotiations have been negotiated a few days ago. If necessary, you can tax Chinese goods. It is foreseeable that the road to China -US negotiations in the future can be described as full of thorns.

The author is particularly concerned that on July 18, the US Treasury Secretary Mnuchin, who attended the Seventh Kingdom Group (G7) Treasury Conference in Paris, pointed out that there are many disputes over the U.S. -China negotiation issues, which implies that a statement in China has made the United States the United States recently made the United StatesUnder pressure.

On July 4, a spokesman for the Chinese Ministry of Commerce suddenly pointed out that if China and the United States can reach an agreement, the US tariffs imposed on China must be canceled.This is the first tough signal to the United States with a tough signal that the China side was almost unquestionable, shaken, or concession when he reached a resumption of negotiation consensus with Trump on June 29.What does China mean?Does the United States lead the mind?

When a Xi special meeting was held in Osaka, Japan, ... it emphasized the importance of the benefits of cooperation between China and the United States, against damage, combination, and fighting.Wishes.At the same time, the two sides also determined to restart economic and trade consultations on the basis of equality and mutual respect. The United States said that it would no longer impose new tariffs on Chinese export products.The author believes that ... Trump has reiterated these principles in person to reiterate these principles in person, and there is no doubt that China will not make any concessions to the United States in the core issues involving national sovereignty, security, development rights, and dignity.

In the context of this major principle, the Ministry of Commerce of China, as a Chinese government's functional administrative institution, must implement the instructions of the highest leaders on the issue of Sino -US economic and trade disputes and safeguard the national interests of China.When the current development of Sino -US relations is at a low tide, China's policy on the US policy has already been adjusted, that is, the competence of the fighting and not breaking. With the support of a certain economic strength and national opinion, changing the strategy of the United States is obviously objective and inevitable.And this is also in line with the overall trend of gradually touched the United States, such as the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Defense, and the Taiwan Affairs Affairs Office of the current Chinese government, such as the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Defense, and the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council.

The author believes that the Chinese Ministry of Commerce stated that if the two parties reached an agreement, the United States had all canceled the tariffs imposed on China.Talk about content.In other words, the United States must consider that if an agreement is reached with China, the tariffs that were previously imposed on imports of imported products in China must be revoked.This is what the two parties are about to negotiate, and they must negotiate on this request of China.In fact, there is only one option in the United States: To reach an agreement with China, you must give up the previous tariffs, otherwise there will be no agreement.

China puts the new agreement with the same important and indispensable position with the same important and indispensable position, mainly covering three meanings:

First of all, China ’s requirements have clearly stated that China has always insisted that the United States' first tariffs on Chinese export products are the fundamental reason for the continuous upgrading of Sino -US trade friction.China's unilateralist behavior has resolutely opposed.Therefore, once China and the United States can accept the new agreement that both can accept, the wrong practice of improving tariffs on Chinese products in the United States has lost its legitimacy and rationality, and it must be canceled immediately so that the two countries can take effect on the new agreement in the new agreement in the new agreement.From the day of the new agreement, trade has been re -started.

Secondly, China ’s requirements clearly show that if a new agreement is signed, the United States should not (cannot) violate the agreement to impose tariffs on Chinese export products at will in the future. Otherwise, the new agreement will no longer exist.The author believes that the statement of the Ministry of Commerce of China involves the effective continuity of the execution process of the new agreement. It is very important and wise to restrain the consequences of the United States that may violate the new agreement and the inevitable consequences.

As we all know, the United States often changes impermanence during the negotiations, and the reputation overdraft has almost become the norm.This not only makes it difficult for China to deal with it, but also cannot accept the United States' threat to threatening to put pressure on layers.Obviously, China has learned lessons and eliminates the U.S. to suppress the Chinese side as a trick to suppress the Chinese side. Forcing the United States to make choices on tariffs or agreements, urging the United States to do what should be done.

In the end, the requirements of China clearly stated that any country that signed an agreement with China must first consider it carefully. If we take unilateral operations in China, the consequences should be very serious.Sino -US trade disputes are only one aspects of many disputes and contradictions between China and the United States, but the resolution of trade disputes obviously has a extensive demonstration effect, that is, if you try to take any irresponsible unilateral operations to China, then China must must be in China.It will be cured by his own way.Don't say that the agreement will not be there, even if there is an agreement, it will lose meaning.

Since the suspension of trade negotiations in junior high school in May, it has been more than two months since the time of suspension of trade negotiations.During this period, the principle of the United States should have more and more detailed understanding of China.The author believes that for a long time, China has expressed its own principles and stances, which are more implicit and generalized, and it is often difficult to achieve direct and clear results.However, the statement of the Ministry of Commerce of China this time is eye -catching. Although some Western public opinion believes that this is an aggressive statement, it just shows that the simpler and clear the statement of China, the better the matter.

The ball is on the side of the United States, how to interact in the next step is worthy of attention.The author is a senior current affairs commentator of Phoenix Satellite TV

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