After nearly a hundred American experts published a public letter with China, more than a hundred American people recently signed an open letter to President Trump, calling on the US government to adhere to the tough policy of fighting against China.

The previous public letter was drafted by Fu Gaoyi, a well -known expert who had studied Chinese issues for a long time.Former Pacific Pacific Fleet Intelligence and Information Action Director Farnell wrote, and the identity of the signeders is quite mixed, including retired soldiers, former intelligence officials, and think tank members.What is more conspicuous is that one or two people have been unblocked for many years.If the former team is compared to the regular army to study Chinese issues, the latter one is a miscellaneous army.

The basic positions of the two letters are different.The regular army urged not to fight against China, warning that comprehensive confrontation with China will only be counterproductive and eat its fruit.The miscellaneous army is opposed to this. They call on Washington to abandon hope for changes in China and insist on a stronger confrontation policy.

The background of some retired soldiers and the original intelligence personnel in the miscellaneous army can reflect the current changes in the United States' policy on China and a strong eagle color.These people see that China always has the alertness of sunny days as a cloudy day.

The information transmitted by the two letters is that all sectors of the United States have no complete and unified views on how to deal with China's rise.At least, how to deal with China is still a problem, and it is not possible to solve it by relying on the limit of the trade war.

The two letters also have the same thing in common, that is, to shape China, hoping that China will have the expectations of the United States.The latter letter said certain that China is not what we want.This is the original intention of these signers to call on Washington to adhere to the tough policy of China.The signer of the first letter can be said to have continued for many years: if you treat China as an enemy, China will definitely become your enemy.This controversy has always been the basic difference between the United States' policy formulation of China.However, in the public opinion atmosphere in the United States today, these two routes moved a lot in a tough direction.

From 18 years ago, the United States had a major change in China's strategic positioning due to 9middot; 11 incident adjustments to China.The original containment+balance policy no longer continues, and it has shifted more and faster to prevent, plugging, and curbing.Although there will be controversy on the strength of China in the United States, the impact of this debate has become smaller, the basic appearance of Sino -US relations has shifted, and few people believe that they can return to the past.

The United States and China have a different public opinion environment. We should not look forward to the actual effects of the previous open letter affecting the actual effect of the United States' policy on China. However, we don't have to believe that these miscellaneous troops can really reach the front desk and comprehensively lead the US policy to China.

In fact, Sino -US relations are not destined to be the fate of non -friendly or wrong.Times are different. Not only China is not the Soviet Union of that year, but the United States is no longer the United States that year, and the West is not in the past.The strategic game of China and the United States is the most concerned by the elite group. In fact, in terms of the relationship between the whole society for the whole society, the two sides are actually a relationship between love and hate.

It is not impossible to make the United States clear that the United States wants to influence China, but China's national road is shaped by the unique history and reality of the country.Life played a decisive role.If the United States wants to reshape China's development path through contact with China, it is unparalleled.How to debug the national route in China will only be carried out according to the interests and reality of the Chinese people. The United States should not imagine to play a role in this.

At the same time, how to get along with the world with the stronger China is capable of participating in shaping.China is not an aggressive country. We are willing to be good with the world, but how to do it, the United States should actively interact with China to make a constructive Sino -US relations become a benign coordinate for China as a big country to move towards the central stage of the world.

How to get along with different political systems, this is the most urgent international political proposition in the 21st century.It requires a joint answer in China and the United States, and the United States has obviously strong guidance for answers.I hope it is not that the group of miscellaneous troops can always be a wave of ZTE. The United States needs a big strategic vision, more vision and responsibility politicians and professional scholars. Source: Global Times News Agency