Industrial and Commercial Times Society

In the past two or three weeks, because of the British Ambassador to the United States, the relationship between the two countries has changed, and the British ambassador has failed to calm down the rare political storm in Washington.On this British new Prime Minister, the U.S. President Trump is particularly worthy of in -depth discussion on the occasion of the US President Trump because of internal affairs.

The reason why Britain and the United States are in the United States and the United States highlight an important message: the British ambassador to the United States in the United States leaked the content of the incompetence of Trump and Obama's must -have personality assessment, revealing that Trump's Iran nuclear agreement was lonely in the Iranian nuclear agreement in the Obama era.The opposition will harm the interests of the Brexit to deepen the relationship with the United States after Brexit, and endanger the special intimate relationship between the two countries.The initiator was the opposition to the Iranian nuclear agreement since Trump took office, which caused the accident in the Persian Gulf in the past two months.1,000 troops in the Middle East.Although these do not reach the level of war, Trump's criticism of Iran's highest religious leaders has triggered a strong counterattack by the President of Iran, making this international incident more difficult to be good.

For China, Russia, Britain, Britain, France, and Germany, the Iranian nuclear agreement that has been reached is destroyed. Especially for the British, French and German EU countries, the US government's disrespect for international agreements will seriously destroy the political mutual mutual trust between the two.EssenceIn the international field, taking its own way seems to be the only choice for EU leaders after this year's change.

The situation in the Middle East is strange and changing, which was not solved overnight. The reason is derived from the denominations of religion.EssenceIn addition to the two major powers of the United States and Russia in Syria's war since the agent war since 2011, there are also Saudi Arabia and the United States to support government forces to support government forces to support government forces in 2015 to support the war with Iran in Yemen.EssenceBecause of this, the Iranian nuclear agreement is definitely the most important international agreement in the Middle East in the past ten years.The reason is that the dispute between the unsolved portal of Sunni and Shiites for more than a thousand years.The geopolitical world reflected in the real and political world, representing 70 % of the Muslimsonic nations in the Middle East: Saudi Arabia, and Shiite, which has a long time with Western countries, especially the United States:The country's long -term disappointment will undoubtedly give the space to Europe and the United States.

Because of this, the Iranian nuclear agreement can reach an agreement with Europe and the United States under the participation of mainland China and Russia. At least it is valuable to disassemble a nuclear energy that has been dismantled for the confusion in the Middle East.

Compared to Trump's expectations for North Korea Kim Jong -un, the strong dissatisfaction of the Iranian government has come from.The United States has worked hard for the nuclear, and the long -term efforts for nuclear busyness do not even rule out that Iran and North Korea will eventually become the possibility of nuclear military countries.

As Trump's leakage storm in the UK in the United States, it directly attacked the British government and made it clear that he would cut off all formal contact channels with the British ambassador to the United States.EssenceIn this regard, for Trump's visit to Britain last month and expressed his support, Johnson & Johnson is undoubtedly a great profit.He cherishes with Trump, the former mayor of London and former foreign minister Johnson & Johnson. In the past three years, the popularity of the popular king of the Conservative Party has explained that after the Conservative Party's referendum in 2016, the comrades in the party were leading the strong leadership to the imperial leadership.eager.However, this desire, the left branch of the Conservative Party in the past three years, has been criticized by the people and enterprises, and fights with the Labor Party in the house. Even the dark tide in the party has become more intense.

More importantly, politicians holding different Brexit claims and interested in fighting for the prime minister have not proposed specific response countermeasures, making the EU authorities and leaders of various countries feel impatient, and made domestic public opinion on escaping.The political totem of Europe has gradually become a topic that accompanies daily life.

Optimistic or pessimistic economic prediction data is not enough to release doubts, so that no one can persuade each other's deadlock.The voting held again and again in the House of Commons since the beginning of this year is enough to reflect the political position of the Labor Party against Brexit.All this is because in the past three years, the senior officials of the Conservative Party have neglected various scripts under different contexts, and Prime Minister Mey has hardly blame it about this.Last month, before Trump's visit, she announced that she would resign from the prime minister's choking and tears, struggling, and wrote all on her face. This is the two most important topics that the new Prime Minister must face the relationship between Brexit and the United States.

Looking forward to the future, this British Prime Minister's replacement and Trump's dismissive attitude towards the international multilateral agreement will be dismissive of the international multilateral agreement.The European Union, the closer new type of economic and trade relations, is still worthy of follow -up observation.However, it is certain that under Brexit seems to be an inevitable situation, the fit of Johnson & Johnson and Trump in the political style, the recovery of political and trade relations between the two countries still has many variables.The most important thing in front of you is the primary election of the President of the Democratic Party in full swing. Is the last presidential nominee who is the strongest candidate for Trump with more than ten percentage points?Biden's qualifying challenge.The interference of internal affairs and re -election of the election, British and American relations are not preferred in Trump's political agenda; but in the long run, the close cooperation between the two countries in international political economy and trade areas.The special intimate relationship is the political consensus of the leaders of any country in the two countries.