Sing Tao Daily News Agency The Sino -US trade negotiation representatives called on Thursday evening, which led the Hang Seng Index to rise by 300 points the next day. U.S. Treasury Secretary Nuchin said that it may promote face -to -face negotiations and add a little warmth to the recently blown trade talks.However, the objective conditions of the two parties have not been compromised, and the progress of talks cannot be overestimated.

Trump met at the end of last month in Osaka, Japan. The United States agreed not to increase tariffs on Chinese goods, and allowed American companies to sell parts that do not involve national security to Huawei, and China agreed to increase US agricultural products.The market once jumped to return to the negotiating table for the trade and war.

However, the development of the situation is not as long as the market was as long as the market. The consensus reached by Xite's Association was not following. Trump also faced the pressure of parliament members of the parliament.At the beginning of Pu this week, the relationship between his friends now and ... may not be so good.

The economy has not been trapped to surrender

On the day of Trump's talk, China announced that the economic growth of the second quarter of this year slowed to 6.2 %.According to the estimates of the United States, China's economic growth has slowed down to a new low in 27 years. Many companies have moved their production lines away from China in order to avoid tariffs on the United States.Big stick.Trump believes that China will be anxious to reach an agreement due to economics.

China has long recognized that the trade war has brought double losses.However, the interpretation of economic growth to 6.2 % is not as unbearable as the United States.China has long reduced the expected economic growth expectations of this year to 60 % to There is no departure from the target, and a large number of ax regulating the economy in the mainland toolbox stimulates the economy.If the Chinese economy has gradually adapted to the new normal of increasing tariffs in the United States and does not cause people's livelihood, there is no sense of compliance to make a lot of compromises to reach an agreement. Besides, some conditions issued by the United States have surpassed the bottom line that China can accept.

Ironically, although the United States has reduced the trading deficit as an excuse for tariffs, after the outbreak of the trade war, the early Chinese exporters rushed to start the tax before the increase in tax increases.In the first half of this year, China's import and exports of the United States doubled, but imports decreased by nearly 30 %, which was far greater than the export decrease. The United States continued to have huge trade.

The reason for this is that the industrial chain in China is difficult to form a large -scale transfer to foreign countries in a short period of time. Most of the industrial products exported to China can find alternatives from Europe, and agricultural products can also find alternatives from Latin America and other places.

High -opening price is difficult to show off the results of the war

As for the United States, the trade war has not soared so far, the stock market continues to flourish, the employment market has continued to improve, and the economic conditions that have not forced the United States to concessions in the negotiations.

From the perspective of Trump's election project, China was willing to buy a large number of American goods. If Trump received it, he could show off his records.However, Trump continued to open new requirements, which greatly improved the expectations of citizens' results in his warfare.A considerable part of these requirements are unacceptable by China. If Trump is discounted to receive goods, it may be expected to have a gap with the people, and even criticize too much concession. The record is no longer brilliant, which is difficult to say that the election is re -elected.

Sino -US trade negotiation representatives, whether they are telephone contact or meeting and discussions. Since the economic environment of both parties is not bad, it must be exchanged for agreements in the negotiations.The situation was bad, and in the end, he couldn't help but be willing to compromise, and the market had to make a good psychological preparation for the long -term combat of both sides.