Li Hao: Instead of rejection of international students, they should establish a more scientific, democratic, transparent, and affordable international student policy.The preferential care of international students should talk about principles and time.

June and July are the Chinese examination season. Countless children are going to the fiercely competitive examination room, and millions of households have also entered the most anxious moment.At this time, the issue of education justice will receive concentrated attention from the whole society.Recently, social arguments caused by the Shandong University's academic parties have continued to heat up. Among them, there are both calling for equal education and equal rights, as well as the constructive discussion of the study abroad policy and management mechanism.The complicated and contradictory conceptual map of contemporary Chinese society.The logic behind common sense, civilization and rule of law is a sample behind the update of China's exploration of education and social concepts.

I. How to understand the dispute between international students' policies: should not exclude foreign students, but to establish a more scientific, democratic, transparent, and affordable international student policy.

At present, public opinion has a contradictory mentality on the issue of studying abroad. On the question of whether to study abroad, the mainstream public opinion of Chinese society is clear and firm, but the public is full of the public on the question when foreign students come to China.doubt.In the 40 years of reform and opening up, China has become the biggest beneficiary of the global wave of studying abroad.Millions of Chinese students have traveled to the sea and traveled to the sea, which has become a key force for promoting the update of social ideas, innovation in science and technology, industrial model upgrades, and even changes in lifestyles. Countless international students have contributed to China and the world development with their own knowledgeIt also changed the fate of yourself and the family.However, on the issue of accepted foreign students, an effective interaction between public opinion and public policies has not yet formed an effective interaction, and the two sides follow the logic of parallel.Policy makers focus on abstract public interests and believe that accepting international students has important value, such as attracting outstanding talents, increasing the diversification of campus, improving internationalization of education, gaining economic benefits, achieving diplomatic purposes, taking international responsibilities, etc.A large number of foreign students are also based on the same public consideration.As China is still in its infancy, the model of recruiting students is more or less presented to the priority of diplomatic interests and the tendency of administrative leadership.International students' policy is often included in the scope of diplomatic interests. The professionalism and special characteristics of diplomatic activities make international student policies well known in terms of information disclosure, public participation, and hearing procedures.EssenceHowever, the public still lacks basic awareness of why he accepts international students, how many international students, which international students, and which international students who accept international students.

Economic globalization accompanies the internationalization of talents and integrates the world economic integration and requires highly international talent training, talent reserves and talent flow mechanisms. Among them, studying abroad is undoubtedly the most important part.From the perspective of the supply and demand structure of studying abroad, China has long belonged to the abroad export country instead of studying abroad. Chinese students studying abroad far more than foreign students to come to China. This is mainly due to the development stage of China and the depth and breadth of integration into globalization.Since 2015, as China has accelerated the globalization solution with the Belt and Road as the core, the demand for talent training in related regions and countries has grown rapidly.It is mainly concentrated in Asian and African countries. This change has exacerbated the existing doubts to some extent.

Objectively speaking, Chinese society is in the period of transformation and adaptation of education openness. The public and public policies need to establish a benign interaction on the issue of studying abroad.On the one hand, society needs to follow the unified logical standards on the issue of opening up to the outside world. Only the Chinese are obviously dual standards for the Chinese to study abroad and reject foreigners to study in China. China is more profoundly integrated into the process of globalization.Come to China to communicate, study, and work.On the other hand, the relevant departments should also understand that the mainstream public opinion is not to simply oppose international students to come to China, but to hope to improve the scientific, democratic, and transparentness of the international students' policies, and accept the reasons, scale, standards, and performance effects of international students.Investigate research and scientific demonstrations, and conduct policy advocacy in a ground gas.Study abroad needs to consider the issues of concern to society, and respond to the reasonable concern of the public: For example, how to attract outstanding talents to support the employment policy and immigration policy?Will the diversification of campuses become a specific region or a country's independence?Will the internationalization of education flow in indicator and formalization?Will the economic income become a long -term loss of money?Does bilateral treaties that achieve diplomatic purposes follow the principle of peering?Will the school pursue the quantity one -sided and ignore the quality of international students?Will the school reduce the standards when the training of international students will be reduced, will the student status management flow in the form, will the interests of Chinese students be damaged?To this end, China ’s policy and practice of absorbing foreign students need to move from rough to fine, from making large -scale to improve quality, and shifting from the education system to multi -department policy facilities, especially from closed decision -making to public participation and policy advocacy.

2. How to understand the preferential care of international students?Promons should be talked about principles, and sometimes limits, and cannot become privileges.

Another controversial focus of Shandong University's academic parties is that foreign students have received many preferential treatment in China. Many people think that international students enjoy super national treatment, such as enjoying various scholarships, enjoying two rooms or single rooms, dormitories with air conditioners and independent bathrooms, shower rooms, etc.Facilities, reduce examination and assessment standards, and even individual international students have not been effectively sanctioned by illegal law.Unexpectedly, in the case of high tension in domestic education resources, any preferential care will touch people's sensitive nerves.In the world, the preferential care in the field of education is highly sensitive. The differences between regions, between ethnic groups, between gender, between citizens and foreigners have caused extensive social controversy in various countries.Taking the development of education as an example, preferential measures in college admission have triggered fierce social controversy. A series of reverse discrimination cases have been appealed to the Federal Supreme Court.

In reality, Chinese universities generally pay more attention to the treatment of international students, but whether the preferential treatment is reasonable and whether it is appropriate to analyze it.At present, social public opinion mainly questioned the following differential treatment of Chinese and foreign differentials: setting scholarships, accommodation living conditions, reducing assessment requirements, and different law enforcement standards.

First, the issue of scholarship should be objectively regarded.The establishment of scholarships for outstanding international students is an international approach. For decades, countless Chinese students have completed their studies through scholarships provided by foreign universities.A large number of Chinese students applied for scholarships. In fact, foreign students at their own expense have only increased for nearly ten years.In terms of power and responsibilities, or from achieving important administrative purposes, China's moderate establishment of foreign students' scholarships in accordance with international practice is in line with international practice.Of course, scholarships should follow the use of public finances, and they should follow strict rule of law standards and budget calculations to avoid administrative intentions.In particular, we should adhere to the basic principles of rewarding and helping the poor. It should not be an inclusive gift or a Tang monk meat with everyone. It should avoid excessive gap with Chinese student scholarships and not proportional.The scholarship should be combined with the management of student status, process assessment, and academic performance. Unqualified students are resolutely not given, and students who violate the laws and discipline will be recovered in time.

Second, some criticisms accuse the school of providing international students with a single room and even a single room. It is also equipped with air conditioning and independent bathrooms, shower rooms, simple furniture, etc.Under normal circumstances, the accommodation and living conditions of international students are indeed true than domestic students, but it is objective to see whether the accommodation standard of international students is too high, or the accommodation standards of Chinese students are too low.Many colleges and universities are still using student dormitories decades ago. Design and planning standards have been far behind social development. It is not uncommon for dormitory decoration and living facilities for more than ten years.After all, undergraduates in six schools, graduate dormitories of four people, and basic living facilities such as independent bathrooms, bathing equipment, air conditioning, etc., are difficult to ensure that students' demand for privacy, rest and convenience facilities is already increasing.The living conditions are difficult to meet international standards, and it is difficult to attract international students from foreign students, especially developed countries.So, from fundamentalThe idea of solving the problem may not reduce the accommodation standards of international students, but to improve the accommodation conditions of domestic universities as soon as possible, especially to accelerate the upgrading of facilities for old campuses and school buildings.Of course, schools with high accommodation conditions should avoid excessive specialization. In fact, in schools with good accommodation living conditions, international students often use the same dormitory as Chinese students.

Third, it should not be specialized in the management and law enforcement activities.If individual international students are not punished in violation of Chinese law, they do not comply with the basic principles of the rule of law.Article 32, paragraph 1 of the Constitution of the People's Republic of China stipulates that the legitimate rights and interests of the People's Republic of China to protect foreigners in China must comply with the laws of the People's Republic of China in China.Foreigners need to bear administrative legal responsibilities in violation of public security management punishment laws in China, and in addition to the exemption of criminal jurisdictions that violate criminal laws, they shall accept equal punishment of Chinese law in accordance with the law.In addition, the education department shall strictly follow the provisions of the enrollment and cultivation of international student management measures in the Education Law Entry -Exit Management Law School, strengthen the management of foreign students from foreign students to come to China, and avoid the situation where there are students without studying, and no management.

Third, how to understand the system of international students' academic companion: When returning to public welfare attributes, schools to avoid forced or attract students to participate, they should clearly require emotional disputes.

Academic companions are the general practices of many overseas universities, not exclusive to Chinese universities.The original intention of the academic companion system is a two -way mutual aid mechanism, which not only helps international students to be familiar with campus, facilitate learning, and understanding culture, but also provide the opportunities for the students to understand multiple culture and broaden their eyesight.Some universities in Western countries provide different forms of language, writing, and campus life assistance activities for international students.In the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region and Taiwan, many colleges and universities also provide academic services for international students and exchange students, including mainland students in the motherland.

However, the following principles should adhere to the following principles when formulating the academic and companion system: first, the principle of public welfare attributes and voluntarily.Students are completely selected according to their wishes and needs. The school should not force students to participate in the form of orders, nor should they seduce students to participate in bonuses, credits, etc.Second, the partner project should clearly stipulate that the two sides avoid emotional disputes.In the rule of law society, universities do not have the right to restrict students 'freedom of love, but they can require students' behavior to not violate the original intention of academic companionship.Third, the responsibility is equal and limited.Chinese and foreign students participating in the academic partner are equal and independent personality subjects. Avoid the formation of identity -based exploitation relationships between academic partners, avoid excessive responsibility of academic companionship, professional issues such as finance, academic, legal, psychology,Scholarship service matters.Fourth, carry out necessary training and risk education.

Fourth, how to view race and gender bias.

In addition to constructive concerns in this incident, the ethnic prejudice and gender prejudice that can most stir up people's nerves.A female student female student with three female companion foreign garbage has become a keyword for many people to understand the incident.The prejudice, discrimination and insults of black students and female college students on the Internet have gradually expanded to black people. Chinese women who are married to black or foreigners even expand to all girls in Shandong University, and finally evolved into school spoofs or harassing girls.Obviously, the specific problem in criticizing the practice of studying abroad is the legitimate rights of citizens, but some Internet public opinion has evolved into prejudice, discrimination and hatred for specific races and women, which is obviously nothing to do with justice and rationality.

First, racial prejudice is a rigid impression with a comprehensive part.Foreigners who come to China are indeed inferior or illegal, but if all international students who come to China as a potential foreign garbage will be regarded as a genuine racial prejudice.In essence, prejudice is based on a comprehensive stereotyped impression, regarding the individual phenomenon in a certain group as the general characteristics of the entire group, and then formed an unsteady judgment of the entire group.Not a good thing, this is prejudice.In fact, the prejudice can be found in all groups to attack the negative characteristics of a group.Prejudice often shows a negative evaluation of ethnic groups, but sometimes it is also expressed as excessive praise to a group of ethnic groups. For example, some people think that black people are low, white and excellent, etc., men have poor sexual ability.Prejudice often affects our cognition unknowingly. We are always worried that the uncivilized behavior of a Chinese has lost all of our Chinese faces.Zhang Sanli is Li Si, no one can represent anyone, and do not have to worry about the disaster of others' behavior, because most civilized people will not think about problems like this.

Second, gender prejudice is incompatible with modern civilization.In this incident, many people hold this view: the cheapness of women who associate with foreigners.This prejudice of women is often packaged into the concern of hate iron and steel. In fact, it is a dual standard for patriarchal thinking. In fact, there is no evidence that men are more stable than women. Girls may encounter foreign male scammers. Men encounters encounters.How much can the attractive foreign female scammers sit in chaos?In addition, why do Chinese men and foreign women are often tolerated and envied by society, while Chinese women and foreign men have suffered a joke of public opinion?Especially when Chinese women deal with blacks, the superposition of racial prejudice and gender prejudice, these women are simply regarded by many people.Gender equality is the basic criterion of modern society. Adult women have the right to independently choose the object of communication according to their own wishes. As long as they are not illegal, they should be respected. Obviously, the normal interaction of Chinese women and foreign men has nothing to do with it.Female communication does not mean that China is prestige.

Third, discrimination is the externalization of prejudice and is prohibited by the law.Race or gender prejudice is mainly inner thoughts and attitudes. It belongs to the category of ideas and is mainly condemned by morality.Banned discrimination.In this incident, blatantly insulting, speech attacks, and behavior harassment of black students and women on the Internet belong to laws prohibited by law.

Fourth, prejudice discrimination is incompatible with civilization and the rule of law.The basic guidelines for modern civilized society and rule of law are equality of rights and against discrimination. People should not be discriminated against due to skin color, race, ethnic, blood, gender, belief, and place of birth.EssenceThis is because no one can be spared in a society where prejudice and discrimination prevail.More often, discrimination cannot hurt others, and it is often ourselves that are often injured. The phenomenon of regional discrimination prevailing in society is an example. In recent years, online regional discrimination words and deeds have repeatedly led to public events and judicial lawsuits.In fact, discrimination against discrimination has long been an important part of the construction of the rule of law in China. As early as 1981, the 21st meeting of the Standing Committee of the Fifth National People's Congress decided that the People's Republic of China joined the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms in 1966. Since thenIt has also established a legal system that prohibits hate and discrimination.

(Note: The author is an independent scholar. This article only represents the author's personal point of view.