Zhongshi Society

South Korea ’s Yu will represent the Kuomintang to run presidents. All parties will test his claims and policies with the most stringent attitude. This is necessary, because these claims and policies are likely to become a blueprint for guidance in the future.

Among the various claims of Korean Yu, the most worthy of attention is cross -strait relations, not only because it is related to Taiwan's future politics, diplomacy, military, and economic development, but more importantly, the key of the nine -in -one elections last year can rise.The goods he put forward, the personnel claim of the person in, and the emotional demands of the North Drifting deeply moved the hearts of the people. These two demands point to the failure of the Democratic Progressive Party's cross -strait policy.But the president of the election must not just criticize the opponent's mistakes, but must propose a proposal.

According to the respective constitutions on both sides of the strait, both sides of the strait are China, but China has not signed a suspension agreement on both sides of the strait and is still in a state of civil war. The existing peace is only a ceasefire under the tacit understanding of both sides.Internationally, the Beijing government has been accepted by the mainstream society as a representative of China. Although Taiwan has all the conditions of the country, it is only weak and weak, but it is rejected from the diplomacy of mainstream countries.The China Times has always advocated that the current situation on the two sides of the strait is a country, two systems, and two systems, that is, under the complete China, there are two respective claims representing China and owning sovereignty. Each has its own constitution, government, people, and systems. The status quo is one country, two systems.This is completely different from the sovereignty that has been returned to Beijing's Hong Kong -style one country, two systems, and cannot be compared.

In recent years, the continuous umbrella movement and the movement of the middle movement in Hong Kong have been related to Hong Kong's pursuit of democracy and freedom and resisting Beijing's governance. They have added reasonable words to the green camp terrorist and anti -China.He picked up a gun in English and fought for the election campaign. He contributed to support the Hong Kong counterpart of the China Movement, condemned Beijing's domineering, or supported the anti -China Hong Kong rally of Ming or Darkness, and the anti -relatives of the Chinese media march.

Faced with the DPP's anti -Chinese and anti -China strategies, the Kuomintang seemed to be left and right, and the five presidential primary candidates could not make a strong discussion to recover the disadvantages.Guo Taiming proposed that the two countries that were close to Tsai Ing -wen's version of the two countries were waiting. South Korea ’s Yu strongly criticized the Cai Yingwen government to empty the Chinese and betrayed the Republic of China in order to defend the Republic of China.The problem seemed to lose its own basis, and I do n’t know how to grasp it. This shows that the Kuomintang has lost the ability to discuss cross -strait relations.

The Kuomintang insisted on the 1992 consensus, and each of the one -China table. From the 24 years since 1995, the Ma Ying -jeou era was willing to default to the various tables in the first middle school, and even held the Ma Xi Conference.However, Beijing was worried that Taiwan would leave the middle of the middle with various tables. In the Tsai Ing -wen era, they gave up their tables and promoted unity one by one.The Democratic Progressive Party began to block and communicate, fall into the United States, and Japan. Through the sound and provocation of the opposition between the two sides, the national security five Fatra raised the people's enemy and self -consciousness, and restricted the unified public opinion.In such an environment that is not conducive to cross -strait interaction, the Kuomintang has not proposed creative strategies and breakthrough practices, which is worrying.

Faced with the DPP government's continuous promotion of the space for Taiwan independence and the CCP's corresponding tightening of each table, the Kuomintang's first -school tables are increasingly losing persuasiveness and feasibility. Especially after the solar flower movement, the cross -strait card advantages have been lost.The China Times advocated that Taiwanese are Chinese in response to the current situation, and the current situation on both sides of the strait in the past 70 years is one country and two systems.Zhang Yazhong advocated that under the premise of China, the Constitution of the Republic of China coexisted with the Constitution of the People's Republic of China.The goal of pursuing ultimate unity.This is the process of evolving from one country, two systems to a good system.Beijing once said that the national number can be talked about, and the Lufang think tank also said that unification should be realized by referendum. Under the protection of democratic mechanisms, Taiwan is not afraid of it.