Wen Fengqing Yang Fan Yuxun, who is only 6 years old, suffers from leukemia. He is also the smallest patient in both lung transplantation in my country.In May of this year, Fan Yuzhen failed to defeat the sick demon and died unfortunately.The family members were in the hospitalization disease of up to ten times but accidentally found that during the hospitalization of Fan Yuli at Beijing Boren Hospital, the hospital's test results and inspection houses recorded yin and yang upside down.By.Fan Yuxi's mother Li Xia said that since Fan Yuzheng's illness to his death, the cost spent exceeded 4 million yuan, of which the cost of treatment at Boren Hospital was about 2 million yuan.The houses and cars at home are all sold, and now they have already been in debt.At present, Fan Yuxi's family members have applied for medical appraisal to the Fengtai District Medical Association where Boren Hospital is located, and the Health and Health Committee of Fengtai District has been involved in the investigation.(Jinyun Client) A resident friend told me that a cancer patient went to the hospital to see a doctor, and the various departments of the hospital were busy. What are you busy?Busy with patients, even pediatrics, urology, and obstetrics and gynecology are grabbing this liver cancer patient.The reason is simple. Patients have cancer. Family members will definitely do everything to treat. Some doctors seize the psychology of patients' families and desperately use the most expensive medicine.Therefore, every department must grab it. Which department robbed this big sheep and which department can create more benefits. The most tragic result was that the patient's family had spent money, but people were gone.For example, patients such as first -stage lung cancer should not be chemotherapy after surgery, but at present many hospital patients are chemotherapy after surgery.Multiple chemotherapy is not only expensive, but also causes the patient's immunity to decrease sharply, induce other diseases, and eventually cause people's wealth. Don't say cancer, even if you are a little bit of minor illness, as long as you go to the hospital, under the care diagnosis of a doctor, a variety of examinations come immediately, you can’t compromise at all.Unnecessary examinations, doctors will tell you rationally that if there is no examination, he cannot prescribe the right medicine.Originally 10 yuan can be optimistic about the illness, it is all to say that it is for the sake of stability. I recommend a few necessary examinations for you, and take a few hundred yuan of medicines.If the medicine is not good, come to the hospital to see. Why do you have to do so many examinations? In order to curb the impulse of the hospital's revenue, the health department set up an assessment index for the hospital mdash; mdash; the proportion of the medicine, the hospital quickly found the countermeasure: passed through: passed throughGive patients more examination to punch the medicine ratio.As a result, the hospital began to consciously buy equipment and make a big inspection. Moreover, the more expensive the equipment is often welcomed by the hospital.For example, the hospital for a Magnetic resonance examination is about 1,000 yuan, and some hospitals give the doctor for about 20%of the prescription fee. Therefore, most doctors will allow patients to choose high -priced equipment.Excessive examination will not only cause waste of medical resources, but also bring economic burdens to patients, but also accepts rays and radiation instruments for a long time, which may also increase the risk of carcinogens and cause harm to patients' health. The phenomenon of disease -free and small diseases, minor illnesses have reached the point of shocking, and they are going to be hospitalized if they are not moving.The possibility increases the pain of patients.Internationally, the top medical institutions will encourage people to be hospitalized and not hospitalized, and try to put a lot of treatment in outpatient clinics, even some surgery.The opposite is that some domestic hospitals are reversed, trying to vigorously encourage hospitalization. Even the prescribed medicine must be created vigorously. In some first -level and secondary hospitals, the general situation is that the patient's disease may be one medicine, but the doctor often gives him several medicines, which may only be one or two of them.The main role of seed medicine is auxiliary.The most commonly used auxiliary medicine is the proprietary Chinese medicine, with small side effects. Doctors will not cure the disease but there will be no risk.There are more medicines. For example, the medicines are generally prescribed 3 to 5 days than ordinary colds, and some doctors have prescribed medicine for 10 days. Turnive performances will inevitably bring distorted behavior.Under the stimulus of economic benefits, the hospital must develop, enter the instrument, and build a high -rise building. It is necessary to use the patient to collect more money from the patient.Proper patients recommend the use of high -tech and patients who need to transfer to hospital forcibly retaining the treatment of hellip; hellip; for many years, expensive and difficult to see a doctor has become the strongest problem in the society, and it has also become a characteristic of Chinese society.Where is the root?Why is this problem that even foreigners can see, why are some of our local officials indifferent? In fact, all these messages are the basis of insufficient public financial investment, which has led public medical institutions to slide too far on the road of marketization and commercialization.Our current subsidy mechanism is to make up hospitals and patients.The subsidy for the hospital is to allocate money to the hospital.Part of the hospital or all of the office funds, and some of them take up a beautiful high -rise building. Of course, sometimes it is partially used to add necessary instruments and equipment.So many times, the high -rise building is only rich in temples and abbots, but the monk is poor, but the monk is directly dealing with the patient.Most of the poor monks in the clinical line are in anxiety, but how do you do less income from suffering and suffering? If you do n’t give the horse full, you have to grow well. I am afraid that there are no such good things in the world.If you want a horse to eat, look strong, and do not run into the ground to slap the crops, you have to feed the horses and let the horse eat it.Isn't this the case for public hospitals.If public hospitals are required to do not issue income indexes to the department and do not directly link the income of medical staff to the economic income of the department, the government must increase financial investment to ensure the normal operation of public hospitals.The public welfare of public hospitals is to be maintained by sufficient government investment. I still remember that a private hospital doctor in Guangzhou had resigned three times in a month, which aroused the attention of the industry. There were two reasons: it was difficult to bear the pressure of the dean's income indexing indicator and faced the conscience of poor patients.For medical workers who really have parents, it is also a suffering professional shame to depart from technical norms and medical ethics and treat patients as a lamb to die! Author: Feng Qingyang: Well -known commentator.An interesting person shares some interesting things.Jewelry like hatred, from good!Weibo@微 微 v