
Under the table

How weird is the current political situation in Taiwan?Seeing that the Kuomintang President's preliminary candidate Zhu Lilun's campaign in the past few days can know one or two.

Normal, very important!In life, pursuing normal is our daily life; for the next generation, choosing normal is our responsibility hell; hellip; please make a decision that will never regret in the future, support the normal and stable and non -explosive normal (normal, normal (normalHuminarian) mdash; mdash; Zhu Lilun.

Party and government qualifications are the most complete and the deepest financial literacy. Former New Taipei Mayor Zhu Lilun, who was once the chairman of the Kuomintang, has now entered the last critical moment when the junior voters' assignments have entered the last critical moment.People cry and laugh.Although helpless, the normal selling point is indeed Zhu Lilun's best way to break through the siege.

Where does the title of normal Lun come from?Since the announcement of the election at the end of last year, Zhu Lilun held up the banner of the middle and rational rationality. He had neither excessive exaggerated language rendering, nor took the initiative to adopt the party to fight each other, and even reminded the supporters to calm down all the time.Zhu Lilun, who had been practicing in the local and central calendar for many years, also returned to his policy exposition that he was good at. Before the Kuomintang handled three national political vision presentations, he had already hosted nearly 30 political opinions through social media.Normal evaluations begin to emerge.

Of course, Zhu Lilun's normal requires the abnormality of other candidates to contrast.Let's talk about Kaohsiung Mayor, the mayor of Kaohsiung, who has always led Qunlun (the meaning of Wushuanguan).

South Korea ’s Yu, who has been silent for many years, successfully turned the DPP’ s 20 -year Kaohsiung city at the end of last year, and set off a Korean flow in Taiwan, making the blue camp morale.Under the power of supporters, South Korea ’s Yu officially stated that it would participate in the willingness of the Kuomintang President’ s primary election in April, but his candidate was questioned by all parties.Except for the DPP people who have been dismissed, even local middle school students who do not vote have not seen it. They have opened up in different forms in different forms in the graduate group photo activities.

Knowing that the election decided to violate political ethics, South Korea ’s Yu was compensating for psychology, not only for three minutes to thank the Kaohsiung citizens in the political opinion conference, but also promised that if he was elected president in Kaohsiung in the futureThe three -day check of Kaohsiung went to work, which caused public opinion ridicule.Although a large number of Korean fans' almost crazy support allowed some middle voters to be discouraged, it also created a long -standing momentum for South Korean Yu, and any negative criticism could not penetrate the copper wall and iron wall of Hanfan.Even if there are as many as 30 think tanks around, South Korean Yu does not have to put forward any specific political opinions. As long as you constantly shout out the slogan golden sentences, if you do n’t be a chess piece, you can stand in the preliminary storm.

As for the former chairman of Hon Hai Group, Guo Taiming, the former chairman of Hon Hai Group, because of his rich corporate management experience, was originally favored by the outside world, but under the test of time, the questioning of Guo Zhi's questioning began to enhance, including artificial intelligence in everything (AI) And big data as the economic strategy of solution, as well as social welfare claims raised by countries zero to six years old.

As the polls approach the end, Guo Taiming, who is a foreigner as a politician, may be too stressful due to the election. In the past few days, he not only shed tears in the man, told him that he was too aggrieved. He also shouted to South Korea.The eloquence scolded the historic sinner of the Standing Committee of the Kuomintang, and the more important juncture of the performance, the more importantly.

In fact, the abnormality of candidates reflects the abnormalities of the Kuomintang.From 3 million votes in 2016 to go to the wild, to sweeping 15 counties and cities in 2018, and now, the original one -handed good card is fast.It has not yet learned lessons to solve the fundamental problem of organizing aging, lack of liquidity, and poor talents in the party.Because of the politics of traditional political parties, Taiwanese voters who are accustomed to normal have begun to yearn for abnormality. As a result, South Korea ’s Yu, as well as the political miracle of the age of Taipei Ke Wenzhe who was born in the air and swept the political arena.

The abnormal political phenomenon is fortunate or unfortunate, and it is still difficult to judge.But perhaps Taiwanese voters can get some inspiration from a famous saying of Ke Wenzhe: politics is not so difficult, just find a more normal to do it.