Economic Daily News

In just three years, there have been three strikes in Taiwan's aviation industry, especially in the past six months. Write a new page of Taiwan's strike history. In fact, the reason why the air industry strike is so easy to succeed is that the main reason is that the Taiwan strike preview preview preview previewThe period is not clear enough, and the external professional union can launch a strike of individual enterprises. Therefore, the Ministry of Communications, the aviation industry, the travel industry and scholars believe that the strike period should be clearly made, and the strike rights of the professional union should be reviewed, otherwise the strike will be strike.The incident will end up endlessly.

Taiwan belongs to islands. Foreign transportation relies on aviation transportation almost. Ten years ago, my country signed an open sky agreement with many countries. The increase in routes and flights has increased. As a result, the aviation industry has developed rapidly, and the number of travels has a record high every year. Last year, there were as many as 56.92 million passengers in international routes. , Two.

In addition to the positive and deputy aircraft divisions, the aircraft must also have a certain number of flight attendants. According to the Civil Aviation Law and flight operation management rules, each aircraft has the requirements for the minimum flight attendant.In addition to solving the requirements of passengers' various incurable diseases, in the cabin, it is more important that when the plane is endangering safety, it can shoulder the safety maintenance and care of passengers in the cabin.

Because of the large number of passengers and a certain number of flight attendants, as long as the flight attendant launch a raid strike, resulting in the insufficient number of flying aircraft team members, the plane cannot take off, and they can immediately disrupt the flight scheduling, causing a large number of passengers to make a large number of passengers.The itinerary was blocked, and then forced the employees to negotiate with the striker and agreed to their demands.Three years ago, the Chinese aviation service officer launched a raid strike for the first time, causing the management to be caught off guard, and then accepted the union's demands in a full range.

The China Airlines Airfareer's strike successfully has achieved significant results, which has greatly encouraged China Airlines pilots and Evergreen Aircrafters.Criticizing the flight attendant is to abduct the rights and interests of passengers to obtain personal interests. Although the strike is labor power, the sacrifice of other people's rights and interests to create themselves, not only is extremely immoral, but it will cause huge and intangible losses in society. It should be clearly determined that the prediction period should be determinedFor passengers prepare, the loss of the company can minimize.

However, the so -called strike notice period is not clear, because when it can be eased, when it is over, whether it can stop and stop, it is not clearly determined. Generally, the general public will negotiate business, travel, and participate in friends and relatives.It is to arrange the itinerary and complete the ticket reservation in advance, but I do n’t know when the union will start the strike, how long do they have, how to arrange the itinerary?Therefore, recently, the Minister of Transport, Lin Jialong, Airlines, Tourism, and many scholars advocated that they should refer to foreign laws and regulations to develop a strike prediction period.And reduce the tangible and intangible losses of the country's society.

Furthermore, the law currently stipulates that professional unions can start strikes, but the professional union is composed of workers with different companies but the same occupation. When a strike vote, the workers of each different companies can participate in voting to determine whether the company wants whether the company wants to wantStrikes have also caused a lot of controversy. Like the Chinese Airlines pilot launched a strike during the Spring Festival this year, the result was that the Evergreen pilot's representative union negotiated with the investor and was strongly protested by China Airlines employees.Tell China Airlines, and why should people outside play with China Airlines' strike and affect the company's operations?

In fact, the operating conditions and corporate culture of each company are different. Whether a company's workers need to strike should be determined by the company's workers, but the current aviation strike is based on external forces.Some people think that they should not seek their politics, and should not allow vocational unions to have the right to strike the strike.

The aviation industry is high -funded, high -tech, high manpower, high -risk, but it is a low -recovery industry.It is difficult to operate for a long time for a long time.In order for the company's sustainable operation, social harmony, and consumer rights, the administrative and legislative departments shall revise the law to standardize the raid strikes, and the strike rights of the professional union of the trade union law should also be reviewed.