Ming Pao News Agency

The violent impact of the Hong Kong Legislative Council was endless. Many university presidents condemned the violence and called on all parties to resolve the disputes rationally.The government's youth policy failed. After the occupation campaign in 2014, the authorities proposed a number of reform measures to formulate the three industries and three politics policies, hoping to let young people see hope, but the reality proved that the results were not effective.Young people are dissatisfied with the status quo. They have both the future of personal life and political ideology. Anti -repair storm has become a gap in this dissatisfaction.Authorities need to open the doorway to listen to young people's demands, and at the same time, in the system, they are in charge of young people, allowing them to have the real power to participate in the formulation of young policy.

Resort of violence is asthma

The President of the University appeals to the dialogue

The attack on the Legislative Council caused great injuries in Hong Kong, and the establishment of the system strongly discussed that the pan -people did not cut with violence, and defended the impact on institutional violence.In the past few days, a number of professional groups, religious organizations, and university presidents have stated that the organs of viole -destruction cannot be accepted, and they call on all parties to deal with issues with a peaceful attitude.Shi Wei, the president of the University of Science and Technology, said that violence must condemn and suggested that the parties directly dialogue; Zhang Xiang, president of the University of Hong Kong and He Shunwen, president of Evergrande, also made a statement and public letter.In the future, active dialogues will be actively conducting and seeking room for reconciliation. They also hope that students will continue to protect the core value of Hong Kong and respect the spirit of the rule of law.

Political stiffness continues, and only dialogue can break the predicament.We advocate the government, opponents, and credible social leaders to hold a round table meeting to launch non -prerequisite dialogues. The principles of several university presidents say that they are good at Hong Kong.Organs such as governments, pan -people, and FDC should actively respond to these suggestions and do not allow Hong Kong to take long -term political vacuum.Hong Kong is a society ruled by law. After beautifying or rationalizing violence, it is endless. Several principals say no to violence. They are all words of the lungs.If it is said that the government is willing to temporarily relieve the repairs that it is not withdrawn, it is a dead support, and excuses for brutening for damage will also be a dead support.If everyone knows that it is wrong or not, how can the society go out of the predicament?

The violent behavior of the small demonstrators does not mean that most demonstrators and young people agree that it is right to appeal to violence.In addition to negating the violence of small people and all walks of life, the government and all walks of life need to understand the ideas of most young people.The Chief Executive Lin Zhengyue promised to contact young people in the future and listen to opinions, and is committed to repairing the relationship with young people.Young people on the street are actively participating. This can be the first step. However, the authorities must further reform the young people's policy, making young people feel that their opinions are really valued and they can play a practical role.

Since the return, the SAR government has long ignored the youth policy. Until the outbreak of the occupation movement in 2014, he began to be surprised and began to make up for the dead sheep.There are two places where the Hong Kong government's youth policy is the most criticized. One is that the youth policy is actually led by senior officials and elite.People are discussed together.According to the surveys made by the University of China in recent years, 70 % of young people believe that their influence on government policies is small, and the government has also interpreted the needs of young people, which has a great sense of weakness.

Three industries and three politics flow on the surface

Youth is eager to participate in opportunities

After Lin Zheng came to power, he proposed the three industries and three politics policies, emphasizing the need to pay attention to the academic, employment and home industry of young people, and encourage young people to discuss politics, discuss politics and participate in politics. Specific measures include upgrading the Youth Affairs Committee into the Youth Development Committee.Organize different policy bureaus to promote youth policies; introduce self -recommendation plans, recruit youths to join the consulting committee under different decision -making bureaus and departments; set up policy innovation and overall planning offices, recruit young people to participate in policy research at high salary;Cooperate with industrial buildings and commercial buildings to lease young people to start a business at the level of market price.

Suddenly, the government seems to have done a lot of work, but the utility is doubtful.Among the three karma, the government is still easier to start in academics. However, employment and home business involve structural problems. Young people have insufficient opportunities to flow up. These bosses are difficult to solve.Even more frustrated young people.In the eyes of many young people, the authorities only use some young talents as embellishment, and use the name of young people to decorate policies.The government's advice committee under the government is generally limited, but most of them have limited power and lack of influence on policy formulation.What young people want to really have a policy that is closely related to them, rather than doing political vases.

The SAR Government is not universal, and the recognition is inadequate, and the government has not let go of its power to young people. Naturally, young people are resisted by the entire system.It doesn't matter.The government must not only put down the body with young people, but also starts from the system and gives young people in power.Over the years, the people have always called on the government to set up a young council with real power, and young people have selected their representatives to participate in the discussion and formulation of young policy.It is worth studying the disadvantages of the government's parent management of the government.