Deng Xize

Almost no one depends that the current Sino -US relations are suffering from the biggest conflict since 1972, and may even intensify.What is the essence of the Sino -US dispute?Originally, this problem may be considered as common sense, repeated historical and conventional theories, but because the mixed public opinion field may interfere with the judgment of Sino -US relations, this topic is worth discussing.

Is the dispute between China and the United States a struggle for the system

There is a view that the United States launches a trade war in China because China does not follow the market rules and engage in government -led economic models.If China follows market rules and the United States is willing to compete with China fairly, there will be no conflicts such as the trade war.This view is the dispute between China and the United States.

If China and the United States are really a struggle for the system, then the United States will not suppress countries with the same system as its system.However, the United States' suppression of Japan is an anti -evidence.It is necessary to say that the Soviet Union and China are many (the Soviet population is close to 300 million in 1991), so the United States has to suppress the two countries. There are few villains in Japan, and the system is the same as the United States. What does the United States suppress it?It can only be understood that Japan constitutes an economic threat to the United States.

In addition to suppressing Japan, the United States also suppress the EU, especially the restraint of the euro, which is different from the system and ideology?In addition, Japan and South Korea are engaged in industrial policies. Germany also has industrial 4.0 plans. Why don't the United States suppress them?What's more, American agriculture is so developed, and the government has to subsidize agriculture.Therefore, the dispute between China and the United States, even if there are institutional and ideological factors, are secondary.

In a longer history, the trap of Xiu Xidid is almost nothing to do with the system and ideology.Although the politics and culture of Athens and Sparta have different politics and culture, the two city -states have long maintained peaceful relations and have combined with Persia.The real reason for the war between the two city -state was not something else, but the increasing growth of Athens forces caused the Spartan people.

The concept of Xiu Xide trap (in fact, the concept of accurate concept should be the dilemma of the hegemony), the proposed of Graham Allison, and the 16 cases of the relationship between the 500 years of emerging nations and the traditional country (hegemonic country) have been listed.The 12 cases of the war are not because of the differences in political system, but the competition for interests.The political system and ideology are the most opposed to the United States and the Soviet Union, but there is no direct military conflict.(See Aireson: Doomed to World War I: Can China and the United States avoid Xunxidide's trap, Shanghai People's Publishing House 2019)

If Elison understands Chinese history, especially the pre -Qin history, it will have more understanding of hegemony.During the Spring and Autumn Period, China (Central Plains vassal states) had different systems and ideology from neighboring countries. For example, Chu Kingdom had admitted that he was a barbaric.Although China often conflicts with neighboring countries, this conflict has no obvious relationship with the political system and ideology.For example, the Chu State challenged China, Qi Jionggong joined forces, with military force as a backing, reconciled with Chu State, and reached the Alliance of Zhao Ling.This means that countries with different systems and ideology can get along peacefully.

During the Jin Wengong, Jinchu fought once, that is, the battle for the city of Jin Dynasty's dominant position.Since then, Jinchu La saw the hegemony, in the 80s (from 627 BC to Jin Xianggong to 546 BC).League centered), but the strategic choices of the two countries have changed, which has nothing to do with institutional and ideology.Because of the strategic change, with the two major powers of Jinchu as the core, the vassal states also carried out two conferences of Mi Bing, and the second time was successful.As of the end of the Spring and Autumn Period, there was basically no war between the two major groups of Jinchu.

This means that the great powers of different systems and hegemony can also be harmonized.Even some vassal states combined with Chu, who were regarded as barbarians.According to the author's statistics, Zuo Zhuan recorded a battle of the Central Plains princes 39 times to cooperate with the Chu State battle.Therefore, in the international system, the core causes and goals of the war are hegemony and the interests behind it, not institutional and ideological.

Another point of view is that the United States' blockade of Huawei is more likely to be because of Huawei's Chinese background, not Huawei's leading advantage on 5G.Many European, American and Japanese companies have a leading advantage in the United States in a certain field, but the United States has not blocked them because South Korea and Western countries have no ideological and strategic conflict, so the United States has no restrictions and cracking down on the development of Samsung.

This view can be described as a variant of the previous view.We can combine this: China+Huawei China+Samsung South Korea+Huawei Korea+Samsung.The effectiveness of a small country in South Korea can play, which is very different from the effectiveness that Huawei can exert its effectiveness that Huawei can exert it.

It is certain that the latter two situations will not be suppressed by the United States, whether the company is Huawei or Samsung.The reason is not that the South Korean system is the same as the United States, but that the comprehensive volume of the national strength of South Korea is too small. Therefore, the two combinations will not pose a threat to the United States.

However, the first two cases will definitely pose a greater threat to the United States.Therefore, it can be acknowledged that Huawei was suppressed because of its Chinese background, but it is necessary to clarify what the background this background is MDash; MDASH; the efficiency of the country's volume, not the system.In fact, although China has made a small progress, the average level is not as good as South Korea and Singapore, why does the United States not render the South Korean threat theory Singapore threat theory?Because the two countries are small, it is difficult to threaten the United States.It is emphasized that the same technology is used by large countries and small countries, and the scale effect generates is completely different.

Therefore, it is innocent and naive to use the struggle of the system as the essence of the battle between China and the United States.

What is the essence of the Sino -US dispute?

The essence of the dispute between China and the United States is the battle for hegemony. It can be specifically manifested as the dispute between science and technology, economic disputes, military disputes, currency disputes, and cultural disputes.The country is also an economy. In an anarchy international community, national interests are the highest interests.In the international community, the country's means to maximize national interests is hegemony.

What are the benefits of hegemony, that is, the dominance of the world?The most basic advantage is that it has inequality and has priority exchange relationships in the international community. In short, it is international privileges.The US hegemony has brought many benefits to the United States.Typical people, such as the US dollar hegemony, is actually a plunder of other country's wealth.

However, the ancients of international privileges have existed.Zuo Chuan recorded that during the period of being a hegemon, Jin Pinggong's mother was a Qi country, and the Jin Dynasty actually ordered the princes to build the city wall (544 BC), which is obviously not the obligation of the princes.In addition, the Jin State also ordered other countries to tribute to it.Due to the huge benefits of hegemony, hegemony is not a question that a country wants or should it be, but whether it is possible.In fact, international political theory has a relatively mature study, which can better explain international relations.

According to ancient Chinese political concepts, there are king, domineering, and deadly (Xunzi Wangba).The dispute between hegemony belongs to realism and is also overbearing, while idealism belongs to the king.The behavioral model of the first powerful country determines the basic pattern of the order of the world.In terms of establishing order for the world and providing public products, although the United States has contributed, it also enjoys a lot of international privileges and many overbearing behaviors. Therefore, today's world is also a domineering world.However, domineering is not the worst, the deadline is the deadline.According to Xunzi's concept, the Soviet Union followed the deadline.

The dispute between China and the United States must be hegemony.But this is not to say that China is about to challenge the US hegemony, but that the United States believes that its hegemony has been threatened.From the perspective of the United States, China is indeed the most challenging strength and potential of the US hegemony.In popular terms, the boss will always prevent and suppress the second child.This is the same in the unit, as is the rivers and lakes and the underworld.

In this sense, we look at the current struggle between China and the United States (at present China is in the trend), and there is no need to have much intention, motivation and moral color.If China is in the United States, it may also suppress the second child.Of course, if China continues to be strong, can they get out of a modern king or look forward to.

What kind of concept of Chinese relations in China and the United States

Recognize the essence of the dispute between China and the United States,Can establish several basic ideas for Sino -US relations.

First, reject naiveism.Don't think that if China has changed its system, the United States will not suppress China.

Second, reject righteousness and group thinking.Another extreme of childishism is righteousness and group thinking.It is not because the United States may become China's long -term, strategic, and confrontation opponents, hate the United States, resist the United States, and do not recognize and learn from the United States.The spirit is not helpful to solve the problem.

In international relations and even wider interpersonal relationships, the key is not the motivation of the other party, but the strength and potential of the other party.Everyone wants to obtain more benefits. This is the motivation, there is no difference, but not everyone has the strength to obtain more benefits.You can talk about motivation, but you need to talk less.Anyone who has conflicts with China attempts to weaken China, but they may not have this ability.

The key to treating China is not that it has the motivation to curb China, but that it has the ability to curb China, although it may not be successful.Therefore, even if the United States is so bad as some people say (in fact, at least better than the Soviet Union), China should entangle less about why the United States is so bad. It should study why the United States is so powerful.In

Third, actively deepen reform and opening up.Although the Chinese reform system will not make the United States abandon China to curb and suppress China, this is not an excuse for China's non -reform.Whether China should truly deepen reform and opening up has nothing to do with the United States, it is only related to itself.Deepenation of reform and opening up should be initiative, not passive.

Fourth, continue to learn the United States.The United States is still much more advanced than China, and there are many advantages worthy of Chinese learning.Wei Yuan's long -term techniques have not been out of date with the basic thinking of raidism.

Fifth, beyond domineering and go to the king.At present, the United States has many overbearing actions against China and other countries.Of course, China should respond to reasonableness, favorableness, and pleasure.However, the response is not simply returning tooth.China should be more open, unite more countries, and share benefits with them.Although justice does not necessarily win, if the strength is close, the righteous party will win.

Since China's strength is far worse than the United States. If China is as domineering as the United States, why should other countries support China?If the two countries are equivalent in terms of morality, the rational choice of other countries is obviously supported by the strong.

The author is a professor at the School of International Relations of Sichuan University

Doctoral tutor

From the perspective of the United States, China is indeed the most challenging strength and potential of the US hegemony.In popular terms, the boss will always prevent and suppress the second child.This is the same in the unit, as is the rivers and lakes and the underworld.