Scholars of interviewees predict that the meeting will be an important turning point for restarting trade negotiations, but it cannot reverse Sino -US relations that have undergone qualitative changes.(Reuters file photo)

U.S. President Trump and Chinese President ... Tell the phone the day before yesterday to determine the meeting during the 20th National Group (G20) summit held in Japan.

Scholars of interviewees predict that the meeting will be an important turning point for restarting trade negotiations, but it cannot reverse Sino -US relations that have undergone qualitative changes.

Zhu Feng, dean of the Institute of International Relations of Nanjing University, pointed out to the United Za posks in the interview that after China and the United States have launched more than a month of public opinion and offensive warfare on trade issues, the leaders of the two countries determined to meet and convey a positive signal.Both sides still have to solve the problem, not simple quarrels and oppositions.

He judged that, with the positive atmosphere of the G20 Xi Special Association, it is likely that, like the meeting between China and the United States in December last year in Buenos Aires, it has become an important turning point for restarting trade negotiations.

After the Xi special meeting last year, China and the United States announced the ceasefire for 90 days.After two rounds of trade consultations, the two sides once allowed the outside world to see the hope of reaching an agreement.

However, the United States announced on the 5th of last month that new tariffs were imposed on China, and the trade negotiation situation turned sharply.The trade consultation team of the two parties held the last round of negotiations in Washington on the 10th of last month without contact.China and the United States subsequently levy retaliatory tariffs and issued sanctions on other companies. China also showed rare earth cards as countermeasures.

The G20 summit held in Osaka from the 28th to 29th of this month was regarded as one of the last opportunities for the leaders of the two sides to avoid the continuous upgrade of the trade war.

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Chen Bo, a professor at Huazhong University of Science and Technology, analyzed in the interview that from the results of the meeting, the greater possibility is that the United States plans to collect taxes on the United States for taxes of US $ 300 billion (S $ 410 billion) to release a stable signal to the outside world.That is, the trade war will not be resolved quickly, but it will not be severe. After that, the two parties continue to negotiate with the earlier trade agreement text.

After the two countries announced the Xi special meeting, Kudlo, director of the White House National Economic Commission, accepted Fox News and stated that the United States hopes to continue structural reforms such as intellectual property theft, mandatory technology transfer, market opening and tariffs.He also shows that the United States has always wanted an executable agreement, which is definitely crucial.

Some US officials responded indifferent to the response to the restarted negotiations between China and the United States. Trade representative Leitchizawa told the members at the Senate Financial Committee's hearing that day: I know that there is something that can't work, that is, talk to them.

In this regard, Lu Kang, a spokesman for the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs, responded at a regular press conference yesterday that Sino -US economic and trade differences can find solutions through dialogue and consultations, but they must be based on mutual respect, equality and mutual benefit.It is the overall balanced care of the reasonable concern of each other, and find a solution that both sides can accept.

As Trump officially announced the 2020 U.S. presidential election, some analysts believe that he will have greater motivation to see it in the Sino -US trade negotiations.

Chen Bo pointed out that the trade battle has impacted the US agricultural state, that is, Trump's iron ticket warehouse. Recently, many mainstream polls in the United States also show that Trump's support is behind the Democratic Party candidates.In the election, Trump may be reduced. In the face of domestic pressure, Trump may be anxious to pick this peach.

However, even if the two sides have made progress in trade issues, scholars are still not optimistic about the relationship between the two countries have changed substantially.

Zhu Feng believes that the restoration of trade negotiations can not solve the scientific and technological war between China and the United States, and the overall decline in Sino -US relations, and to the situation of competition in a new type of great power. Sino -US relations are generally worrying.He said: The restoration of trade negotiations, even if an agreement is reached, can not cause Sino -US relations to have a substantial reversal and change.