The Trump administration of the United States has issued a ban on Huawei. Although Huawei's American competitors can obtain short -term benefits, Huawei suppliers and users in the United States will be founded and will damage the innovative momentum of American operators.Furthermore, the protectionist measures in the United States will encourage Huawei and other land companies to develop technology by themselves, which will not only further hurt US suppliers, but also strengthen Huawei's ability to lead the market.

Michael Jacobides, a professor at the London Business School, pointed out in the Financial Times column that the Trump administration's actions to fight Huawei Technology first targeted the 5G infrastructure business, and then expanded the strike surface, making it almost impossible for Huawei and related companies to be as American companies.Do business.Trump's measures are expanded to the entire global mobile communication ecosystem, including Google's Android platform, and various related apps of Netflies, WhatsApp and YouTube.

It is expected that in the future, Huawei will start to establish a own ecosystem to protect Huawei's position in China and other markets.Although Huawei's ecosystem may not replace Android, Huawei will definitely let go.If it was four years ago, the science and technology gap between Huawei and Google was too large, and Huawei would be difficult to catch up; but now Huawei may dare to challenge and may win, which will change the pattern of the entire mobile communication industry.

Therefore, Trump's measures are not only to raise the trade war, but also may change the future of mobile communication technology.If Huawei has not affected foreign pressure, it may have been coexisting with the Google ecosystem; now Huawei and other operators have to challenge Google's dominant position for survival.

Google understands Trump's risks, so he requires the US government to exempt the Android operating system in the export ban, but it may be too late.Even though the Trump administration agrees to exemption or incorporates exemption into trade negotiations, for Huawei and other Chinese companies, I am afraid that they have opened their bows without turning around.

Trump's approach may not only divide the Internet world into Chinese and American systems, but also hurt the dominant ability of American technology giants, especially Google.The game has begun, and Trump's reckless national trade policy may eventually have serious back seats.