The Chinese ambassador to Singapore, Hong Xiaoyong, described in an exclusive interview with the United Morning Post last week that in the past year, the major environment of the international situation has evolved, but the small environment of China -Singapore bilateral relations has continued to improve, which is encouraged.(File photo)

Faced with the sudden changes in the international situation and affecting the challenges of the decline in global economic growth, the Chinese ambassador to Singapore Hong Xiaoyong said in an interview that doing a good job in China and Sino -Singapore cooperation is the most powerful response to external risks.

Hong Xiaoyong, who arrived in the new performance in March last year, was described in an exclusive interview with the United Morning Post last week that since taking office, the environment of the international situation has evolved complicatedly in the past year, but the small environment of China -Singapore relations has continued to improve, soPeople are encouraged.

He summarized the progress of the new China relations for more than a year. The first is the further strengthening of the political mutual trust between the two parties.Leaders such as Wang Ruijie met many times to conduct frank and in -depth exchanges, and further increased mutual understanding and trust. It not only planned the forward path of Sino -new cooperation, but also consolidated the consensus of jointly maintaining globalization and multilateralism.

He believes that, in this year, the existing foundation of the new China cooperation has been increasingly consolidated and the layout has been continuously improved. In addition to the original three intergovernmental cooperation projects, the new and Shanghai Comprehensive Cooperation Council and Guangdong Intellectual City have been officially established to upgrade to the upgrade of the new and Shanghai Intelligent City.National projects, the southbound channel is upgraded to new cooperation layouts such as the new channel of international land and sea trade. In addition, the leadership and demonstration effect of cooperation between the two countries have also been further reflected. Under the Belt and Road framework, actively promote the construction of the three parties and the construction of the new land and sea.Leading regional countries to participate in high -quality co -construction of the Belt and Road Initiative.

The results of China -Singapore cooperation are not easy to like

Hong Xiaoyong affirmed that the positioning of the comprehensive and pairing relationship between China and STDs to the leaders of the two countries has moved forward. In the situation of complex evolution in the international area, China and Singapore cooperation are upside down.

Looking forward to the future of bilateral relations, Hong Xiaoyong suggested that the two parties will make further efforts to strengthen political mutual trust, improve the cooperation network, and close humanistic exchanges, and look forward to when Wang Ruijie led a group to visit China in the second half of the year.Mutual cooperation between the two countries made new plans.He also suggested that the new China strengthen cooperation in multilateral fields, because multilateral cooperation is not only an objective need to comply with the development of the international situation, but also a strong support for strengthening bilateral cooperation between the two countries. This includes the application of a good Belt and Road cooperation platform to jointly promote regional comprehensive economic partnershipsThe Relations Agreement (RCEP) completed the negotiations at an early date, completed the negotiations of the South China Sea Code in accordance with the established goals, and promoted the stable development of China's MDash;

When it comes to the international situation, Hong Xiaoyong criticized the United States' priority concept to undermine the global free trade system, and put pressure on China's limit, spread from trade to other fields to try to curb China's development.

He bluntly stated that the United States found that its own economic development was a problem and should find the right prescription, but the United States realized the interests of the country by sacrificing the development of other countries. This is a wrong prescription. In the in -depth development of globalization and deep integrationToday, if you are still holding the Cold War thoughts and manipulating lsquo; you lose me to win rsquo; zero -sum game, it is destined not to succeed, and the end is that everyone loses, because the world is not the same as before, which is completely different from the Cold War period.Trying to decompose and strip the world with the world can only be wishful thinking, and it is destined not to succeed.

Hong Xiaoyong emphasized that the concept of building a community of human destiny and new international relations is the core of the Chinese President's ... the core of diplomatic ideas, and the trade friction between China and the United States is essentially a collision of multilateralism and unilateralism. It is a win -win situation.In the collision with a win -win situation, the bells must also be a bell. We hope that the United States will not go too far and return to the negotiating table again, and reaches an agreement with China on the basis of mutual respect, equality and mutual benefit.

He further warned that under the concept of priority in the United States, the United States launched not only a trade war in China, but also a global trade war. If the trade war is upgraded, the world economy will no longer have pure land, and all countries will not escape.Pushing, serious consequences will be further displayed.

Hong Xiaoyong said: In the current situation, doing a good job of China and Singapore cooperation is the most powerful response to external risks.This is not only an objective need for the development of the two sides, but also the consensus reached by the leaders of the two countries.

As for how Singaporean companies can continue to seize China's growth opportunities, Hong Xiaoyong advocates that it should further enhance confidence in China's economy and market.He said that the impact of Sino -US trade friction on China's economy is limited. Chinese politics is accelerating the transformation of development methods and the adjustment of economic structure. It is believed that it will make a new world.Furthermore, China's economy is very large, the endogenous power is huge, the economy is healthy and powerful, and the ability to resist external risks is strong. The two financial crises have explained this in the past 20 years.

He also suggested that Singapore companies see opportunities to target China's high -quality development needs, and at the same time accelerate the upgrading of bilateral cooperation mechanisms, and actively consider going out with Chinese high -quality companies. We must focus on the long -term and strengthen the layout.

When answering questions about the people's exchanges between the two countries, Hong Xiaoyong took the initiative to mention the characteristics of Singapore's multicultural and diverse races.He said that the population of Singapore is dominated by Chinese, and also includes diversity of many ethnic groups, social civilization and religious civilization in Malay, India.

Hong Xiaoyong said: On the one hand, China attaches great importance to the historical origin and cultural bond with Singapore, and actively promotes cultural exchanges and people between the two countries. On the other hand, China respects Singapore's own independence and cultural diversity. This is also the long -term relationship between the two countries.The foundation of stable development.

He said that both sides of the new China attach great importance to strengthening the exchanges between the youths of the two countries. He also wants to share with local youths. China is both an ancient civilization with a history of 5,000 years and a rising country.To understand her long history, we must also be able to keep up with her development. It is recommended that young people in Singapore read more Chinese history, learn more about Chinese culture, go to China to walk more, and experience a real China.