United Daily News Agency

After three months of war, Tsai Ing -wen defeated the Taiwan independence Kim Sun Lai Qingde's challenge to her over -level with eight percentage points.Tsai Ing -wen's victory is difficult to call martial arts after repeated amendments to the rules and the use of various administrative resources.However, according to the theory of the defeat of the king, she has gone to this victory with her extraordinary will and wrist. Regardless of her posture, she keeps at least seven months of governance and will not lag in advance.As for Lai Qingde, who is a gentleman's dispute, his future political path will be positioned as a defeat.

Judging from the four polls released by the DPP yesterday, Cai Yingwen's leading ratio of Lai Qingde was between seven and nine, and the results were quite consistent.Not only that, the four comparison polls also show that Tsai Ing -wen leads to nine to twelve percentage points ahead of South Korean Yu, and the leader of Ke Wenzhe is even greater.If the polls are objective and credible this time, then the blue army earlier thought that the proud soldiers of the voucher were in hand, and they had to pack up immediately and re -re -army to calculate the enemy's situation.Otherwise, with the current way of fighting between Han Guo and Guo Guo, the Kuomintang will wait to meet Tsai Ing -wen's other four years of governance!

The danger of Cai Lai's primary process is completely non -official election at all, and it also fully demonstrated a Cai -style Jedi survival method for the Kuomintang.This is a lesson that the Kuomintang must learn.The Tsai's combat method includes: First, the soldiers are not tired of fraud: The Cai camp released the wind repeatedly, including the unrelated moves such as the party's election and confiscation of the primary election, which made the people in the party chaos and had to move closer to her.Second, it is Jianbi Qingye: Through the operation of party and government operations, it is compiled and compiled the Green Men's generation in Taiwan. It is not allowed to be speculative and watched between the two armies. In the end, Lai Jun only supported Lin Junxian in the Central Committee of the Central Committee, showing that it was great.When all the watermelonists are in place, the advantages and disadvantages have been determined.Third, resort to unity and morality.Cai Ying successfully discredited Lai Qingde as the sinner of the DPP. He accused him of attacking the assault and used Cai Lai to show his broadness. He even asked Vice President Chen Jianren to publish a public letter and summon Lai Qingde to return.With such a dense trick, how can Lai Qingde have the power to fight?

The more powerful and effective offensive is Tsai Ing -wen's governance resources.During this period, Tsai Ing -wen participated in military exercises, advertising his height and prestige as the commander of the three armies; below, he ran all over the palace temples and attracted to the grassroots.Lai Qingde's residue in the administrative system.In contrast, Lai Qingde had only a single -shot signing club to hold the slogan of the gentleman's dispute to perform the Buddhist combat method.Faced with the asymmetric war, Lai Qingde did not know where the muzzle was to aim and how could he win the war?

What is even more dazzling is the position of Cai Lai. In the process of primary election, a wonderful role exchange phenomenon appeared.Lai Qingde, who has ordered Taiwan independence workers, continued to repairs his position after the election, making his claim blur; including the proposal of amnesty, he also set a new premise.In contrast, Tsai Ing -wen desperately squeezed into the center of the stage with the posture of the hottest girl, showing that his heroic anti -Chinese bravery was definitely not in the Taiwan independence Jin Sun.In this way, Tsai Ing -wen's radicals won a lot of support for her, and even Jin Meiling persuaded Lai Qingde to wait for the next time.

With the current lead of Tsai Ing -wen, she obviously does not need to help Lai Qingde to help her with one more than two.Moreover, after such a ruthless killing, Lai Qingde has been scanning the ground in the party. What else is qualified as a partner candidate?But from another perspective, whether this poll results means whether Tsai Ing -wen is expected to take off the re -election in the next year's election, it may not be true.The reason is that it is easy for her to use the governing advantage to defeat Lai Qingde, but the overall performance distance of the Cai government is still very far away to satisfy the people, and hate that the DPP is still the largest party in Taiwan.Moreover, at the end of last year's elections, the DPP's internal polls were also stable vouchers, but the actual results were completely left.The polls are strange, only it knows it.

In any case, Cai Yingwen's qualifying means that the DPP is expected to re -unite and deal with the elections next year.For the Kuomintang, the polls of South Korea ’s Yu’ s polls have fallen, and Guo Taiming's support is still unpromiting. It is a serious warning. The two battalions must work pre -cooperation.With Tsai Ing -wen's general mobilization warfare, the Blue Army cooperation may not win, not to mention splitting.