Ming Pao News Agency

The Hong Kong Legislative Council canceled the meeting for 3 consecutive days. The revision and review of the fugitive regulations was slightly delayed, and the social atmosphere was slightly calm. However, the low pressure brought by this perfect storm was still shrouded in the city, and the crisis broke out at any time.The government insisted on practicing, emphasizing that it is not to ignore public opinion, but after careful consideration, but the authorities must think carefully and force the cost of pushing the construction of social stability and government governance. Whether it is really lighter than now.The government's implementation of policies cannot be willing to wish. Even if the policy is really good for the society in the long run, if the society is not prepared and the people's conditions are not reasonable, there will be no good results.All parties will not cooperate or even obstruct everything. The government governance fails and will only be reduced to lame duck early.

Repairing the relationship between government and civilians must not be willing to govern

After experiencing violence on Wednesday, the noodles were roughly recovered yesterday. Although Jin Zhong saw that the police and the people confronted each other, they finally had nothing to do with each other. It was more controversial. Someone launched the subway unsuccessful movement.The strikes of the whole human beings are inconvenient to some passengers.The cancellation of the conference of the Legislative Council has a certain effect on the temporary cooling of the tension. However, once the conference decides to reopen, the sword pulling crossbow will definitely come again, and the relatively peaceful atmosphere is engraved, only the calmness before the storm.

Some radical demonstrators violently impacted the Legislative Council on Wednesday afternoon, which is impressive, but some human rights organizations have criticized that the police use the violence of small people as their mouths and excessively use force.Police Director Lu Weicong said that 150 tear bombs were cast, emphasizing the equipment used by the police, and there was no big difference between the equipment that handled similar riots in the overseas national law enforcement agencies.The more wounded words and the evidence of the film are exposed. Whether the police use the force to be in line with each other, there are sufficient reason to question the outside world.Whether the police have excessively used force and violations of police generals in the operation, the supervisor should carefully investigate and investigate.Xia Zhicheng, the auxiliary bishop of the Catholic Diocese of the Catholic Church, called on young people not to use injustice to fight for righteousness, and also asked the police to restrain the rationality.I hope that all parties can keep calm and avoid regenerative violence.

The trouble should end it.Xia Zhicheng and the Hong Kong General Chamber of Commerce hope that the government will listen to opinions and make meaningful dialogue with the public.The Chief Executive Lin Zhengyue acknowledged that it would be more difficult for the psychological preparations to bring her political costs to psychologically prepare for her political costs.The political judgment of the authorities is wise and accurate, and there is a lot of room for discussion.

The fundamental problem of the tribute to Hong Kong people's confidence in the Mainland, and various political operations further enlarged anxiety and fear.How to look at the Mainland is the political tear layer of Hong Kong. It is far from 23 legislative disputes of Article 23 Basic Law in 2003. It is not until the past few years of national educational storms, political reform and even two inspections of high -speed rail.

From the perspective of the Hong Kong Government, many major policies and measures involve relations with the Mainland. You cannot drag on the period because of lack of confidence.It shows that once the withdrawal is actually equal to the endless period.For the government, of course, the most ideal ending is that after the revision of the fugitive regulations is passed, everything is normal and normal.EssenceLin Zheng said that it is now withdrawn the repair, and the government will never have the opportunity to prove that it can eliminate public anxiety and cannot remove the thorns in the hearts of citizens. It reflects this idea.

It is true that, just like Xi Yong, to overcome the psychological shadow of water, sometimes the most effective method is indeed the first to push people to slowly adapt to water. However, this approach must be dependent on the specific situation and cannot be used randomly.The Hong Kong people have a long history of not trusting the judicial system of the Mainland. The government insisted on repairing. The biggest mistake is to underestimate this psychological shadow.The dispute between the two prosecutors and the fugitive regulations on the surface involves whether Hong Kong people will be arrested by the mainland authorities, but there are key differences between the two.Most citizens understand that two places and two inspections are convenient arrangements. If anyone resolutely does not believe in one place, two inspections, as long as they do not set foot on the West Kowloon High -speed Railway Station, there is no problem. In contrastEssenceThe citizens are not small thorns but Liang Mu. The government has stabbed their hearts, and the result can be more than bleeding.

Children's heart knot is not a wayward firewood into the stove, it is difficult to end

Lin Zheng cannot indulge in the child's wayward and not read a metaphor, and explain that the decision does not withdraw the repair. However, sometimes the problem is not the wayward, but it is really fearful and resistant. Even if the parents are good at intention, if the child's heart knot is not reduced first, it is not the heart of the child, soIt is impossible for children to accept.The government has pushed the practice and hopes that the practice can be proved to the citizens in the long run, but the destruction of the relationship between the government and the civilian in the short term may never be recovered. Even in the long run, it really proves that the suspicion of doubts is too much.

At present, the people of Hong Kong are restless, and the government forcibly pushes most citizens to the opposite side. In the future, it will explain that it will not even obtain the support of ordinary citizens and civil organizations.The government is getting more and more isolated, and the governance is difficult to do. The biggest beneficiary is some vested interests with political influence.In order to support the government, the government may become increasingly inclined to the interests of small people, deepen people's grievances and suspicions, and fall into a vicious circle of governance and difficulty.Authorities must think about whether they must enter the stove to continue to push the repair.