Huawei Consumer Business CEO Yu Chengdong's sentence is the fastest this fall this fall. At the last spring of next year, Huawei's self -developed operating system is about to be released, which has reappeared for the mobile phone operating system market that has been calm for a long time.Everyone is guessing and looking forward to whether China's domestic operating system has ushered in a chance to break through.

This time, the call of Huawei Hongmeng system was greater than that of Ali Yunos 7 years ago.In early 2012, Ali Yunos came out, which is recognized as the real first and only domestic mobile phone operating system in China.Today, Yunos has been silent, and domestic manufacturers challenge the independent mobile phone operating system.

Looking back at history, many of the manufacturers in Shanghai and outside have tried to do operating systems. In 1999, Symbian (Symbian) launched the world's first mobile phone operating system. In 2013, Saipan, which once called the wind and rain, announced the withdrawal of the operating system.It was Android that drove Saipan to the stage of history. Before the appearance of Android, Apple's iOS had released and stood firm.

After Apple and Android appeared, they never left too many ways to live for other operating systems.In 2010, Microsoft released Windows Phone (hereinafter referred to as WP), but WP lived in less than 8 years before and after.In 2012, Samsung, the largest giant of the mobile phone, led the Tizen system 1.0 version. Just three years later, Tizen fled the mobile phone market.

The reporter learned that as of now, Android and Apple iOS has been holding more than 95%of the global mobile phone operating system.If the domestic system and these two giants have a battle, where is Hongmeng's dominant operating system represented?

The operating system that goes forward

After Google suspended part of the cooperation with Huawei, Huawei's Hongmeng was given significant significance by the outside world.To talk about Hongmeng's competitiveness, we must understand the industrial development history of the mobile phone operating system.Daily Economic News (WeChat: NBDNEWS) reporters found out through public information and found that many domestic and foreign manufacturers have gone to the independent operating system.

The earliest smartphone operating system in the world is Saipan.In 1998, PSION officially combined with Nokia, Ericsson, and Motorola formed the Symbian offensive mobile phone operating system market.As an open platform, anyone can develop software to support Symbian equipment.In 2000, the Ericsson R380 was released with the Saipan system.In 2004, Nokia acquired Saipan's equity and obtained control, and Nokia's popularity also brought Saipan system to glory.Around 2006, Saipan became a brother of the smartphone operating system with a market share of over 70 %.

In 2005, the mobile phone operating system market ushered in two heavyweight players.That year, Google announced the acquisition of the Android (Android) system developed by Andy Rubin.Google subsequently published the source code of Android through the authorization of Apache open source license.The other was BlackBerry, released in 2005 BlackBerry operating system Blackberry OS 4.1.

Stepping, Saipan began to go downhill since 2007. In 2007, Apple launched the first generation of iPhone, setting off a round of touch -screen mobile phone storm.Nokia was later overtaken by Apple.At the same time when iPhone appeared, Apple released its own operating system iOS.By 2010, the global mainstream mobile phone operating system was already Android, iOS and Blackberry OS, and the Symbian system declined.

In 2010, Microsoft announced the launch of the mobile phone operating system Windows Phone 7. In 2012, Nokia officially announced the abandonment of the Saipan brand.Due to the accumulation of Nokia in Saipan, Microsoft did not hesitate to acquire Nokia's mobile phone business for 3.79 billion euros in 2013, and wanted to make big WP.At that time, the industry had high hopes for WP.Later, with the decline of BlackBerry, the mobile phone operating system reached the situation of Google, Microsoft and Apple.

But soon, the operating system rivers and lakes are firmly occupied by Android and Apple.According to statistics from STATCOUNTER at the global website communication traffic monitoring agency, as of April 2019, in the mobile operating system, Google's Android system accounted for 74.85%and Apple iOS accounted for 22.94%.

In addition to these well -known operating systems, this segment has also appeared in many short -lived operating systems.For example, Nokia also launched the Maemo system in 2005, and Nokia merged to launch the Meego system in 2010, but none of these two systems did it.In 2009, the Bada smartphone platform developed by Samsung Electronics was released, and Samsung also launched the Limo system with other mobile phone manufacturers.

In China, Alibaba is a representative company trying to do independent mobile phone operating systems.In 2012, with the full listing of Tianyu W800 mobile phones, the randomly equipped Ali Yunos also announced its appearance.From 2014 to 2015, Yunos reached its peak of its development, with a market share of 7%.But soon, Tianyu also gave up using Yunos, and YuNOS failed to get rid of the fate of being marginalized.

In addition, Xiaomi's MIUI, Huawei's EMUI, Vivo's FunTouch OS, etc. are the secondary in -depth mobile phone system developed by domestic manufacturers based on the Android system.

Why do Android and Apple unify the rivers and lakes?

Looking back at the history of the development of mobile phone operating systems, daily economic news reporters found that the success or failure of a mobile phone system is often accompanied by the changing fate of the mobile phone brand itself (except Samsung), which also depends on its ecological scale.

On June 10, independent telecommunications analyst Fu Liang said in an interview with reporters that the current share of Android and Apple accounts for more than 95%of the global mobile phone operating system. Among the other operating systems, Yun OS, WP and BlackBerry still have some parts.Using users, it is difficult to develop new users.

Fu Liang said that the two best systems currently do are two extremes, one is a soft and hard -to -hard, self -contained Apple iOS, and the other is open Android.iOS is a new opportunity brought by 3G smartphones to quickly cut into this market and quickly get a relatively large user group to form a closed and large -scale ecosystem, which allows Apple to survive.

In his opinion, the success of Android is because Google brings a new Internet thinking, creating a low -threshold entry platform, attracting all the attractive manufacturers, forming a complete ecology, and this ecology can still be ableSelf -regulation and self -optimization.Apple is an alternative. After BlackBerry, this closed operating system becomes more and more difficult, and Fu Liang said.

A person who has been immersed in the IT industry for more than 10 years told reporters that the Android system can do it mainly because of open source and free. The more important point is that it fits the huge trend of turning from functional machines to smart machines at that time; while iOS is from performance from performanceFrom the perspective of technology, it is an epoch -making product itself, and it also benefits from Apple's complete ecological model.

Fu Liang told reporters that after Android open source, it is difficult for other systems to cut in.The Tizen system of Samsung was not done because the reason is definitely not a single.Because under iOS and Android, it is difficult for Samsung to form an ecosystem that belongs to its own.WP, which has more opportunities than Samsung, has not developed.

The reporter noticed that during the process of building the Tizen system, Samsung did not determine that he did not use the Android system. Instead, both Android and his own system were used.In the end, the market chose Android.In 2016, BlackBerry was also defeated by Android.In April of that year, BlackBerry, then CEO, said in an interview with the media: I love our mobile phone business, but we have to consider how to make a profit.It turns out that there is no user scale and it is difficult to talk about independent mobile phone systems.

Ali has also been invested on a large scale. Yunos has been adopted by some small brand manufacturers, but it is difficult to get global T like Android.The support of OP10 mobile phone manufacturers, in fact, Ali has never taken this step. None of the global TOP10 mobile phone manufacturers accept his system.It is not necessary to apply the scale, and the enthusiasm of the continued development of manufacturers will also weaken, which is a negative cycle.Fu Liang said.

Huawei Hongmeng's victory in geometry?

At present, Huawei has applied for Hongmeng trademarks, and at the same time, Huawei has also been exposed to registering the ARK OS trademark in Europe, which means Ark in English.In Yu Chengdong's eyes, Huawei's operating system does have the same strategic significance as Hisilicon chip, and belongs to Huawei's core competitiveness.

So, how much is Huawei Hongmeng's victory?

In an interview with Daily Economic News reporters, Fu Liang said that under the suppression of Android and iOS giants, in fact, the way to cut in Ali Yunos was right, but how to accept head mobile phone manufacturers was a problem.For Hongmeng, the truth is the same.

Earlier, Xiang Ligang, the founder of Fei, said in an interview with reporters that Huawei has a shipment of 200 million mobile phones, Apple is also 200 million mobile phones. Apple ecology can do it. Why can't Huawei be an ecology?Intersection

However, in Fu Liang's view, he is more inclined to believe that Huawei can have 200 million mobile phone shipments, which is largely based on the Android industry chain.Even if Huawei's Hongmeng system claims to be faster after re -compilation, it does not need to be developed separately, but I believe that there will be differences in the middle. These applications, including these services support it.

Fu Liang told reporters that the software needs to be continuously updated and iterated, detected and found bugs, and then corrected. It is impossible to say whether Huawei has a chance to win. If the Huawei operating system can hold it up for more than a year, first lsquo in the country, traversing the military;Formed a sufficiently large influence, and then go out and be recognized in the global market. This opportunity must be there.After all, China itself is a huge market.However, in the mainstream developed countries, the proportion of operators' collection is quite large, and operators will consider factors including operating systems and safety when collecting and mining. At least at this point, Android will be recognized after many years of precipitation.Hong Meng hasn't experienced this stage yet.

He also emphasized that 5G is an opportunity, and people, people, people, things, things, and things will link into one.On this new variable, can Huawei have sufficient influence on the Internet of Things, which requires Hongmeng's openness.

If the United States continues to be high pressure and blocks the Google system, Huawei may force a set of third largest operating systems in the world through investment for several years.But if Google keeps opening up, Huawei seems to be more difficult to develop.Fu Liang admitted.

The aforementioned IT practitioners also told reporters that if the United States continues to be tough, there is no problem in using Hongmeng system in China. Source: Daily Economic News