Taiwan Industry and Commerce Times Society

Entering June, the conflict between the Sino -US trade conflict has further increased. The State Council issued a strong wording of Chinese positions on China -US economic and trade consultations.General, in the Shangri -La dialogue in Singapore, and the United States representatives and swords and swords are not allowed; in addition, China itself strengthens the preparation status, the night entertainment venues of major cities are fully closed, film production and other reporting are more stringent.Essence

Guo Taiming's alarm for the Kuomintang primary election reminds the world economy to change urgent changes in several months or even weeks. The larger tsunami than the financial tsunami is coming, and the president Cai Yingwen will quickly hold the National Security Conference.In fact, the Presidential Palace opened the National Security Conference on May 10 for the deterioration of the Sino -US negotiations.It is necessary to ensure stability in Taiwan's economic and trade and finance.

Financial stability is the most critical but still in the core issues that are still hidden by all walks of life in the Sino -US trade war. Guo Taiming's financial tsunami, Tsai Ing -wen's guarantee financial stability, Trump has continuously mentioned the strong and strong U.S. stock markets.And China ’s full support is the stock market, bond market and foreign exchange financial markets.Especially in China, we can continue to introduce the major policies from the People's Bank of China to see the determination to ensure financial stability to maintain stability.

The People's Bank of China and Bank Insurance Supervision announced last week that we will take over Baoshang Bank. This is the first time that the central financial supervision unit has taken over commercial banks for the first time since 1998 to the present to ensure that the deposit payment of less than 50 million yuan is guaranteed.Personal wealth management business is not affected, providing mobile cash in the contractor bank to ensure the normal operation of the payment system.

The reception of Baoshang Bank has nothing to do with the Sino -US trade conflict. This bank has been under the control of the central government for two and a half years. The Baoshang Bank should be a precursor of the financial crocodile Xiao Jianhua's case.However, Baoshang Bank and many small and medium -sized commercial banks in China did face the pressure of funds before the end of June, and according to the statistics of the Chinese media Sina.com, and at least 15 urban commercial banks and rural areas until the end of MayBanks have problems that cannot be declared in the 2018 financial report overdue. These should be declared before the end of April, but most of the banks that have not been delivered to the statement so far have a certain business crisis.In addition, the number of home -level financial institutions in grassroots levels of grass -roots levels has increased significantly compared with last year.

The People's Bank of China is highly alert to this phenomenon. Therefore, although it has greatly reduced the deposit reserve ratio in January this year, it once again announced the targeted reduction on May 10th. For small and medium -sized commercial banks, it provides up to RMB 280 billion in RMB 280 billionThe powerful currency is gradually issued from late May to mid -June. The main purpose is to guide small and medium -sized urban commercial banks and rural financial institutions that guide business difficulties to spend seasonal pressures at the end of June.

In addition, last year, the P2P lending platform that triggered a tightening of the bank system's funds was connected to the tide of thunderstorms. The government frozen a total of nearly 4 hundred assets with more than 10 billion yuan, close to the end of June, the existing P2P continued to report a warning message, plus plus the addition of the closure.Trust platforms from various places have also reported breach of contracts one after another. For example, Zhongmin Investment, which has already occurred in a number of trust breach of contract, appeared on May 28th to expire RMB 1.5 billion in debt, but delayed the breach of contract paid on the 31st.The Insurance Regulatory Commission also requires provincial and municipal financial supervision agencies and state -owned banks to pay close attention to the impact of these credit default on the financial system and social security.

In addition, there is a huge amount of central bank borrowing facilities (MLF) expired in June. On the 6th, RMB 463 billion, 2,000 billion yuan on the 19th, in July, in addition to 188.5 billion yuan on the 13th, there is still there anymoreOn the 23rd, 502 billion yuan.These are the funds released by the central bank to assist the bank over the end of June last year. Whether the funds are tightly stressed this year, and whether the scale of these MLF sequels has expanded sharply, it will be seen that the central bank is tight to market funds to market funds.Operation attitude.

The greater challenge is the pressure of heavy exchange rate depreciation.Asian currencies have entered the new depreciation track since April. The leading Han won quickly depreciated after the disappointing first season of GDP in South Korea. Han won from 1130 in April to 1 US dollar.The range reached 5.7%, and Asian currencies such as New Taiwan dollars also depreciated with the Han Dynasty, and the depreciation of the NT $ 3%was also 3%. However, under the psychological pressure of Baoqi, the RMB still died at the level of 6.9 yuan to exchange $ 1. Compared with Asian currencies,In terms of, the renminbi depreciation is the least.

According to this newspaper, Zhou Xiaochuan, the former president of the People's Bank of China, pointed out on May 27 that it is not necessary to treat 7 as the bottom line of the exchange rate, and China still adheres to the market supply and demand -based exchange rate decision mechanism.In addition to Zhou Xiaochuan's comments, foreign exchange analysts of major banks believe that in the environment of Asian currency continued to depreciate against the US dollar, the Chinese economy gradually slowed down, and Trump's 25%environment, the RMB depreciated.As for the economic and export trade, both policy tools can be considered. Therefore, whether the People's Bank of China has let go, restart the exchange rate target range of the RMB, and even let the RMB depreciate in the short term.The most important point of observation.

Tsai Ing -wen's National Security Conference, Guo Taiming's financial tsunami warning, and policies issued by the Central Committee of China simultaneously pointed out that the stability of the financial market was the top priority after the trade war entered June.All parties will make every effort to maintain stability. We hope that the financial market can maintain stability in high pressure, and we also look forward to the Sino -US trade negotiations can turn in June Peak and re -obtain consensus.