China issued early warnings to students and scholars, saying that it is more difficult to obtain visas to the United States.This highlights the other levels of the trade war spread to bilateral relations.

China issued early warnings to their students and scholars, saying that they are getting more and more difficult to go to the United States.At present, the continuously upgraded trade war between the world's two major economies is spreading to other levels of bilateral relations.

For a period of time, the visa of some Chinese people in the United States has been restricted, and the visa review cycle has extended, the validity period is shortened, and the visa rate has risen. The Ministry of Education said on Monday.Right now is the eve of the peak application of visa applications in the United States in the summer.

At present, the situation has impact on Chinese students studying normally in the United States or successfully completing their studies in the United States.

The department reminds domestic students and scholars to strengthen risk assessment before planning to go to the United States.

After the US -China negotiating representatives failed to reach a trade agreement in early May, both parties upgraded the tactical actions of the trade war.The United States included Chinese telecommunications equipment manufacturer Huawei (Huawei) on the blacklist. In response, the Chinese government announced that it would include foreign companies that discriminate against Chinese companies on the unreliable physical list.

Since this month, the two countries have imposed additional punishment tariffs on each other's exports.So far, the actual impact of tariffs on the lives of most citizens of the United States and China has a small impact, but the new atmosphere of mutual accusations may change this situation.

Millions of Chinese people have lived or studied in the United States so far, and hundreds of thousands of Chinese are currently studying in high schools, universities and graduate schools in the United States.The number of applicants in the top 30 to 50 in the United States rose steadily.

The parents who read this situation were really scared, and the independent education consulting company MDASH; MDASH; Chinese elite scholar (ESC) co -founder Tomer Rothschild said.After the Chinese Ministry of Education issued a warning on Monday, a large number of parents found him, hoping that he could provide comfort.Parents have planned (sending their children abroad) for a long time.

The US Embassy in Beijing immediately rejected the reporter's comment request.Although the early warning of the Ministry of Education of China sounded the alarm, statistics show that most Chinese students went to the United States to study smoothly.

According to statistics provided by the Ministry of Education on Monday, in 2018, of the Chinese government sponsored more than 10,000 Chinese people who went to the United States to study in the United States, 331 were unable to do because of visa problems.

In the first quarter of this year, 182 of the 1353 people sponsored by the government had encountered visa problems that could not be resolved.In contrast, more than 100,000 Chinese students studying in American universities in 2018.

Before issuing this warning, Washington had canceled some 10 -year visas held by some well -known Chinese scholars in China, and urged American universities to strengthen their respective laboratories more firmly to prevent Chinese students from stealing technology.

But even for the Hua Eagle School, they are unwilling to prevent Chinese students from obtaining visas, because Chinese students are very important for American universities.

This warning caters to the feeling of some young people in China, that is, the United States is not going to live with them.

Study abroad and dream.For some people today, the U.S. signs became a needle in their hearts. The official cooperation news brand Deeptech Deep Technology of MIT Tech Review, MIT Tech Review, was waiting for a Chinese student for 6 months on Monday.It was written in a US visa report.

Noticing this emotion, Chinese President ... When a speech was delivered at the Beijing Belt and Road International Cooperation Summit Forum in late April, he positioned himself as a defender of overseas Chinese students.

We also hope that countries around the world will create a good investment environment, treat Chinese enterprises, international students and scholars equally, and provide a fair and friendly environment for their normal international exchanges and cooperation activities. He said at the time.
