Author: Qingping

I don't know when the theory of China's threat theory has begun to have, who starts to shout, and what kind of heart is with, anyway, it is a joke.

Promote the Belt and Road Initiative, adhere to the co -construction and sharing, welcome other countries to take the express vehicles developed in China, and call for the solution to the problems faced by human beings under the community of human destiny.Disaster relief, emission reduction, poverty alleviation, assistance, where is there no Chinese?Is there such a threat to neighboring countries and threatening the world?

Thanks to some of the US politicians this time, it has proved that it was not China that threatened the world, but American politicians who threatened the world. They used their willfulness and domineering to perform a living American threat theory.

This threat was vividly performed in this Sino -US trade friction.Do not talk about credit, do not keep promise, and repeatedly raised the asking price. Several times, the consensus just reached a consensus and immediately turned his face and did not recognize it.The threat of market and justice?

Use administrative orders to suppress Chinese enterprises, but give China a hat that deducts unfair competition in China; it will do everything possible to restrict the export of technology to China, but require China to reduce the US trade deficit with China;Who is the internationalization of domestic issues and political and trade issues politically threatened the world?

Using the advantages of the superpowers, flickering and coercing other countries and enterprises to suppress Chinese enterprises, rendering civilized conflict theory, and singing the theory of new Cold War with the way of fighting groups.Relations and national exchanges, who threatened who threatened?

Take an opportunity to international relations, and do not conceal the banner of Gao Yang's first priority. Everything is centered on yourself and uses your favorable organizations.Believers have become the biggest uncertainty in the international community.Excuse me, this is not a threat?

The Sino -US trade friction provoked by American politicians made people see a domineering threat to China.In fact, this wayward and bullying threatens not only China, but also a threat to the world.Each country may be deeply damaged by this hegemonism.When you do n’t move, you will tear the agreement, and you will wave the trade war in every turn. A company may quickly break the confession when they go more than themselves. They will retreat at any time.In the eyes, which country has a sense of security to do business with you?This is the visible and real threat.

Such behavior is not only a threat to other countries and the world, but also a threat to the normal life and international exchanges of the nationals.

The front page of the New York Times recently published an article saying that the Huawei ban from the US government has led to the forced interruption of wireless infrastructure construction in rural areas in the United States, and farmers cannot contact the outside world in a timely manner.Some commented that the US government's increase in curbing China has caused American farmers to be worse.In response to the previous agricultural subsidies announced by the US government, the major agricultural associations of the United States have shouted to the US government. What they want is not creative and postponed, but for a long time for farmers to survive.To protect the people's livelihood, it is actually a real threat and destruction of the interests of national interests!

Not only that, the U.S. government has recently set up restrictions on the cultural exchange between China and the United States on the grounds of national security. The President of Yale University Su Bidd issued a statement that emphasizing that international students and scholars are popular and respected. Opening is the key to the outstanding achievements in the top of the United States.EssenceIsn't President Yale stated that it is also a sound protest against threats?

Thank you for this naked frankness of some American politicians, without having to post labels, sing self -evidence self -writing and self -writing American threat theory.

The United States stares at China, the world of shaking hands in China, fair and comfortable.