Sino -US trade conflicts have not yet showed signs of ending.As China and the United States continue to increase tariffs, the development of the world economy is facing greater challenges.Since the Sino -US trade negotiations, the United States has put forward many requirements to China, including termination of subsidies for state -owned enterprises, termination of compulsory intellectual property transfer, greater market access, etc., and using extreme pressure to force China to make changes.The Sino -US trade war has greatly damaged Sino -US relations, making the lack of strategic mutual trust.

Before the trade war, Chinese society had some expectations for the United States. It is hoped that the two countries can become strategic partners in the future, at least economic.However, the United States misunderstood China's intention, and some conservatives believe that China has a strategic deception on the United States.Subsequently, the United States launched the suppression of ZTE and Huawei, and forced China to accept the unreasonable demands of the United States with tariff sticks. It has greatly changed the concept of Chinese citizens of the United States and believes that the United States is no longer worthy of trust.

In the next ten years, the competition in the field of trade and technology will be more fierce. The United States will continue to ask China to make some changes, but this may be the end of the long process of changing China in the United States. In the future, it is more likely to be China.Ask the United States to make changes.

Looking back at the history of China and the United States for more than 100 years, it can be found that most of the time the United States asked China to make changes, and to a certain extent, China has indeed changed China.In the late Qing Dynasty, Li Hongzhang sent young children to study in the United States.The United States has not directly required China to make changes, but it has imposed a positive impact to change China ’s indirect indirect impact by cultivating technical talents such as Zhan Tianyou.

The second case of the United States changed China's second case was to return some Gengzi compensation in 1909 to run and fund Chinese youths to study in the United States in China, and cultivate a number of outstanding scientists such as Qian Xuesen and Zhu Kezhen.contribute.At the Paris, US President Wilson proposed a 14 -point plan. Chinese intellectuals had high hopes for this, hoping that Wilson would speak for China on the Shandong issue.These historical facts show that the United States has made a positive impact on China in general compared to other Western countries.After Japan invaded China in 1931, the United States stood on the side of China and condemned Japan to continue to strengthen its embargo on Japan.During the War of Resistance Against Japan, the United States gave the Chiang Kai -shek government with great support, sending General Stadwick to China to guide China to fight against Japan, which helps China to achieve the final military victory.

After the Anti -Japanese War, General Marshall drafted a constitution for the National Government when he came to China to mediate, hoping that China would embark on American -style democratic political paths.It can be seen that the United States hopes that China will accept its influence and try to change China's political trajectory.But with the end of the KMT Civil War, China has embarked on the road of socialism that the United States is unwilling to see.At this point, the United States has come to an end of a period of mild impact on China, and has begun to change China's trajectory with tough military means.In the Korean War, the United States tried to change the Korean Peninsula with force, but the United States did not win the Korean War.After the military conflict, China and the United States have been indifferent to each other for nearly 20 years.

After Nixon's visit to China, Sino -US relations thawed, and the two countries began to reconnect.Due to the strong comprehensive strength of the United States than China, the Sino -US exchanges have shown a more obvious phenomenon in the United States to change China, not in turn.In the past 40 years, the basic policy of the United States to China is to contact and prevent defense, hoping to change China in multi -level contact with China.The United States hopes to achieve two basic goals in contact with China, enter the Chinese market and change the Chinese social value system and political trajectory.China has indeed changed a lot, such as more respect for intellectual property rights and paying more attention to the rule of law, but China has not changed its political trajectory.

The peaceful evolution of the United States has not occurred, and China still adheres to the socialist path of Chinese characteristics.What surprised the United States was that the United States opened the market to China and made China exported to the United States in large quantities to obtain a huge trade surplus. In Trump's words, it accounted for too much cheap in the United States.Raise rapidly.This situation has caused the United States to have an illusion of being cheap by China, and thus becoming extremely angry.

Centennial marathon written by Michael Pillsbury, an expert in American Hawks: How China deceives the United States, can represent the domestic setbacks and anger.The United States originally hoped to open up the market and education to help China change and make China more political modernization, but China took advantage of this opportunity to take advantage.Therefore, since the Trump administration came to power, Littichzawa and others raised tariffs on the China Eagle School, trying to change China in a rude way.

Try to change China in a rough way, China will not succeed

This rude way cannot be successful, and it will bring very negative consequences.The reason why the reason why it cannot succeed is that the United States wants to change too much and exceed the scope of China that can promise.The United States tried to change the relationship between the Chinese government and state -owned enterprises. In fact, to change China's political system and redefine socialism, it has touched the bottom line of the Chinese government.

If the United States just wants to change trade imbalances, the Chinese government is willing to change, and it is not difficult to do.But what the United States wants to change is the socialist model with Chinese characteristics, and this effort is basically impossible.In addition, the United States has proposed problems such as intellectual property theft and mandatory transfer, as well as rough means for Huawei and ZTE, the fundamental goal is to slow down China's technology rise.The Cold War of the Science and Technology did help the United States to suppress China's scientific and technological development in the short term, but it also awakened China's deeper scientific and technological consciousness, prompting China to focus more on scientific and technological innovation and break through scientific and technological bottlenecks.Huawei President Ren Zhengfei once said that international suppression has prompted Huawei to become the world's number one.

It can be expected that China ’s science and technology consciousness will be stronger after the trade war, and the government will invest more time and energy to overcome the card neck technology.Therefore, through the rude means of tariffs, the United States tries to achieve its two major goals (curbing Chinese scientific and technological progress; changing socialism with Chinese characteristics) in a humiliation of China.The United States changing China's century -old lane may end.Not only that, in the near future, the United States needs to make a good preparation for China, although the United States seems to have not realized this.

Globalization is a process of mutual change.Both China and the United States have disadvantages, as well as all other countries.Globalization is definitely not a single way to change China in the United States, but a process of changing each other and accommodating each other.China will obtain the power to change the United States, and there is also a need for changing the wrong concept of the United States.China's scientific and technological potential and economic strength will allow China to have the power to shape the United States.This power will help China to change some stubborn and wrong ideas in American society.

In the United States today, all wrong behaviors in China, whether it is to launch a trade war or through the Taiwan Travel Law and Taiwan Guarantee Law, is based on its ingrained wrong concepts.The wrong concept is the source of all wrong behaviors.To change its behavior, you must first change its ideas.Based on this logic, China will inevitably use its own strength to counterattack the United States.If China does not counterattack the current wrong behavior of the United States, it is impossible to change its mistakes and paranoid concepts. The United States will not stop discrediting and blocking China, but it will only intensify.Therefore, only in China to resist the United States on the front and promote its reflection, can it be pulled back to the correct track of Sino -US relations.

What to change the United States in China

What concepts need to change the United States?China does not want to change the identity of the United States, nor does it want to change the capitalist system of the United States, and does not want to change the culture and thinking of the United States.In the future, China should work hard to promote the United States to recognize that the United States needs to abandon hegemony; the United States needs to abandon the concept of the United States; the United States needs to respect the diversity of civilization; the United States needs to cooperate with other major powers;Forces and so on.The past forty years are forty years for the United States to change many concepts in China, and the next forty years may also be the forty years of China's change in American concepts.

The future goal of China is to show the conservatives in the United States through its own strength, pulling the United States back to the right cooperationThe track comes up.Therefore, China's counterattack against the United States should be reasonable and moderate.It is necessary to prevent the expansion of counterattack against the United States. Do not define the differences between China and the United States as the overall differences between the Chinese people and the American people.If the local counterattack is upgraded to a comprehensive counterattack, it will trigger the overall confrontation of the society between China and the United States, which will affect global stability.

In addition, China should also combine other countries in the world, as well as rational factions in the United States, counterattack the US -Vietnamese international rules and international organizations, and jointly maintain world order.The hegemonic behavior of the United States was not only hated by China, but also opposed by its allies and many developing countries.China should strengthen dialogue with rational voices with the international community and affect the future of the United States, rather than fighting alone with the United States.

The history of China and the United States' exchanges show that accommodation and tolerance can easily affect each other's ideas.China's strategy against the United States should be counterattack and tolerance, counterattack in the field of economy and security, and tolerance at international organizations and social and cultural levels.Even though the United States has defined China as a strategic opponent and constantly provoking China, China still does not have to rush to regard it as an opponent or enemy, but should hang the status of the United States.Even if the United States often puts together regional organizations to exclude China, China can still invite the United States to join the Belt and Road Initiative.

Even if Sino -US relations have been in trouble, China can still take Sino -US new -type relations as the goal of pursuing, rather than disappointed and even give up.The reason is that believe and wait for the return of the United States to the return of rationality and give each other to understand the space.In the past 100 years, China has experienced dazzling changes. The United States cannot adapt to the disruptive changes from poverty to prosperity. At present, it is the critical period of the United States' psychological adjustment. China can be more patient.Too pessimistic.When the United States gradually realized that China could not be curbed, the rationality of China would eventually return.

Of course, the best result is that the two countries have changed their own transformation and self -improvement.There are some problems in each country, and there should be a sense of self -improvement and self -evolution.This should be the case between China and the United States.Mutual change and self -improvement are the way out of Sino -US relations.China does not have to avoid its own problems, such as excess capacity, market access, intellectual property protection and other issues. These problems are more or less existing, but they are not as exaggerated as the US propaganda.

It can be seen from the one -year trade negotiation that China is willing to face and solve these problems.Chinese society is also thinking: which are indeed unfair and which are fictional unfairness.Regarding those reasonable accusations, China has accepted and gradually changed.As the Chinese President ... said, the changes that should be changed will be changed, and it is absolutely impossible to change.

In contrast, the United States should correct itself.The United States should find more reasons for itself.The practices of the United States interfered everywhere, retreat at any time, and treat other countries rudely have exhausted the soft power of the United States.It can be said that US diplomacy is on the wrong path, but the United States does not know where it is.More than 10 years ago, many Americans began to suspect that the United States was walking on a wrong road and has been seeking changes.The root cause of Obama's stage is because Obama represents changes or changes.

During the US presidential election in 2008, I was visiting California and so far I was able to remember that American society wanted to change my eager desire.But 10 years later, I found that the United States did not change myself, but it became worse and worse, because the United States did not consciously consciously consciousness.The conservatives of the United States have blamed their mistakes and frustrations on other countries, especially China.The Trump administration has made every effort to change the world's trade order, only for a narrow goal, that is, stabilizing its first place in the world.The United States has not recognized major problems in its existence so far, such as armed interference and long -arm jurisdiction.

Conservatives in the United States believe that they can rely on force deterrence to force China to yield, economic defeat China, divide China politically, and shape China according to US values.China has raised these issues to the United States countless times, hoping that the United States can recognize and correct these wrong behaviors, but the United States has rejected it with the arrogance of hegemony.The United States is reluctant to change its paranoid concept of China, but this is not a question of whether to change, but the question of changes, how to change, and when to change.From a long time, the United States must change the wrong concept and behavior of China, otherwise China can only force it to change.

To influence the world between China and the United States and promise the world to a better future, it is not only to change each other, but also whether it can set a good example in the international community.If China practice its promise, to be a role model that maintains civilization diversity, pursues win -win coexistence, maintains international systems, and rationally resolve international disputes and achieve social harmony, the world's views on China will naturally change.Similarly, the United States must reflect on itself and abandon its deep -rooted concept of hegemony.So far, domestic intellectuals have not really begun to discuss how to shape the United States, which is equal with heterogeneous civilization and cooperate with other powers to deal with world problems, but this day must come.

The author is an associate professor at the Institute of International Politics of Zhejiang University