Deng Qingbo

Sino -US economic and trade frictions affect the global economic situation.The bad news is that the United States newly launched measures to increase tariffs on US $ 200 billion in exports of exports in China, and threatening multiple threats will impose tariffs on another US $ 300 billion in China to enter the United States.The good news is that both China and the United States have stated that the negotiations can also be carried out, and it has not completely ruptured. Hope still exists.

Although the economic and trade war is fierce, it is obviously only part of the current US tough policy for China.The Trump authorities have clearly positioned China as the main strategic competitors. Except for economic and trade, in all aspects of science and technology, military, geopolitics, etc., have adopted a series of measures to contain siege in China.The words of some politicians in the United States are particularly hostile. They are accusing China in China. Even the US State Department's policy planning Director, Skinner, spoke recently that the competition between the United States and China is a different civilized society and ideology. This is the United States.Facing the powerful competitors of non -white races for the first time.Even this kind of distinctive racism is exported to exit, and people must be highly vigilant.

However, competition and even competition between China and the United States are not only available now. In fact, it has experienced a long process.

At the beginning of the founding of the People's Republic of China, China and the United States met in the Korean battlefield. Since then, China and the United States have been in a hostile state for a long time.To describe Sino -US relations, China and the United States have indeed carried out many cooperation out of the needs of the Soviet Union, but the contest between the two countries has never stopped.

More representative events such as: in the early 1990s, the United States had jointly sanctioned and blocked China with Western countries; the United States once used the so -called trade -in -the -most national treatment to force China to make various concessions every year;In the incident, the United States excuses chemical weapons to detain Chinese cargo ships and forcibly board the ship inspection in the Gonghai. In 1996, the United States publicized Lee Teng -hui to visit the United States and delivered a speech, which led to a crisis in the Taiwan Strait.In 1999, NATO, led by the United States, accurately said that the B-2 bombers in the United States fired three accurate guidance bombs in a row, bombing the Chinese Embassy of the Yugoslav Alliance at the time, causing three Chinese journalists to die and injured dozens of people. In 2001,On April 1st, the US EP-3 reconnaissance aircraft approached the investigation of the waters near Hainan Island, China, and destroyed the Chinese pilot Wang Wei to sacrifice.

From the above -mentioned representative events, it can be seen that although the Chinese government at that time was likely to maintain its dignity as much as possible, overall, there was no dedication at that time.China, China is passive and disadvantaged.The United States is not friendly to China, but it has not regarded China as equal competitors.

At that time, China was not only far from the United States in all aspects of economy, military, science and technology, and diplomacy, but also internal difficulties: state -owned enterprises were seriously lost, resulting in tens of millions of workers laid off; banks once appeared in a large number of.Bad debt, buried huge risk hidden dangers; bureaucracy and corruption were rampant for a time, becoming a prominent factor affecting the development of the market economy and social stability;SARS crisis.

As far as China was concerned, risk challenges were very huge regardless of internal or external.Therefore, the United States is almost unscrupulous to China.At that time, the United States promoted the concepts of human rights higher than sovereignty, and arbitrarily accused China's human rights conditions and social systems, and faced China with high missionaries.At that time, the United States did not position China as its main strategic competitors because from the perspective of US political elites at that time, China was not qualified as American opponents.

However, to this day, the situation has obviously undergone tremendous changes.China has become the second largest economy in the world, and its economic aggregate has exceeded 60%of the United States.China's high -tech industries and enterprises in some areas have allowed the American industry and enterprises to feel the threat of competition. For example, for the first time in 5G technology, there may be countries that may break the US monopoly.China has also made breakthroughs in one after another in terms of aerospace, aircraft carriers, and stealth aircraft. Although there is still a huge gap compared with the United States, it may indeed form some local advantages.

China's contribution to the world economy has long been among the best, and its prestige has also increased. It has received more and more support in the Belt and Road Initiative. In the United States, it is important to choose to withdraw from the Paris Climate Agreement, UNESCO, and Iranian nuclear agreement.At the same time as multilateral platforms, China's portion of these platforms is becoming more and more important.Even the United States has withdrawn from the UN Human Rights Council, which is equivalent to slapping by human rights guards and often accusing China of human rights in terms of human rights.

In this case, the United States turned to Asia Pacific after actively harvesting the strategic interests of the Cold War, positioning China as the main strategic competitors tied with Russia, exposing highly sensitive to China's development momentum.And this also means that the American mentality of China has begun to have great adjustments. From the past completely high, it has begun to become a vision in a certain sense, that is, China is regarded as a short -lasting opponent with the United States, andNot a weak who can be bullied by the United States.

However, despite the great changes in the United States' mentality to China and more perspectives, this does not mean that the United States has really faced China with an equal attitude.Because, without revealing the hostility of the United States in China, the United States actively positioned China as an opponent and strengthened curbing, which itself still revealed the proud mentality of the only hegemonic country.

In fact, it is precisely because the arrogance mentality of American politicians has not changed fundamentally, and still cannot face China, which is rapidly developing with an equal attitude.source.It is precisely because the United States still thinks that the United States should be superior from the heart, and other countries in the world, including China, can only be used as eternal second -class countries under the shelter of American hegemony, making the American elites prefer to ignore China's new types of great powers.Regardless of the scholars' warnings about Sino -US trap into the so -called Xiu Xidide's trap, and comprehensively adopted increasingly radical measures to interrupt China's development momentum.

However, the past history has proven that China has relying on its unswerving reform and opening up, overcome various risks, difficulties and challenges, and has achieved more and more development achievements.Although the trade war has come aggressively, with the comparison of the strength of China and the United States today and the evolution of the international situation, the United States may not be able to create more greater danger and humiliation than in the past.Perhaps for a long period of time, whether in the face of the trade war or other pressures, China is still in relative weakness and defense, but as long as China can maintain a stable situation since the reform and opening up, then China will inevitably be overThe more you have to conford to face the United States' enclosure and containment, forcing the American Elite Society to face and respect China with a truly equal attitude.

Perhaps then, China and the United States can only be more respectful, equal and mutually beneficial, and build a new type of great power relationship that is conducive to the two countries and the world.However, the premise is that the American elites can avoid excessive anxiety, correctly judge China's development momentum and intention, avoid pride to cause misjudgment, and cause irreversible damage to Sino -US relations.

The author is Chinese current affairs commentator

Taiwan Strait Relations and Public Opinion Researchers

Perhaps for a long period of time, whether in the face of the trade war or other pressures, China is still in relative weakness and defense, but as long as China can maintain a stable situation since the reform and opening up, then China will inevitably be overThe more you have to conford to face the United States' enclosure and containment, forcing the American Elite Society to face and respect China with a truly equal attitude.