Liu Juti: All parties speculate that other Chinese companies may also land on the blacklist of the US Department of Commerce.Are Chinese companies prepared for this?

The United States has recently surrounded Huawei through administrative orders to restrict Huawei ’s ability to purchase US parts, and further incite the fire chain to the Sino -US trade war.All parties speculate that other Chinese companies may successively land on the blacklist of the US Department of Commerce, including video surveillance companies Hikvision, UAV leader, and so on.The question is, are Chinese companies ready?

At present, the guessing of Huawei's destiny is mainly divided into two factions: Huawei executives counterattack American bullying high -profile, and the declaration of the Hisilicon chip of the subsidiary from the spare tires, so that Chinese media and Huawei fans can survive Huawei through thisIn terms of confidence; but in terms of international media, such as Reuters access to international chip experts, generally, whether Huawei can really be self -reliant and completely self -sufficient to propose a big question mark.

Although the U.S. government has given Huawei's 90 -day buffer period, Google has announced the stop of business exchanges with Huawei, which indicates that the Google Unpreparted version of Android system, Google Play framework, YouTube and other services have been prohibited from Huawei equipment worldwide from the world.Used, it is expected to have a negative impact on the overseas market of Huawei mobile phones.

At the same time, every correspondence in the technology industry that has a cooperative relationship with Huawei is studying how wide the scope of Trump's administrative orders. Even British ARM believes that because of its design includes intellectual property rights purchased from multiple American companiesTherefore, the US origin technology covered in the constituent restriction order has also announced the suspension of key technologies of Huawei.ARM production like Qualcomm and other manufacturers to produce chip design, and also authorizes smartphone companies to produce its own chips. Hisilicon has begun to manufacture ARM -based chip systems since 2012.American scientific and technological comments are likely to this as possible to Huawei as if it is like telling Coca -Cola that it cannot use carbonate.

Facing the challenges of the United States, Huawei has been prepared. Last year's ZTE incident was equal to a preview. It is generally believed that Huawei is more autonomous than ZTE in terms of technology, especially chips.However, the situation that is still continuing is still showing that the chip will not be the only game.

Therefore, there are three possible scenarios in Huawei's situation: one may be that Huawei suffers, and the business is severely hit; the second may be that Huawei kills a blood path, becoming more independent and independent, and the more frustrated; the third may be China.Leaders ... compared to the ZTE model, for Huawei to solve the siege.Generally speaking, Huawei has a stronger pressure resistance capacity than ZTE, and also entered a state of preparations earlier. As Ren Zhengfei said in a media interview on May 21, he believes that Trump's 90 -day wide limit to Huawei is completely unnecessary.EssenceIn this way, Ren Zhengfei should also reject Chinese leaders for love for Huawei, so as to truly prove that the United States has the eyes that do not know Taishan, which is too low to estimate Huawei.

Huawei's encounter will make international high -tech companies, especially enterprises with national security considerations, from communication to digital technology, as well as state -owned enterprises.However, if Huawei's challenges can become the revelation of other Chinese companies, this may make them more welcome to the challenges of globalization and internationalization, and work hard to discuss the best practice.

Although I do not advocate that Chinese companies are self -reliant from the global supply chain, if the reorganization of the supply chain becomes an unavoidable political reality, Chinese companies must face and prepare early.

At the same time, we must first see clearly that the strength between Huawei and the US government has multiple levels: Since 2012, the US government and Congress have regarded Huawei as a highly vigilant object, thinking that Huawei's existence threatened the country's land securityEssenceIn addition, in January of this year, the US Department of Justice filed a complaint against Huawei and Meng Wanzhou on the grounds of violating the US sanctions on Iran, and another case accused Huawei of stealing commercial secrets.

Huawei subsequently filed a lawsuit against the U.S. government. In response to the constitutionality of the 2019 National Defense Authorization Law, the Federal Court requested that the US Federal Court determined that this restrictions on sales restrictions were unconstitutional and banned the implementation of the restrictions.

In the past few months, the U.S. government has continuously put pressure on countries in an attempt to prevent Huawei from participating in the construction of 5G in other countries.At present, the ban on the ban on parts of Huawei is based on land security considerations. Although the US government has denied it, it is obviously related to the rapid turn and cliff -type deterioration of Sino -US trade negotiations.However, the interweaving of this many levels, coupled with the rapid spread of tariff battles into scientific and technological warfare, whether Huawei's future can be done with Trump's phone calls, it is difficult to determine.

In addition, the recent round of tariff plus classes has made China and the United States more difficult to reach a trade agreement in the short term.Even if China and the United States can reach an agreement, the trade war has formed a chain effect over the past year. Continuous negative reports and media rendering are enough to cause strong sequelae and cause the credibility crisis facing Chinese brands on the international stage.

At the annual meeting of the Hundreds of Chinese Elite Organizations in the United States in early April, brand expert Edierman CEO Richard Bull; Edierman said that because of the security concerns of Huawei, the media was widely reported that this is harming the Chinese brandThe overall image.

After Meng Wanzhou was detained in Canada in December last year, the world's attention increased sharply.But before that, Chinese companies were close to the bottom of Edelman's trust test survey.According to the global survey from mid -October to mid -November last year (released in January this year), only 40%of the respondents trust Chinese companies, while Germany, Switzerland and Canada have obtained 70%.The trust rate of US companies is 54%.

The latest data collected in March this year shows that the Meng Wanzhou incident and the US government announced the two lawsuits against Huawei at the end of January that the trust of Chinese brands has decreased even more:

We conducted a survey in October and a survey in March.Huawei's factors are important.In those months, due to Huawei's problems, the trust in Chinese brands fell by 5 to 6 percentage points.Whether it's right or wrong, I want to tell you that this is the world's view.

Edelman said at the annual meeting of the hundred people: I strongly recommend that this is a problem that Chinese enterprises (whether state -owned enterprises or listed companies) must be solved first.Chinese companies must make sustainable development reports.They must have better management.They must have more images and rhetoric.

Therefore, we have to ask: How to restore the credibility of the Chinese brand?Are Chinese companies ready?

According to the world's largest comprehensive brand consulting company Interbrand's 2018 Global Top 100 Global 100 Best Brand Rankings, only one company in China is shortlisted: Huawei ranks 68th (2015 ranked 94th).This ranking requires the list to truly participate in global operations, and at least 30%of the turnover comes from the country.However, Interbrand believes that the establishment of a brand abroad is where China's giant beast companies face huge challenges.

The US market was once the sword training field for Chinese companies, the highest standard, but it helps to improve itself.In recent years, the US market has formed a dangerous resistance, which may make Chinese companies go.The National Committee of the United States and China Trade and hundreds of people will release the Sino -US CEO instant investigation on April 5.

This report states that more US executives will give priority to the Chinese market in the next five years compared with Chinese executives' views on the US market.Although 68%of the CEOs of the two countries also said they would give priority to their markets, those who said they would not invest in each other country were Chinese executives.

Only more than half of the executives reported that the trade war did not affect their ability to develop business with partners in other countries, but more Chinese executives reflected the problems of negative impacts.Only 27%of the respondents said that their brands were negatively affected by the tension of US -China relations, but two -thirds of the affected people were Chinese CEOs.

The biggest impact of the trade war is to score some of the previous Chinese brandsSan question systematic, deep, and comprehensive.The so -called Huawei effect drives questions about other Chinese brands.Then maybe some brands will say: Forget it, we will not go to the US market in the future.However, the United States is still the most effective market for the establishment of the brand. Therefore, if China has shrunk from the US market due to political pressure from the United States, it will have a negative impact on the internationalization process of its brand.

In my opinion, from a certain perspective, the perception of Chinese brands is closely related to the views of Chinese countries.

According to the data released by Gallop on March 11 this year, one year after the continuous upgrading of trade differences in the United States and China, based on the annual world affairs survey conducted from February 1st to 10th, Americans' views on China have dropped sharply to China to China.The lowest level since 2012.At present, 41%of Americans say they have a good view of China, which is 12 percentage points from last year.

The New York Times issued a document on May 1st that Huawei faced the dilemma: on the one hand, it must prove to the world that it is not a white glove to be the Chinese government, but on the other hand, it will always show loyalty to the Communist Party of China.This article emphasizes that at its core, from the organizational structure to the establishment of employee loyalty, Huawei is very similar to the Communist Party of China.

As the leader of the national industry, Huawei may represent the most extreme example, but in fact, it is not just Huawei. Many Chinese companies, entrepreneurs or Chinese people are interpreted as the long -arm extension of national machines under the public opinion of the United States.

In addition, what are the flaws of Chinese companies?

Edelman said that especially in developed economies, Chinese companies have poor evaluation because they are considered lack of transparency and concern for the environment, and bad treatment for employees.Edelman also pointed out that the trust in Chinese CEO is the lowest in the world.Only 19%of the world trust China CEO.China has a higher scoring in innovation, cost -effectiveness, and employment.

Of course, the mainstream Western media also has a sound for Huawei. For example, George Bull, the advocate of the science and technology utopian; Kilder shouted to the US government when commenting on the Wall Street Journal: Huawei is a resource, not a threat: just because China is just because China is just because China is just because China is just because ChinaIt is difficult for enterprises to have difficulty in China and will weaken the world economy.

However, at present, under the beacon of the trade war, Chinese enterprises must be preparing for the war, strictly assess their dependence on external technology, the maturity of self -technology, and the ability of crisis public relations.Chinese enterprises must ask themselves: Is the company's internal control of the situation of the trade war?Can you fully grasp the cross -border information and make a timely and correct assessment?Is the external image control and speech under professional exercise?

For example, the most focused on the blacklist in the United States is the security doubts that Chinese companies may bring.There are two levels of security considerations: one is whether the system itself threatens data security, national secrets, and personal privacy. This is a technical question; the other is whether Chinese companies will be the Chinese government and the Communist Party in terms of intelligence collection or monitoring.Serve.

When DJI is facing suspicion of security, its explanation is: DJI DJI Innovation has always attached great importance to information security issues. The security of our technology has been repeatedly verified worldwide, including independent verifications of the US government and the United States -leading enterprises in the United States.EssenceWhen users use DJI DJI innovative drones or other technical products, the data produced, stored and transmitted are completely controlled by the user.In addition, DJI DJI also provides special models to meet the needs of information security management of different customers, such as disconnecting local data models of network connections, private cloud deployment models, and so on.

However, this explanation seems to only answer the technical level of security questions, and has not proposed a direct and effective refutation on the question of intelligence or monitoring the backdoor.

In addition to effective expression content, it is also important to communicate internationally.In order to deny the allegations of the US Department of Land and Security, some Chinese -made unmanned aircraft may contain components that will endanger user data and share information that can be shared with the Chinese government.Not through your own English press release or Twitter.

Imagine that when Chinese companies face international sounds, if they are tightly bundled with the official media, have they more strengthen the stereotypes of Americans' close relationship with the government's relationship with the government?In my opinion, DJI should actually make a statement through various Chinese and Western media channels at the same time. Even if it is impossible to reverse the established impression for a while, it is a habit worthy of the time.

Another example is that I returned to China last November. I can still see a Huawei executive on a domestic TV when attending the meeting.This statement seems to lack the awareness of foreign public opinion, because in the international context, the wolf culture is already equivalent to plunder including intellectual property rights.

Huawei's experience will undoubtedly become a textbook for Chinese enterprises. If Chinese companies can learn from this lens, recognize the importance of technical strength, and learn more solid management mechanisms and international public relations. This will drive the growth of Chinese brands in the next stage.Essence

(Note: This article only represents the author's personal point of view. Responsible for the mailbox [email protected])