Liu Yuanju: Of course, Ren Zhengfei's primary starting point is Huawei's interests. He saved Huawei from the saliva and keyboard of those who did not speak back pain.

In the Sino -US trade dispute, national emotions swept Chinese public opinion.After the United States banned Huawei, some people claimed that Lenovo took the lead in out -of -stock, which caused public opinion for violent criticism of Lenovo.

The exciting nationalist emotions need to find an exit and target.

First of all, this goal must be China.In all the previous discussion of foreign campaigns, Chinese and Chinese companies were attacked. What we heard and saw was attacked and hurt in the name of patriotism. For exampleChinese people who consume in KFC, Chinese people who shop in Carrefour.

To some extent, this behavior is out of an intuition: it is possible to hit the Chinese, but foreigners cannot move.This intuition may stem from a bicycle of foreigners easily recovered. Even thieves in China will understand that foreign tourists' money is not so steal.

Secondly, this goal must also be able to confront Huawei as the bid MDASH; MDASH; international enterprises, IT industries, popularity, etc. as Huawei, so Lenovo has become the target of this witch hunting.

This irrational emotion does not require facts. Once selected, the details will be carefully reviewed under the magnifying glass. On the contrary, once it is identified as noble, everything can be forgiven.Recently, Huawei Hisilicon President He Tingbo first disclosed for the first time in the employee's letter that all the spare tires we once built all over the night to LSquo; RSQUO;! This caused the enthusiastic pursuit of public opinion.Huawei had his own spare tire, but at that time, after ZTE was banned by the United States, Huawei did not take out his spare tires to help ZTE from the perspective of nationalism.This book is unsatisfactory, and it also involves complex rules, but if this incident happens to Lenovo, it will be a big problem.

Lenovo is an international enterprise. For its own survival, it must act in accordance with international rules and comply with the laws of the country.This is also in line with the Chinese government's requirements for enterprises.But unfortunately, the Chinese people are accustomed to using a narrow, ethical and moral standards to look at corporate behaviors and morality of business behavior.

This punch -morality explanation affects the Chinese people's extensive existence at present, affect the Chinese, and even affect the direction of the country.

For example, from the perspective of such views, Huawei is innovative, so it is moral and noble; Lenovo follows the line of trade and industry, but does not take the self -innovative technical and trade line, so I don’t think about it.There are defects in morality; as for ZTE, there is no core chip to be sorry for the motherland, sorry for the people; is hungry, Didi, Taobao, and there is no rising technology in large powers.There are Haisi spare tire chips that inspire national feelings and cause enthusiastic praise.

It is in this atmosphere that all kinds of rumors, once the patriotic hats brought on, will not be further investigated.The rumors on Lenovo this time have such great influence, the public opinion formed is so fierce, and the impact on the Lenovo brand is so huge, but even in the context of high -pressure strikes to make rumors.There will be no signs of being pursued.At present, even some authoritative media often scold the rumor by public opinion because of distortion in news details. This time, no folk public opinion will scold.

As a result, when nationalism becomes a source of safe traffic, it will be magnified sharply under the mechanism of pursuing the number of clicks from the media to pursue the number of clicks.Generally, regular institutional media will maintain professionalism and objectivity, but the self -restraint of the media is much less. In order to pursue traffic, it will even do whatever means.Just as the rumors are not investigated, compared to other topics, this article full of narrow national emotions will not only bring traffic, but more importantly, it is safe.This security stimulates more self -media to make articles in this direction.Previously, 5G voting and the so -called early out stock have become the concentration of the media's explosion, which led to the polarization of public opinion. On the wheel of nationalism, it was tied to Chinese enterprises.

This is not patriotic. On the contrary, this behavior will eventually hurt Chinese companies, not only to hurt Lenovo, but also Huawei.It hurts China's innovation ability and harms China's interests.It can be described as standing and not back pain, but kidnapped the real hard -working family.

Therefore, we saw Ren Zhengfei stand out in person to cool down for this emotion.

Ren Zhengfei said a lot. He said that if you think that if you do n’t buy Huawei, it ’s not patriotic, then our child is not patriotic because they also use Apple products.Don't be sensational, you can't use things like populism.He also said that we will not easily narrowly eliminate American chips. Although our own chip costs are low, we still have to buy American chips. We cannot be isolated in the world, but we must grow simultaneously.

As the founder of Huawei, his primary starting point is of course Huawei's own interests.He would save Huawei from the saliva and keyboard of those who did not speak back pain.To a certain extent, similar Chinese companies are also saved.Save China's innovation efficiency.

Huawei can achieve technical independence, but after technical independence, once the upstream supplier's political support is lost, the market forbidden will follow.Huawei is likely to encounter more restrictions on the global market.At present, the technological innovation mechanism of globalization is to develop MDash; mdash; sales of mdash; mdash; profit mdash; mdash; R & D, R & D investment and innovation, and are inseparable from market profits, which is also closely related to the market size.Although the Chinese market is large, the international market is even greater.Once the international market is blocked, the sales volume decreases, and the speed of innovation will decline. The advantages of Huawei's difficulty accumulation will be exhausted quickly.

In yesterday's conversation, Ren Zhengfei mentioned the upstream chip companies that supply Huawei, and tried to supply all ways to supply Huawei. Although this does not exclude the friendship that has been formed in long -term cooperation, the starting point of American companies may not actually be the starting point of American companies.Moralization may also be very simple, just to look good financial statements and more profits.

But it is this company's pursuit of profit that has created the world's top technological innovation capabilities.Innovation has never relying on moral call drive.Taking the United States as an example, after World War II, in the 1960s, a new round of scientific and technological revolution based on electronic technology broke out in the United States.This round of technological innovation leap is driven by market competition, and it is promoted by entrepreneurs to pursue profits.After the eight genius rebellions of Fairy Company resigned from Fairy Tong Company, the branches were scattered and the Silicon Valley gradually formed.So why did they leave from the company, not to inspire innovation, but for profit for their own development.Even though the current US military science and technology leads the world, it is not a moral call for enterprises to innovate, but is based on the competition of private military enterprises such as Thor, Boeing, and Lockson Martin.

Therefore, letting enterprises return to enterprises, let the country's return to the country, and integrate the enterprise from the narrow nationalism and integrate into the world, to ultimately promote the innovation of the country in the final sense.The meaning of integrating into the world is of course not allowing others to follow our rules, but to respect the existing rules of the world. Of course, it also includes the law of the country.This is the case, regardless of Huawei, ZTE, or Lenovo.As for the negotiations and wrestling between the state, of course, the primary task of the enterprise is profitable, and the purpose of the country's wrestling is to protect its economic cell mdash; mdash; enterprise development.

(This article only represents the author's own point of view, responsible editor: Yan Man [email protected])