Author: He Zhongping

These days, the topic of the Sino -US trade war has detonated the topic of public opinion.However, it is sincere to have a profoundly influence of this possibility of the international political and economic pattern. Some people hope that China is tolerated in accordance with the United States, and Xiao can't bear to make trouble; some people shout that they will start the war and loses or losen in World War I.The fisherman was profitable in the seam of the trade war.I will also take a look.

Since March last year, since the United States launched a large -scale tariff on goods imported from China, the two parties have been in the first head of state, 11 rounds of high -level consultations, and the two parties lead the call.It is expected that both parties can reach an agreement.However, the results of last week were surprising: the United States first announced taxation at the end of the negotiations, and a few days later, China also announced that retaliation measures were still color.

Misimi Kaitian cable price is overwhelming China

The United States raises the motivation of trade war is not simple, and the drunkard's intention is not wine.Judging from the specific price disclosed by the media, the essence is to block China's opportunity to rise up at the key stage of industrial upgrading, destroy China's booming momentum, and completely incorporate China's development into the United States and accept US supervision.In the game rules.For the price of the United States, the Chinese side scolded the belief that it was abandoned and full of bullying.According to the author, it has been deeply tingling with the dignity of the Chinese side. No one should expect that China will swallow the bitter words that harm the core interests of the country.Whether a spokesman for the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs or the Chinese Ambassador abroad, the words have resolutely opposed the trade war, but it will never shrink back, which shows it.China seems to be preparing to fight in the end. The Ministry of Commerce not only announced the counter -list, but also stated that it is being studied.

Does the United States suffer?Nothing!The United States originally benefited from trade with China.The international division of labor between China and the United States in the global value chain is different. In fact, the United States has obtained most of the profits of the industrial chain and sold 800 million shirts to get a Boeing aircraft. It is a description of the image of Sino -US trade.The National Committee of the United States and China Trade shows that the average Sino -US trade saves about $ 850 for each American household, which is equivalent to 1.5%of American household income.Does China not protect intellectual property rights?Nothing!Compared with 2001, China's foreign payment intellectual property fee increased by 17%. In 2017, it reached $ 28.6 billion, and the deficit exceeded $ 20 billion. Among them, the use of intellectual property rights in the United States increased by 14%year -on -year.Does China require mandatory technology transfer?Nothing!To be precise, in the face of China's huge market, they must come up with core technologies to compete.

The launch of a trade war harmed others and harmed themselves

There is no winner in the trade war, and China and the United States are the first to be the brunt, and it is difficult to be spared in other regions.For the Chinese side, the trade war has indeed increased the external risks of the macro economy and downward pressure. According to the authority of the authoritative department, GDP may decrease up to 0.5 percentage points.However, the risk is generally controllable. The most important thing is to force China to pay more attention to industrial upgrading, and strengthen the determination to deepen reform and expand opening up.For the United States, the trade costs for China will lead to the general increase in the cost of living in the United States, and large US companies, especially multinational companies, will suffer huge losses.For Europe and Japan, if the United States succeeds in China, the next taxation target will turn their heads.The spillover effect of the Sino -US trade war has spread globally, bringing severe challenges to global order, rules, and trading systems, adding more uncertainty and risks to the global economic recovery.Studies by Washington Think Tank's Brukins Society showed that if a serious trade war broke out in the world, that is, tariffs increased by 40%, the global economy will reproduce the Great Depression.It can be said that the United States launched a trade war and harmed others.

Living in China and the United States in the same world, cooperation is the only correct choice.The economic dependence between China and the United States has continued to increase, and it has long been difficult to blend with each other.In 2018, even if the trade friction was upgraded and protected, the bilateral trade volume of China and the United States still exceeded 630 billion US dollars, and the two -way investment stock exceeded US $ 240 billion.Of course, China must also have a responsible country.For example, a foreign investment method is a goldstone. China must take the same case in accordance with the negative list to give all investors fairly, fully fulfill the promise of intellectual property protection, and increase transparency.

China and the United States are difficult to be alone with Hong Kong

In Hong Kong, I also heard that some strange theories said that Hong Kong can gain profit from the Sino -US trade war, and even holding this kind of obsession, begging foreign parties and provoking fighting, and it is also known for Hong Kong.If the two elephants are fighting in the lawn, there will be no living grass around the grass.The gate of the city was caught fire, and the pond fish was stubborn. China and the United States were discording. Hong Kong would only struggle in the gaps.In order to protect the interests of Hong Kong, in addition to being prepared by themselves, it is necessary to do practical things to promote Sino -US cooperation, not the opposite.

If you can't talk about China and the United States, anyone in the world will lose!