The Lincoln aircraft carrier battle group was exercised in the Arabian Sea last weekend. The U.S. military claims to be in response to the threat from Iran.In addition to the Lincoln carrier, the participating ships also include the amphibious attack ship, the Bibric missile destroyer, and the 22nd Navy Marine Team Expedition Brigade.

The Exercise project includes air -to -air, formation and ship maneuverability. The exercise highlights the ability and flexibility of the United States in responding to threats, stopping conflict, and maintaining the strategic interests of the United States.U.S. media analysis is that when the tension between Iran and the United States continues to intensify, commercial flights flying over the Persian Gulf may become the goal of the Iranian military because of misjudgment.(Reuters)

Before Trump issued this warning, the green area where the US embassy in Iraq was attacked by a rocket and did not cause casualties.The United States suspects that Iran is related to this.

(Washington Composite Electric) The situation in Persia is increasingly heated. US President Trump issued a more severe warning to Iran on Sunday that once the conflict broke out, it will be the real end of Iran.

Before Trump issued this threat, the Green Area where the US embassy in Iraq was attacked by a rocket and did not cause casualties.The United States suspects that Iran is related to this.

The Green District is located in the center of Baghdad, the capital of Iraq. It is the Iraqi government agency and the US and British Embassy in Iraq.An official of the US State Department said the Rockets did not hit the facilities where Americans were, nor did it cause any casualties or serious losses.No one has come forward to admit the case, but the United States takes great seriously.

The official issued a statement by email that in the past two weeks, the United States has repeatedly stated that it will not tolerate American or facilities to be attacked, and the United States will respond decisively.If these attacks are launched by Iranian agent militia or members of these troops, we will blame Iran and respond to Iran accordingly.

Trump later posted a post on Twitter: If Iran wants war, it will be the real end of Iran.Never threaten the United States anymore!

Trump did not further explain, but his tweet showed that his position on Iran became harder.

Last Thursday, the reporter asked Trump at the White House whether the United States had to fight with Iran, and Trump replied: I hope not.The New York Times also quoted multiple anonymous U.S. government officials on Thursday that Trump told the Ministry of Defense Changsha Nahan on Wednesday that he did not want to fight with Iran.

The United States had previously pointed out that intelligence showed that Iran and their agents pose a increasingly serious threat to the U.S. military or commercial transportation in the Middle East. Therefore, the United States has stepped up a aircraft carrier to the Persian Gulf, and some diplomats have been removed from Iraq.

Commander of the Iranian Revolutionary Guards: Has been ready to deal with threats

Fox News broadcast a pre -record interview with Trump on Sunday. Trump said in an interview that even if his adviser warned Iran not to provoke, he did not seek military confrontation.I am not a person who likes war, because war damages the economy, and more importantly, war will be dead.

Trump said: I just don't want Iran to have nuclear weapons, and they cannot threaten us.

In Tehran, the Iranian Islamic Revolutionary Guard Commander Hussein Middot; Sarami said on Sunday that Iran does not want war, but he is not afraid of war.

According to the Iranian media, the Republic of the Republic of Iran, Sarami said in a military conference that day that Iran's current threats have approached the border of the country, and the Revolutionary Guards have been prepared to deal with threats.

Recently, safety risks in the Persian Gulf areas have risen. Four merchant ships have been damaged in the waters near the UAE on the 12th, including two Saudi Arabia oil tank ships.The UAE has not pointed the spear head to any side, and there is no organization to recognize the case, but the United States believes that it is related to Iran.

Two days later, the two pump stations of a major oil pipeline in Saudi Arabia were attacked by drones. The Husai Armed Forces, which was fighting with the international coalition leaders led by Saudi Arabia, claimed to work.Saudi Arabia accused Iran accusing him of the attack.

The Fifth American Fleet said on Sunday that in response to the increasingly tense situation, the member states of the Persian Bay Cooperation Committee have launched a security patrol in the international waters of the Persian Gulf region from last Saturday.