At the moment of Sino -US economic and trade friction, it affects the global market nerves. The recent upgrade of trade war has made the market feel worried, and the rise of Sino -US economic and trade frictions will become normal.According to people familiar with the matter, Chinese officials are stepping up the deployment and enriching long -term response strategies, and strive to be calmly cope with tug -of -war and make long -term preparations.

According to Reuters, although after the latest tariffs on each other, US President Trump still stated that he has not ruptured trade negotiations with China.alert.Several interviewees said that in the recent discussions of many economic functions related ministries and commissions and high -level central government, long -term, multi -line, and long -term are frequent vocabulary.

It is indeed an important time node at the moment, but it is not to the extent to the extent of the survival. A Chinese official who understands the situation says that the Sino -US trade situation is severe in the short term, facing some challenges, and in the long run, there will be no Ma Pingchuan.This further promotes China's long -term and fully preparations.

He also pointed out that there is no need to be too pessimistic about the trend of economic and trade relations between China and the United States in the future. When the Cold War thinking has passed, the popularity mode is not enough. Chinese officials do not want to evolve this wave again into a round of tariff war like last year, let alone will not be will will not will be a round of tariffs, let alone will not be will will not will be a round of tariffs, let alone will not be will will not be will will not be a round of tariffs, let alone will not be will not be a round of tariffs in a round of rounds.Policies and measures have fluctuated in the United States' policy to China.At present, a series of long -term strategies are increasing efforts, not only the response to the tariff upgrade, but also the long -term layout of the long -term Sino -US trade relations in the future.

Another person close to the senior management also said that the waves of Sino -US trade again also reminded the Chinese side again to enrich the policy basket, and it is not a bad thing from this perspective.It is difficult to solve some principles in the short term. Even if a phased consensus is reached, it is necessary to deeply realize that the tug -of -war war may become a new normal for a period of time.

The person also pointed out that the long -term response plan of a package will cover many aspects such as monetary policy, industrial division of labor, and industry layout. It is not only its own internal development needs, but also a strategy to respond to external uncertainties.Dama stability and not chaotic.

After the United States increased the tariffs of US $ 2 billion on Friday to 25%of China's imported goods, China also announced countermeasures this Monday to increase a series of US series of USTariffs of imported goods.

At the time of the tariff war, Trump's remarks on China this week were cooled. He expressed optimism about the possibility of reaching an agreement between the two countries to end the trade war.Chairman ... has extraordinary relationships.

US Treasury Secretary Numchin said on Wednesday that he may soon visit Beijing and continue to conduct trade consultations with China.Numchin did not explain the time of future consultations. He believed that the two -day high -level consultation with Chinese officials in Washington last week was constructive.However, the Chinese Ministry of Commerce stated on Thursday that China has not yet mastered the plans of the United States to come to China for consultation.

According to Wan Yan, chief economist of China Gold Group, Sino -US trade frictions seem to be short -term, but all the impacts are long -term. Too short -term fluctuations do not need to be too nervous, but they must be prepared for long -term long -term expected preparations.It is not affected by China's own pace to the greatest extent.Now it is necessary to have a certain patience, and we still need to focus on the enhancement of endogenous motivation.

She also pointed out that the negotiations are cautious and a few more rounds are not bad. The game back and forth between the two parties may not have reached a consensus due to some profound significance clauses. InsteadThe long -term significance that can be achieved is more profound.

The spokesman of the Chinese Ministry of Commerce, the peak of the Ministry of Commerce, emphasized on Thursday that the trade friction upgrade will have an impact on the China and the United States and the world economy. As far as the domestic economy is concerned, there is still sufficient space for macro policies, which affects completely controllable. There are many policy tools.The Chinese economic and industrial system is complete, the market size is huge, the toughness is strong, the space is large, and the prospects are very bright.

The negative impact of continuous trade frictions is unavoidable. In the short term, the short -term impact on China's economy has limited effects, but due to the complexity, long -term and uncertainty of Sino -US economic and trade relations, long -term and far -reaching response can relieve trade to alleviate trade.The dispute does not expand to other levels.

An expert of an official economic think tank team said that the continuous Sino -US trade conflict includes not only the bilateral intellectual property, state -owned enterprise reform, exchange rate and other issues, but also involved industry and technical policies.The core interests need long -term, some choices of internal reforms, and flexible and pragmatic foreign trading systems.

It is the most necessary at the moment to actively promote the substantial reform of related fields in China. He said that the current game between economic and trade differences should be viewed in detail.Essence

UBS Securities pointed out in a research report that its benchmark forecast is still that China and the United States may reach a trade agreement during the year, and the trade war will not be further upgraded, but the risk of a comprehensive trade war has increased significantly;The overall economic growth, so China's economic growth rate is estimated to 6.2%in 2019.

China ’s large investment bank MDASH; MDASH; China Gold Corporation’ s macro team also issued a report saying that since China and the United States have imposed tariffs on mutual tariffs, the growth rate of imports on Chinese tax increases in China has slowed significantly, and China ’s imports of imports in the United States have decreased greater.Static and limited to the local estimation of exports, the impact of US $ 250 billion in goods tariffs on China's GDP may reach 0.3 percentage points.

The report also pointed out that the exacerbation of the trade friction between China and the United States has exacerbated the impact on global trade and the world economy, which will not be underestimated. The rise in bilateral tariffs leads to trade transfer, and multinational enterprises with global layout have more room for cope.The first choice of risk policies is to expand fiscal policy such as tax cuts and fees, as well as tariffs between China and other trading partners.