In the past period, the U.S. government not only provoked trade frictions in my country, but also attacked all sides. Even its own allies did not let go.In terms of common sense, international trade should have been mutually beneficial and win -win, and there is no winner in the trade war.In this case, why do the US government still go alone and live everywhere, and do some stupid things that are not good for others?This is determined by the economic laws that are not transferred by people.As the largest monopoly capitalist economy today, when many contradictions have developed to an unpredictable point, they are eager to pass on crisis out of the crisis, and use their unique hegemonic advantages to try to compete for the world market, maintain monopoly positions, and obtain monopoly benefits.The seemingly incredible behavior of the US government actually contains unspeakable secrets.To clarify this truth, we can deal with it calmly, walk to the poor place, and sit while watching the clouds.

1. The dual purpose of the U.S. government provoked the trade friction: protect the domestic market and expand the foreign market

Since the first quarter of 2018, the U.S. government has conducted trade sanctions on Belgium, Colombia, Thailand, Canada, South Africa, Ukraine, China, India, South Korea, Greece, Turkey and other countries.According to statistics, from the economic crisis in 2008 to August 2018, the US government's trade intervention carried out about 1,700 times, ranking first in the world.The countries that have been intervened in the United States are all over the world. The most affected countries are Canada, China, Germany, Japan, Italy, South Korea, France, Britain, and Mexico, which almost covers the world's major economies.(Data source: Global Trade Alert)

The purpose of provoking trade frictions in the US government is double: on the one hand, it is to protect its domestic market; on the other hand, it is to expand and occupy foreign markets through trade sanctions, thereby achieving the purpose of monopolizing the world market, that is, the so -called U.S. priority.For the illegal contradictions of domestic roots, some American politicians' desire for the world market has reached the level of hysteria. It simply puts aside all camouflage, and simply and rudely waving the tariff stick, and to tear up the existing agreement.

U.S. governments have imposed high tariffs on products from various countries, and the Trump administration has even been Youlie today.Since 2017 alone, high tariffs have been imposed on China, Canada, Argentina, Indonesia, Australia, Brazil, Norway, Mexico and many other countries.For example, 292%of anti-dumping and anti-subsidy taxes are levied to 100-150 large passenger aircraft imported from Canada.In addition, the United States has one by one to tear up the regional trade agreement unilaterally.For example, the Trump administration claims that the Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPP) will bring a fatal blow to the US manufacturing industry, so they withdrawn from TPP; they also unilaterally propose to South Korea to re -agreed that the US -South Korea Free Trade Agreement should be re -agreed.The domineering behavior of the US government's series of high tariff barriers and tearing the trade agreement is to draw its domestic market as forbidden and not to trade partners.

At the same time, the U.S. government threatened with high tariffs and forced trading partners to open the market to the United States.For example, the United States claims that imported steel and aluminum products are weakening its domestic economy and threatening national security. On March 8, 2018, 232 measures were launched, and it was announced that it would levy 25%and 10%of steel and aluminum products from almost all trading partners, respectively.tariff.However, when South Korea made an annual export of automobile companies exported to South Korea from 25,000 to 50,000, it was exempted.Subsequently, other countries and regions that made compromises in the United States were also exempted, and countries that refused to compromise were imposed on tariffs.In this way, the U.S. government relies on tariffs to continue to attack the city and incorporate other countries into the pocket.

In fact, the current bullying act of the US government is just re -applied.From the 1970s to the 1990s, due to the continuous rise in the trade deficit of Japan, the United States continued to provoke trade friction with Japan, restricted trade restrictions on Japan, and performed Japan to restrict exports to the United States through politics.Japan further opens the domestic market to the United States.In the 1990s, due to the EU's implementation of banana import restriction policies, the share of major import and export companies in the United States fell significantly, and the United States threatened a 100%retaliatory tariff on EU products, forcing the EU to make concessions and resume open imports.Essence

The matter is already very clear. The intentions of some American politicians are simply mine. You are mine, and you are also mine. It is a gorgeous style. In the words of the Chinese people, it is full of swords.However, with the development of economic globalization and political multi -polarization and the strong rise of emerging economies represented by China, how far can this simple and rude hegemonism and unilateralism go, and it is not difficult for people with a slightly rational person to be difficult to go.make judgement.

Second, the United States provokes the source of trade friction: Monopoly capitalism has led to the basic contradictions of capitalism to further intensify

Some philosophers have long been determined that the faster the development of trade and capitalism, the more the concentration of monopoly production and capital.Today's production and capital of the United States have reached a higher degree of concentration, and monopoly capitalism has achieved a higher degree of development.For example, the organizational structure of production is increasing and the industry concentration is getting higher and higher.According to the data released by the US Bureau of Statistics, the revenue of the top 4 companies in the US IT industry in 2012 accounted for nearly half of the total market revenue of the industry; the revenue of the top 4 companies in the retail industry accounted for less than 25%in 1997, toIn 2012 to about 40%.After the large -scale cross -industry mergers and acquisitions since the 1980s and 1990s, the number of large multinational and cross -industry monopoly companies in the United States has increasingly influenced and dominated people's lives from all aspects.At the same time, the US government, which represents the interests of the monopoly bourgeoisie, has continued to strengthen the intervention of economic life, and has continued to strengthen the penetration and control of politics, culture, social life, and international affairs.

The strengthening of capital monopoly will inevitably exacerbate various social contradictions.The reality of the United States today is the basic contradictions of capitalism. The excess commodity and excess capital are intensified, and the degree of polarization of national income distribution has deepened.According to statistics, from 2000 to 2017, the proportion of US labor income in GDP fell by about 4 percentage points, while the proportion of capital gains increased by about 4 percentage points, and 1%and 99%of the society's opposition was increasingly acute.The United States has now become the worst western countries in the rich and the poor.

While the rapid development of science and technology is in an infinite expansion trend, the effective demand of the general public is restricted to the narrow range due to the low level of income.A large number of excess products.Big Capital Group has accumulated more and more capital in the hands. However, due to the domestic market saturation and monopoly industries entering the high barriers, it is impossible to find favorable investment places in China, thereby generating a large number of surplus capital.Without resolving this contradiction, the capital circulation chain will inevitably break, and it will even fall into a serious economic crisis. The 2008 international financial crisis caused by the US subprime mortgage crisis is still fundamentally a capitalist economic crisis for excess production.

The contradiction between production and demand is particularly acute in the United States, where monopoly capitalism is highly developed.How to resolve this contradiction and how to get rid of the crisis?It is a usual way to capture a larger market by launching a trade war.On the one hand, we must make every effort to protect the domestic market and avoid excessive commodity and excess capital.It is necessary to protect the domestic commodity market, reduce the inflow of foreign goods into the country, and reduce the pressure of excess commodities; it is also necessary to protect the domestic investment market, restrict foreign capital inflows into the country, and reduce the pressure of excess capital.On the other hand, it is necessary to seize the international market through economic sanctions such as high tariffs, expand foreign markets, and solve the huge excess commodities and surplus capital that only rely on domestic markets.Those outsiders who cannot consume through the domestic market can only seek way out from the world market, occupy foreign markets, and export goods.In the country, there is no surplus capital that cannot be found in the country. It is necessary to get out of the borders and flow into countries with less capital, low land prices, low wages, and cheap raw materials, and obtain high profit margins.In short, the purpose of the United States to launch trade friction is to compete and expand the world market and obtain huge profits from them.

However, unlimited expansion marketThe desire of the field is subject to the limited nature of the world market. The thrilling jump of goods in the world market is not all successful.Moreover, today the world is in a period of great development and great adjustment. The market economy in various countries in the world has flourished, and the international market has been relatively saturated.In this case, the decision makers of the US government are unwilling to lose market competition, thinking that it can be the easiest, fastest, and effectively protecting the domestic market and occupying foreign markets by comprehensively launching a trade war.These self -righteous politicians, on the one hand, build the barriers of trade, close their own national gate, and on the other hand, they set up trade artillery to try to open up other countries.

It can be seen that no matter how wonderful the goal of the US government's foreign trade policy, the essence is to compete and occupy a limited world market.The root cause of launching the trade war is not in some specific economic friction or policy disputes, but the intensification of basic contradictions in capitalism caused by monopoly capitalism, forcing it to risk to tear her face, and competitors and even traditional allies.Graving the world market.The roots of the trade war and its essence determine that the US government's launching a trade war is not an accidental trade phenomenon, but to seek exclusive world markets with extreme pressure.The various rhetoric created by the United States, such as national security issues, intellectual property issues, anti -dumping issues, technical confidentiality issues, etc., are just unnecessary excuses for the launch of the trade war.

3. We firmly lead the correct direction of economic globalization

Under the capitalist economic system, foreign economic expansion such as commodity output and capital output is the main form of its economic globalization.This form of realization has significantly promoted the development of economic globalization.However, the infusion of the basic contradictions of capitalism caused by the high development of contemporary monopoly capitalism has enabled the way of capitalism in economic globalization to reach the boundary, which has caused the trend of economic globalization to reverse within a certain range, which fully shows that capitalist dominance is dominated by capitalism.The limitations of economic globalization.The current US government's launching a world trade war is this typical form of limitation.

Economic globalization is the trend of the times. It is the reverse flow of the times for the interests of monopoly capital.On the one hand, we must comply with the historical trend of economic globalization, continuously deepen reform, expand openness, promote and guide economic globalization to develop in the right direction, and strive to build a community of human destiny; on the other hand, facing economic global capitalThe emergence of the boundaries of the way of realism and the reversal of economic globalization within a certain range. We must lose fantasy and make preparations for adventurers like American politicians.Shi and Shi are on my side, let's beat them patiently, what's wrong!