Early Beijing Yiye

I do n’t know if it ’s a coincidence or intentionally long -range kicking the hall. Half a month before China held the Asian civilization dialogue conference, US State Council officials threw the theory of struggle between the Chinese and American civilization.China and the United States' discussion on civilization form an interesting comparison.

The Asian Civilization Dialogue Conference is another home diplomacy in China this year.Following the global governance issues such as infrastructure construction, free trade, climate change, and international peacekeeping, civilization is a new field that China has tried to expand soft power and international influence.

More conversations between different civilizations are undoubtedly better.However, if you consciously confuse the concept of civilization, such as treating the differences in civilization as a speech to explain the political behavior of the country, the dialogue may cause anti -effects. Instead, it cannot promote consensus or mutual understanding, but also expands the differences to more absolute and fundamental.

On April 29, Skinner's speech in Washington, Director of Policy Planning of the United States State Council, raised the game of China and the United States in international politics to the height of Chinese and Western civilization and ideological struggle.The first non -White Power competitors shocked Washington and Beijing observers.

Her discussion logic has a lot of loopholes, but she reflects the subconscious of some decision makers in the United States, or the attitude towards China that has rarely expressed publicly before the political correctness, and also provides negative textbooks for how to discuss civilization.

The misunderstanding that often falls in with civilization is a cultural decision theory, that is, exaggerating the impact of civilized culture on national decision -making and fate, and ignore the more realistic role of geopolitics, internal affairs, and economic interests.

Skinner believes that because the former Soviet Union belongs to a large Western family and China comes from civilization different from the United States, it is more difficult to obtain consensus with China than the former Soviet Union.

The logical vulnerability of this view is that the West does not regard the former Soviet Union as the traditional Western civilization, and the Marx Leninism that the CCP believes is derived from the West; in the world, it has inherited the many elements of Chinese civilization.More consensus with the United States than China.

If you look at the same rigor of the theory of Skinner civilization to review the discussions of Chinese civilization, we can see that it is also a problem to summarize all Asian countries into Asian civilization.For example, India and China are in Asia, and they have a long civilization, but the two countries have accepted the influence of other civilizations to varying degrees for thousands of years. Nowadays, the concepts of management politics and economy are very different.Consensus or the same development law.

Another common discussion is to associate the ancient bright civilization of Asia with the Asian economic miracle.I am afraid that there is also a shadow of cultural decision -making. It is too simple and romantic logic jump. It cannot explain why some ancient civilized Asian countries are still not rich.

Another issue of Skinner's discussions of civilization conflict is to political the conceptualization of civilization and confuse the Chinese civilization with the Chinese government and the Communist Party of China.The carrier of Chinese civilization is the Chinese and those who identify and inherit Chinese culture, and the main body of the American game is the CCP and the Chinese government.

According to the same reason, with the rise of the Chinese economy and the strong promotion of the Chinese government in recent years, Chinese culture and Chinese are becoming more and more attractive to people around the world, but this does not mean that all appreciation of Chinese civilization or recognition of Chinese culture has a sense of recognition of Chinese culture.People who will inevitably support China's domestic governance and diplomatic positions.When China promotes Chinese culture overseas, it will be difficult to promote the formation of soft power if it is too obvious to guide China to have a political favidence.

In the end, a Skinsa did not mention it directly, but was recognized as the concept of classic American discussions: American exceptions.

Many Americans believe that the United States is a unique country, and the special national origin has created values such as democracy, equality, and free economy.The United States has a sense of mission to maintain these values, and sometimes may even have a sense of superiority to other countries.

China's civilization and confidence and road self -confidence have a bit of the taste of the United States.According to the official discussion, after a period of exploration and theoretical innovation, China must appear in a confident success model, refuse to be imposed on Western values, and reject Western to measure China in terms of human rights, freedom, democracy and other fields.progress.

Of course, each sovereign state should develop in a way that conforms to the national conditions.As long as the affirmation and recognition of its own civilization is a frank reflection and the test of most citizens; as long as it is not my civilization, you do n’t say to me to respond to reasonable criticism, more to all parts of the world.Introducing national civilization and promoting mutual understanding and tolerance is really good.