Written article: Zhao Guanqi

On May 15, local time, US President Trump has two consecutive moves to kill Huawei in both market access and supply chain.At the time, the United States had once again imposed tariffs on China, and the trade war raised waves. Although the United States has always emphasized that Sino -US trade negotiations and Huawei storms are two different things, but Washington's actions have a completely different story.

Every time you finish the tariff plate, you can play Guoan cards

Near those in the United States suddenly issued difficulties. When the negotiations were completed, they would impose a tariff of US $ 200 billion in Chinese goods. The other hand issued an administrative order. Based on national security, individual telecommunications device vendors are prohibited from entering the US market.Starting from the supply chain, Huawei is included in the embargo list, so that Huawei is not allowed to import components to US companies without the permission of Washington.

Far December last year, the heads of state of China and the United States also promoted dinner in Argentina to show the good progress of trade negotiations. Canada announced the request of Shendu in Yingwafu to detain Huawei's vice chairman of Huawei vice chairman on the grounds of violating the Iranian embargo order.Meng Wanzhou.

Whenever the trade war reaches the turning point, the Huawei's storm will also open a new chapter, and the chance is surprising.To put it bluntly, Washington has no intention of handling it separately at all. Instead, it is classified as considering the complementary linkage of economic and trade offensives. The previous step has just played a customs card, and the next step is to keep up with a Guoan brand.Development and market reputation.In fact, from the suppression of the United States, Huawei history can be seen that the main axis of the so -called Sino -US negotiations is far more than the trade deficit, but it also reflects the all -round economic wrestling of China and the United States.

No hindrance to the world's 2 largest network equipment manufacturer

First of all, before the outbreak of the trade war, the competition relationship between China and the United States had surged.In 2001, China joined the World Trade Organization and opened a new era of entering the WTO. Huawei also opened up the US market. Individual intellectual property disputes of the intellectual property rights converged into a strong resistance.From 2008 to 2011, the US official agencies have repeatedly rejected, stopped or intervene in Huawei's mergers and acquisitions plans and equipment contracts in the United States on the grounds of national security, resulting in the suspension of other mergers and acquisitions after self -examination.

Huawei's development in the United States has been repeatedly frustrated, reflecting that the United States has prevented the threat of China earlier than the cutting -edge field, and the other side of the threat is the huge strength of Chinese companies.Despite the unable to play in the United States, Huawei's business is still booming. In 2012, it surpassed the leading leaders in the industry in the world in the world, and became the second largest network equipment manufacturer in the world.It can be seen that Huawei stands at the forefront of the development of China's industry. Its growth not only reflects the rise of the country's overall economic and trade strength, but also becomes the main model and gun target for the United States to provoke China's threat theory.

American Fat Economy Return to Reality

As the trade deficit in China and the United States, Huawei constitutes a threat. It is not a matter of overnight. It is essentially reflecting that the US virtual and fat economy has begun to return to reality: American companies are behind Huawei in the field of cutting -edge 5G telecommunications, and the productivity of the United States is no longer in China.From the reality to admitting reality, in recent years, the United States has finally faced the phenomenon of China's overtaking, but Washington does not choose to improve the industry's strength.Among the buds.

So far, both countries have stated that the Sino -US trade negotiations have not touched the Huawei storm. For Beijing, or to avoid extinguishing branches, they first ritual and then soldiers.However, considering historical and reality, the status of the superpower of the United States is decreasing, and the suspicion of the second China China is even more deeper. In addition, the economic and political inseparable is inseparable, and the suppression of Huawei is also part of the trade war.Then, since Washington took the lead in expanding the front to the non -tariff field, when China has reached a last resort, it also has enough strength and conditions to fight against the United States, so as to show that Beijing can also launch a comprehensive offensive.