Author: Wang Mingyi

When I visited Beijing at the end of 2018, Kissinger said: Sino -US relations can no longer return, and they must be re -positioned.Both countries are changing. The key is to understand how to coexist and find new diplomatic models. The two countries must not be able to upgrade to confrontation.The repeatedly folded Sino -US trade dispute finally embarked on the road of showdown confrontation. Sino -US relations are facing bikingg's forecast and pessimistic chaos.

In the US trade negotiation list, there are many unequal clauses, including requiring China to reduce the trade surplus of 100 billion US dollars within a time limit, stop subsidies for advanced manufacturing, prevent online spy activities from entering the US business network, and open China's service industry to comprehensively open China's service industry.And agriculture.The United States shows domineering and aggressive. No wonder some comments say that this is the same as the modern version of the ugly treaty.

From May 9th, Liu He low -key led the group to the 11th round of negotiations in the United States. It is known that this is a good plan to do the worst plan and prepare to deal with the Trump administration's showdown task.The trade war was ignited, and the CCTV nationwide network was launched in real time. The door was open; fighting, Fengyou in the end of the high -end comments, party and political officials set off a new round of trade defense.

The world's two and 2 major economic artists intend to increase tariffs to resolve trade frictions. In the end, the result will only be defeated. Relevant companies and consumers must bear the consequences and pay the price.The People's Daily of the Mainland said that raising tariffs on the United States will only punish American farmers, enterprises and consumers.However, how long the war can last depends on the pressure and tolerance of Sino -US decision makers to public opinion.

Recently, in order to worry about over -focusing on trade disputes in public opinion, China has a policy restricting network's comment on the criticism of China -US negotiations, avoiding causing flames and affecting negotiation agreements.However, after the United States showed a bullying attitude, Xinhua News Agency took the lead in a fierce comment that was overbearing, stressful, disregarding rules, and not morality.

Trump has launched a trade war. It is not just to reverse the trade deficit and consolidate industrial competitiveness. Real considerations, in addition to carrying out the strategy of great powers and delaying China's rise, of course, there is a calculation of re -election.Recently, delaying the process of negotiations in the US -DPRK and provoking trade disputes is conducive to Trump to create a strong image in the election campaign.

China and the United States are important trading partners in Taiwan and the support for the survival of related industries. Trade conflicts have exploded. The use of tariffs to sanctions and retaliates. If polaric controversy continues to deteriorate, solutions cannot be compromised, and Taiwan’s import and export trade and even industrial transformation are all transformed.It will cause incredible damage and impact.

The impact and influence of trade war on Taiwan mainly covers two major aspects of politics and scriptures.This year is the key election year. The intentional candidates of the court and the field will inevitably list the factor of Sino -US conflict as a demand for political opinions. Trump also deliberately regards the Taiwanese card as an auxiliary tool for the mainland trade war.Stand on the side.

Both Tsai Ing -wen and Trump are facing the pressure of re -election. The tense atmosphere formed by trade conflicts is conducive to Trump's operations on Taiwan's policy.EssenceCandidate candidates also intend to excavate the subject matter of use in Sino -US trade disputes.

Judging from the preliminary tricks of China and the United States, the two parties have no signs of settlement of raising tariffs and expanding taxation. The mainland seems to have prepared a long -term policy preparation.It does not mean that the two parties will have a compromise plan at that time, which will be the first to be the victim of the trade war and become a victim of the trade war.

The Sino -US trade war is like a two elephant fighting. Mainland businessmen and Taiwan's economic prospects may not be able to escape the pond fish.In the 2020 Taiwan election, the intentional candidates for the opponent and the opponents of the Sino -US trade that continued to heat up can neither just think blindly, or lack a sense of crisis of crisis for the changing political and economic ecology.initiative.