In response to the Sino -US trade war, Hu Xijin, the editor -in -chief of the Chinese official media, published an article today through the Global Times WeChat public account that the United States was fighting because of greed and being able to fight, because he did not brag, do not make stories, do not make stories, do not make stories, do not make stories, do not write stories, do not make stories, do not make stories, do not make stories, do not make stories, do not make stories, do not make stories, do not make stories, do not make stories, do not make stories, do not make stories, do not make stories, do not make stories, do not make stories.Montess will be broken at any time.China counterattacks to safeguard its legitimate rights and interests.We know why negotiations, why the negotiations are not achieved resolutely.The trade war in the United States is a person and a team that strongly claims to fight, wrapped in the public of that country.

The article finally emphasized that China is coerced by the entire country and all people at the same time, and for us, this is a real people's war.

The full text published by Hu Xijin:

China announced on Monday that it will increase the tariff rate of approximately US $ 60 billion in goods, which will increase the tariff rate, of which about half of the tariffs levied by about half of the tax item products have risen to 25%.This is the first shot that China has launched back its backbone since the United States announced its expansion of the trade war in China last week, and it is also our determination to resolutely fight back the US tariff measures.Lao Hu believes that China will have further countermeasures.

Washington originally expected the fast -moving decision and did not have the collective psychological preparation of the long -term trade war. Its emergency mobilization method is to talk about some Mongolian people who can't stand the common sense in terms of common sense.

For example, Trump repeatedly issued Twitter that income -increasing tariffs are good for the US economy and national benefits. It emphasizes that the United States can levy $ 100 billion a year, and those money is paid by China to the United States.He also compiled a data on Monday, saying that China paid 21 percentage points of 25%of new tariffs, and the United States only paid 4 percentage points.This is completely a criminal of the head.

As we all know, the tariffs should be paid by the US importers. Those importers can negotiate with Chinese manufacturers to share some tariffs, and the other part is passed on to consumers by rising prices.Because the profit from China to the United States was not high, the US importers to allow Chinese manufacturers to share tariffs are destined to be limited.This will increase the share of US consumers to tariffs.

The United States also uses companies in various countries to withdraw tariffs on China to intimidate China and cheer us out of public opinion.The United States seems to be arrogant to despise China into a professional supply market for consumption in the United States, and whether China prosperity is regarded as the how many markets in the United States to China.

China is not a small country, and can only make meals on the United States.Especially today, China is a huge market that is very close to the United States, and the trend will surpass the United States.Foreign companies coming to China first value this huge market size and its greater potential that it has continued to activate.

The White House may try to summon U.S. companies such as GM, Ford, and Apple to leave China. China is one of their number of product sales markets. See which one can move them?

Even if it is processing trade, China's infrastructure, workers' quality, and accessories ability can not be easily available for changing a Asian country.Lao Hu believes that some companies will consider relocating to avoid tariffs, but the part of the migration is not forced to make a strategic concession in China.Don't fantasize the United States.

There are many countermeasures in China, and we now emphasize the accuracy of countermeasures.The United States is a large -scale increase in tax increases, and the self -injury rate is extremely high.This approach is very bluffed, but it has long been difficult to persist for a long time.What China has to do next is aiming at shooting to avoid self -injury.Different from the United States who tried to make a quick decision, the Chinese side, which is preparing to fight for a long time, pays more attention to the fierceness, accuracy, and stability of counterattacks.

The Chinese government has always been out of mind about the trade battle to some difficulties and losses in the Chinese economy, which is in stark contrast to the US government's long -term beautification of the trade war.Based on this, China obviously seeks more truthfully, and the United States is suspected of fraud.This will largely influence the quality of the impact of the China -US digestive trade war.

The most important thing is that the Sino -US trade war, the United States fights because of greed and being able to fight, and keeps bragging while fighting, because without bragging and not writing stories, morale will be broken at any time.China counterattacks to safeguard its legitimate rights and interests. We know why negotiations are negotiated and why negotiations are not achieved.The trade war in the United States is a person and a team that strongly claims to fight, wrapped in the public of that country.China is coerced by the entire country and all people at the same time, which is a real people's war for us.