Author: Chen Yixin

The 11th round of China -US trade negotiations ended in the atmosphere of Lengbing. Liu He, the head of the Chinese delegation, did not even have a meeting. He hurriedly left the United States on the 10th, but the negotiations did not break before the trip.Talk again in Beijing.However, from the perspective of the two sides, China and the United States obviously have their own masters in careful calculation, and the two sides will be accurate and accurate. In the future, trade negotiations are probably suffering from Joe.

Trump learned from a secret document on the 3rd that the Chinese leadership will overthrow the previous discussion and make a significant amendment to the agreement that Sino -US trade negotiations have obtained.Chinese President ... This move obviously received information in advance. Knowing that Trump will not only cancel the tariffs of 10%of the US -US commodity, but also adjust the tariffs of China to the United States.Gambling with one, pulling up chips, and strengthening the position of beauty.

This spy to the spy's trade wrestling, Washington's trader is the US trade representative Leitich, and the trader of Beijing is Liu He.Trump seemed to be very patient this time. From the 3rd on the 3rd, he was not available on the 5th that it would be adjusted to 25%of the tariffs on US $ 200 billion in the early morning of the 10th to allow the Chinese delegation to let the Chinese delegation.Feel the pressure.

The delegation led by Liu He arrived in Washington on the 9th, and held consultations with American officials such as Littichi and Treasury Minister Mnuchin.Although Huafu has imposed tariffs on US $ 200 billion in the early morning of the 10th, the two parties continued to negotiate at the US Trade Representative Office on the morning of the 10th for nearly two hours.

Before the negotiations, Trump issued many tweets, saying that there is no need to worry about trade negotiations with China and China, and the process of imposing a 25%tariff for an additional 325 billion U.S. dollars has begun.

After the negotiations, Liu He said that there are still three major differences between China and the United States, including whether Chinese trade procurement figures meet the actual situation, whether the text agreement meets the principle of balance, and whether the two parties agree to cancel all tariffs.He said that the negotiations were not broken, but emphasized that China would not give in on the principle.

Although China has made many concessions in the process of trade negotiations, China has successfully won the interoperability office of both parties and writing the two -way supervision mechanism into the agreement text, which has basically met the arrangement of the principle of balance.As for whether the number of Chinese trade procurement in the United States is in line with reality, the two parties should be resolved in future negotiations.

China expects the United States to agree to cancel all tariffs, but Washington believes that punitive tariffs can be operated by the United States.In order to ensure that China complies with an agreement, the United States advocates a regular meeting of the United States and China each month, quarter, and each half of the year. Among them, the meeting of the half -year meetings must be involved in the highest -level officials of both parties.If the US company reports that China violates the agreement, Washington can start negotiations with the corresponding Chinese department officials. If the negotiations have no solution, the United States will unilaterally impose new tariffs.Of course, if the United States violates the agreement, China can also return to teeth.The United States believes that this is a fair arrangement, and it is unlikely to make concessions.

Trump said that he was not in a hurry to conduct trade negotiations with China, while Liu He said that it is not surprising that a small twists and turns in trade negotiations said, and said that he is still prudent and optimistic about the future.Intelligence is more endurance than endurance.

(The author is a lecture professor at the Department of Political Science of China Cultural University)