The U.S. government increased the tariff rate of Chinese goods from 10%to 25%from 10%to 25%of the total value of US $ 200 billion (S $ 272.7 billion).Earlier, US President Trump made relevant announcements on Twitter on May 5th and threatened a 25%tariff on the remaining $ 325 billion in Chinese goods.Panic, the Asia -Pacific stock market, including China, has fallen in an all -round way and ushered in the Black Monday.

Typical conflict of behavior

In addition, Trump also accused China of being blamed in the case of commitment to change the commitment during the negotiations and destroyed the agreement negotiation.People familiar with the United States revealed that China has withdrawn the statements that have been negotiated before on some issues, which may significantly change the agreement between the two parties.

These include the United States companies that China forced to operate in China to share patent technology and other intellectual property rights, and require administrative regulations to replace the legal amendments that had been agreed before, and abandon part of the commitment in the negotiation process.

Although some interviewed scholars analyzed that this is a very typical conflict between the legal culture and ways of acting between China and the United States. The administrative supervision instructions are actually more useful, more efficient than modifying the law, and more sincere in the United States, but the United States is obviously not that so.think.

However, in response to the accusations of the United States, the spokesperson for the Chinese Ministry of Commerce denied on May 9 at a routine press conference on May 9.He said: China focuses on credit and commitment commitments, and this has never changed.He also said that the negotiation itself is a process of exchange opinions, solving problems, and reaching consensus. It is normal for both parties to have different views.

Yesterday, the Chinese side also stated that it is a pity that the latest tariff measures in the United States will be implemented, and it will have to take necessary countermeasures.

Although the representatives of China and the United States conducted consultations on Thursday and Friday, Trump also said that the possibility of reaching an agreement on Thursday still existed this week, and stated that the Chinese President ... To him, he called him to cooperate closely to cooperate in orderTo ease the tension of trade, the two may call the phone to bring a hint of hope to the market.However, because of concern that the consultation between China and the United States may eventually break the situation, the two countries have fallen into a mode of fighting, and the market is still heartbroken.Earlier, investors originally worried that Liu He, the leader of the Chinese State Council and the Chinese and American comprehensive economic dialogue, will not go to the United States to attend consultations.

New tariff measures to take effect at 0:00 in the morning of Washington on Friday (12:00 noon on Friday, Beijing time) involved more than 5,700 types of Chinese products.This is also the most intense measure taken by Trump to win the concession of China Trade. It not only exacerbates the financial market that has been disturbed by the Sino -US trade war, but also has a key round of global economic growth prospects and on Thursday in Washington.The U.S. trade negotiations are shadow.

According to Bloomberg's economic division analysis, the United States's move will rise to 0.9 percentage points for China's GDP (GDP).If all goods exported to China to the United States are targeted, the economic drag will rise to 1.5 percentage points.

In addition, Bloomberg Economic Research Assessment, under the support of the devaluation of the renminbi, many Chinese manufacturers may barely maintain survival at 10%tariffs, but once they increase to 25%of tariffs, it is difficult for them to deal with it.

American eagle scholar, director of the American Institute of Population, and China Expert Steven W. Mosher was excited about Trump's hair out of China.He said that it may not be the best transaction with China.Because companies in China will evacuate to countries with lower operating costs; not only will the manufacturing industry continue to revive, but the American Asian allies, such as the Philippines, South Korea, and India, will benefit.At the same time, almost all of the billion tariff income from China will flow into the US treasury.This will also be the best way to weaken the Chinese economy and enhance the US economy.

But is this true?The US Equipment Manufacturers Association warned yesterday that increasing tariffs on Chinese imported products will cause terrible consequences to American equipment manufacturers, and the prospects of American farmers and other departments that have been affected by the decline in commodity prices will deteriorate.

The Association said that tariffs will lower the exit and reduce the employment growth of the industry up to 400,000 positions in the next 10 years.It also leads to China's counterattack against American companies, farmers, communities and families.

Michael Taylor, a managing director of Moody Investor Services in Hong Kong, pointed out in a report released by Taylor (Falling into a decline, and that happened to be the time of the American election.

No good for anyone

According to the report, Trump's approach exacerbated the uncertainty of the global trade environment, further enhanced the tension between China and the United States, had a negative impact on global emotions, and promoted global risk aversion.

Gerry Rice, a spokesman for the International Monetary Fund (IMF), also warned in an interview on May 9 that if trade tensions are heating up again, China and the United States will talk to each other in customs.Solve the problem as soon as possible.He said that persistent trade conflicts are not good for anyone.

Faced with the current situation in China, it should still not want to adopt a fish to break the net, leading to the two defeats.After arriving in Washington on May 9, Liu He said to the media: I came with sincerity, hoping that under the current special situation, I exchanged opinions with the United States rationally and frankly.China believes that the addition of tariffs is not a solution to the problem, which is not good for both China and the United States and is not good for the world.

A person familiar with the matter said that US officials were not sure whether Liu He had the right to make any meaningful commitments.

In view of the fact that Liu He went to the United States this time, he was no longer negotiating as a Chinese President ... The experts who were interviewed by the United Morning Post believed that China may have obtained major favorable breakthroughs in this round of negotiations.It is just to put on the attitude that China is still willing to talk, and to avoid international public opinion to blame China in China.

At the same time, although China has not announced the details of counter -tariffs in the United States as of last night, analysts of ING Asia -Pacific Economic Department believe that China will increase the total value of US $ 30 billion in goods from the United States.Tariffs, as well as the operations of American companies in China, such as intervention in some mergers and acquisitions in China.

As for the practices of U.S. Treasury bonds held by China that often mentioned in the past, the investment bank believes that China is unlikely to do this, because it will be China's pressure boxing method, and even if the negotiations are broken, it will not be easily used.

In any case, the United States and the second child, which is the boss of the global economy, and the second child, if you can solve the problem on the negotiating table and avoid comprehensive confrontation, it should be the result that investors want to see the most, otherwise they will inevitably affect the pond fish. Everyone thinks about a good life.Essence