Regarding the more and more intense Sino -US trade war, German media said that in the short term, Germany may be able to take the advantages of fishermen, so that some production lines in the Walted enterprise will be relocated to Germany and promoted economic development.Agreement will bring devastating blows to the global economic system.

According to German's largest subscription newspaper, the SUUML; Ddeutsche Zeitung) reported that rough and wild US President Trump promoted the Sino -US trade conflict into an open trade war.Trump's cold and ruthless negotiation method may bring each other's concessions, but this victory is short.The biggest loser will be American consumers because they will pay for high tariffs.I hope they will think of the next election that who will bring them these economic burdens.

The German -Planning News Agency reported that the Institute of Economics of the Kill World Economics of Institute of Think of Germany stated that the Sino -US trade conflict would make German fishermen gain profit and bring great export growth to Germany.Because Sino -US trade conflicts will limit China's exports to the United States, which will bring a lot of new business to German companies.Although the trade war may bring a great blow to the German car producer BMW, because the BMW produced in China in China is exported to the United States and will be hit by U.S. tariffs, but BMW may respond. For example, some business in China will beWithdrawing to Germany.The entire national economy in Germany will be promoted, and German exports are expected to increase by 5 billion euros.Although Trump's approach is brutal, the German School of Economics of Germany still expects that both China and the United States will reach a compromise, because Trump's fighting may be just a strategic action, so he has increased his negotiation.

However, other experts said in the picture newspaper that Trump is correct in the Sino -US trade war.Trump's launch of a trade battle brings slight benefits to the United States.However, the impact of the trade war on the world economy is devastating.If China and the United States have reached unification, this may have a negative impact on Germany and Europe.However, if China and the United States cannot be unified, the growth of Sino -US tariffs will definitely have a negative impact on the German and European economies, because the economic production chain has been connected globally. American Enterprise Round Table: The upgrade of the tariff war may damage the US economy

According to Reuters, the Business Roundtable, a corporate CEO, said on Friday that the organization is concerned that the U.S. -China tariff war upgrade will harm the US economy.

In a statement issued after the two -day trade negotiations ending in the United States and China, the organization expressed support for the Trump administration's efforts to solve structural problems with China.The statement pointed out that any agreement must resolve China's unfair trade behavior and add that the final agreement reached with China should reduce tariffs.