Sing Tao Daily News Agency The Sino -US trade negotiations, the Trump administration of the United States has stood up to pressure, and threats opponents to yield.This kind of strong style has recently used to deal with the dead enemies in Iran.

In the era of Trump's former Obama's administration, even if the US foreign strategy may not be exhausted even if the wind was windy.The development of nuclear weapons in exchange for economic sanctions in exchange for the international community.

This is immediate for the stimulus of the Iranian economy.The following year, the Iranian economy, due to the increase in oil exports, has soared 12.3 %. Western companies have deployed in Iran's investment and factories.

However, after Trump came on, he unilaterally withdrew from the Iranian nuclear agreement. The United States re -launched sanctions on Iranian oil, shipping and financial institutions. U.S. companies are not allowed to do business directly with Iran.The sanctions have led enterprises to withdraw their capital from Iran.

Iran eats hardships and worries internal chaos

Although the remaining five countries have stated that they continue to abide by the agreement, companies in various countries do not want to be sanctioned by the United States. The European Union is designing a set of mechanisms to use objects to bypass US sanctions.Recently, it has announced that the scope of sanctions will be expanded to metal transactions such as steel.The Iranian government was deep and impatient. She resolutely counterattacked, saying that if the five countries could not fulfill the promise of protecting Iran's sanctions from US sanctions within 60 days, they would restore high purity and concentrated uranium.

The Iranian government is so anxious because the United States cuts the important source of Iranian financial resources and has plunged the Iranian economy. Last year, the GDP of Iranian nationals has shrunk by 39 %. The International Monetary Fund has recently estimated that it will shrink another 6 % this year.Iran's exports plummeted, and the vicious cycle of currency depreciation and prices soaring. Last year, the inflation rate rose to 30 %, the meat price rose 50 %, and the unemployment rate was higher than 10 %.It is very difficult to support it.

The intimidation strategy is also used in China

The North Korean nuclear trial Yaowu was forced to put the United States on the negotiating table, but Iran couldn't take care of a bowl because North Korea was closed for a long time. The government power was highly concentrated. It was impossible to completely control the people.The dispute between the two forces, the economic crisis caused by sanctions will intensify contradictions and lead to civil unrest.In addition, none of North Korea's neighbors were willing to fight against it, and Iran looked at neighboring countries.The United States seemed to see the situation of internal and external troubles, and then punched its weaknesses.

In the United States, which has burned a lot of war in the Middle East, the aircraft carrier battle group, including giant bomber, to the Bay Gulf. In fact, once Iran develops nuclear weapons, the United States does not have to shoot in person.Saudi Arabia, a denomination and competition in the Middle East, does not stand by and wait for the opportunity to make difficulties.

The United States has attracted all -round strategies to deal with Iran. It can also see their deployment of China. At the beginning, the tariff trade war was used as a thunder.As a pawn.In order to avoid the situation of Iran, it is necessary to have sufficient power countermeasures, stabilize politics and maintain economic and military strength, otherwise it will inevitably attract the Trump administration to advance step by step.