Interviewees believe that it is a temporary necessary move to adopt a tougher attitude at this time, so as to explain to the country and let the United States realize that the trade war will hurt.(Agence France -Presse)

On the eve of a new round of Sino -US trade negotiations in the United States, the United States officially announced that the United States will officially announce that from tomorrow (10th) (US $ 272.7 billion) will be transmitted to the United States from 10% from 10%.Increase to 25%.The Ministry of Commerce of China immediately countered at night, indicating that once the United States implemented the above -mentioned tariffs, China had to take necessary counterattack measures.

Interviewees believe that it is a temporary necessary move to adopt a tougher attitude at this time, so as to explain to the country and let the United States realize that the trade war will hurt.Chinese official media have further announced this morning that China is unwilling to fight but is not afraid of fighting, and has to fight if necessary.

U.S. President Trump made a shocking bomb through Twitter last Sunday (5th), announcing that the tariffs imposed on 200 billion yuan of Chinese goods increased from 10%to 25%, and threatened to levy 25 other 325 billion yuan of products.%tariff.The US Federal Bulletin announced announcement at 8:46 last night, officially announced that it will implement a 25%tariff on $ 200 billion of goods from this Friday.

The Chinese Ministry of Commerce immediately responded two hours later, and a spokesman said at 11:23 night at 11:23: The United States intends to increase the tariffs of US $ 200 billion in China from 10%to 25%on May 10.The upgrade trade friction does not meet the interests of the people of the two countries and the people of the world. China will deeply regret it. If the US tariff measures are implemented, China will have to take necessary countermeasures.

Compared with the early days of the Sino -US trade war, the Ministry of Commerce of China was accompanied by the end of the Chinese Ministry of Commerce. This time, China's official response was relatively restrained. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs emphasized that it still hopes to strive for a mutually beneficial and win -win agreement on the basis of mutual respect.

However, Chinese official media have increased the threat of tariffs to fight back in the United States in the past few days, emphasizing that the Chinese economy has enough toughness, and encourages young people to treat the challenges of China and the United States as the mission of the times.

Liu He was scheduled to conduct the 11th round of economic and trade consultations with the US negotiation team in Washington for two days.Some analysts believe that China is preparing for public opinion at this time, and the external posture turns hard, which shows that Liu He will not accept the alliance under the city when he goes to the United States.

Shi Yinhong, a professor at the School of International Relations of Renmin University of China, said in an interview with Lianhe Morning Post that although China sent Liu He to the United States, he must also make two -handed preparation.The means of tariff revenge, especially now, it seems that China is unlikely to fully agree with the requirements of the United States in the legal field.

Shi Yinhong said that China ’s adopting a tougher attitude is temporarily necessary.He explained: If the Sino -US trade war is upgraded, China will not be hard -working, and the Trump administration will be even more angry. How can China explain to the country?How can the US public and business circles realize that what the trade war has caused two defeats?

He was pessimistic that from the current situation, the possibility of upgrading the Sino -US trade war is greater than that.

Wu Xinbo, Dean of the International Institute of International Issues of Fudan University, also pointed out in an interview that in the face of U.S. tariffs, China must make a counterattack. In fact, Trump has threatened two steps last year to increase tariffs from 10 % to increase from 10 % to25 %, China should have been prepared for this.

As for the specific countermeasures that China may take, Shi Yinhong believes that, like China ’s last retaliatory tariffs, the United States exports to China is far less than China exported to the United States.Revenge, at most it is concentrated in American agricultural products, because it is one of Trump's main voters.

According to Agence France -Presse yesterday, Davie Stephens, chairman of the US Soy Soy Association, issued a statement saying that local soybeans have become the goal of China's counterattack, and the trade war will continue to have more destructive consequences.Pu collects for taxation threats and end trade disputes with China as soon as possible.

On the other hand, Chinese official media also made comments this morning, announcing that China is unwilling to fight but is not afraid of fighting.The official media Global Times published a social comment. The eleventh round of negotiations between China and the United States seemed to be a Hongmen Banquet. On the one hand, it was a burning fuse, and continued to negotiate with the Chinese side. This scene really opened the history of trade negotiations.There has never been a precedent.

Social comments wrote: If you are unwilling to fight, are not afraid of fighting, you have to fight if you are not afraid of fighting. When this attitude in China will not change hellip; hellip; China still wants to reach an agreement, and the United States also wants to reach.But the two sides could not have the last difference until this time.It seems that China and the United States have done a good job from the so -called lsquo; RSquo; transfer to lsquo; talk while talking about rsquo;

Tao Ran's notes with a WeChat signal with the official background of China have further said in the comments that China is not unfamiliar with the state of talking to while fighting. It also mentioned that in the past three years of resistance to the United States and aid, it has been talking about it for a full two years.The United States puts on a posture to continue to levy tariffs, and it looks like we are fighting again, so we are also preparing to fight back.

(Reporter is Lianhe Morning News Beijing Special Commissioner)