U.S. President Trump on Sunday (May 5), through a Twitter counterattack, announced that he will upgrade tariffs on China; just before the departure of Chinese Vice Premier Liu He went to the United States to negotiate, the US Trade Representative Office issued a federal communiqué to implement the specialTrump's threat MDASH; MDASH; confirmed that the tariffs on US $ 200 billion in Chinese -American transit products began from 10%to 25%in the early morning of Friday, and China also responded to the necessary countermeasures.Then hit.

The Sino -US trade war is at the dangerous edge of the danger after a few months of suspension. It can be imagined that this topic will continue to dominate the international media layout in the next week.However, analyzing the recent signals of the United States, more and more people's questions have become: Is there a trade agreement between China and the United States, is it important?Trade friction is only part of the contradiction between China and the United States. Perhaps it is really just a representation of other deeper issues.

It is true that it is even more aware of the tariffs on the United States. Kiron Skinner, director of the Policy Planning of the United States, spoke in the new US think tank on April 29. It described the dispute between China and the United States as the United States has never experienced the United States.Fight between civilization and ideology.

Skinner obviously described China as the number one threat of the United States. She emphasized several times on the day that China was a long -term threat. It was the first time that the United States faced non -white people's competitors. In contrast, the United States and the Soviet UnionThe Cold War is still a Fighthin the Western Family.

She said straightforwardly that trade is not the only problem, and in the long run, it is not the biggest problem with (the United States) and China, maybe it is just a representation of lsquo; China troubles.Essence

Skinna is a African -American American. She was previously a professor of international relations in the university. She claimed to join the Trump's campaign team during the last US election, because it was believed that domestic and international policies needed new thinking and changes.

Skinner was chaired by the State Council's Foreign Policy Planning Office last September to provide a knowledge structure for Trump's claims.Her laboratory is designing the X -letter policy to China.In 1947, US diplomat George Kenan published the root cause of Soviet behavior, and for the first time, it publicized the strategic concept of curbing the Soviet Union. The article was signed X.

It is so white that it means that even if the trade dispute is resolved, the strategic struggle of the United States and China will not stop, and the trade war will not be resolved quickly. The United States seems to be shaping China as the cold war -type enemy.This is not the first time American officials have delivered a similar conversation. Vice President Pence's speech last year also had warning of the Cold War.

In the past few days, Skinner has recruited a lot of criticism.In addition to refuting her remarks as racism, well -known media such as the Washington Post, Bloomberg, and foreign policy magazines have also published articles one after another, specifically explaining the facts errors, logical confusion and danger of the knowledge structure she tried to create.

For example, China is not the first time that the United States has encountered non -white opponents. Did the Japanese sneak attack in Pearl Harbor during World War II forgot?Some scholars also pointed out that the theory of civilization conflict not only helps the United States to win a strategic competition with China, but also moves stones to smash its feet.Because the theory of civilization conflicts indicates that the United States advocates not universal value, but just Western ideology, which is exactly the standpoint of Beijing's consistent persistence.

John Middot; Hal Brands, a professor at Hopkins University, warned that the conflict of civilization in the United States from the geopolitical interests of the United States is also dangerous, because this supports the United States that should not interfere with Asian affairs.Withdraw from the Western Pacific and let the Asian manages Asian affairs, let China dominate.

Furthermore, another group is defined as a non -ethnic group, so its heart must be different, and it is likely to be a prophecy of self -realization.

These academic elites are reasonable, but the reality is that Trump's policy on China is quite popular in Washington. The two -party elite has a rare consensus on China.Extending to important ports in the world threatened the strategic interests and military security of the United States, Chinese science and technology threatened US national security, and so on.They also believe that China expand its own industry by stealing the intellectual property rights of the United States.

In fact, many contradictions in China and the United States are a practical strategy and security dispute. Packaging into a civilized conflict can make the United States more persuasive to the general public (the name of the United States) and guideDomestic unanimously outside.In the worst case, trade may no longer be regarded as a tool for improving the well -being of the two peoples, but instead needs to be suppressed to prevent opponents from using trade to achieve its own growth.Everyone hopes that China and the United States can compete in healthy, but the world has to prepare for the situation of fighting the two major powers.