Song Xin: In the process of globalization, how to remove the aura of divinity, how to shorten the distance between institutions, groups, and individuals and enterprises interact, which is a question that every Chinese company needs to think about it carefully.

Sino -US trade negotiations are still in full swing. The US president has once again incarnated Tariff Man strongly that it will increase taxes on Chinese imported products. From the outside world, this seems to increase uncertainty to Sino -US trade reconciliation.But in fact, this may also be the prelude to the final peak.Sino -US relations and Sino -European relations have continued to have frictions in the past two years. On the one hand, because of their increase in interaction, they have become widely deepened, and friction is inevitable; on the other hand, it has also made new challenges to China and the West.; mdash; Is there a win -win or win -win model?How can Chinese and Western build a new principle of common deposit and difference in the current situation?This should be a result of a multi -effort rather than a problem.

For Chinese companies, the large pattern between China and the West seems to be far away, but it is closely related to each company: first, the issues such as free trade and tariffs are directly related to the trade amount;The competition formed by Western companies is becoming increasingly fierce or even fierce, and the situation of win -win is difficult to form. Even if Chinese companies highlight the siege, it is easy to be labeled with an unfair competition with certain Western ideological colors. FurthermoreThe national political culture and corporate culture have their own distinctive characteristics, and the differences are gradually prominent with the process of globalization of Chinese enterprises.For Chinese companies, if they cannot understand the interests in it, the global strategy will not be able to talk about it.This article hopes that it can provide a new perspective that integrates into the Western world, so as to help Chinese global enterprises deeply understand the deep logic behind globalization.

To explore, China and the West cooperation and integration have been accompanied by thorns and hardships for a long time.This kind of difficulty comes from the difficulty of cross -cultural cooperation and management at the micro level, as well as the bias of the macro view to other countries, especially the political and economic system of Europe and the United States.Tracking the trajectory of Chinese companies in recent years, especially this year with the United States as the initials of the United States. In response to the global resistance of ZTE and Huawei in Chinese communications companies, it is not difficult for us to find that the big crisis is often the cognition and of corporate cognition andExcept the scope of prevention.In the unknown blind spots, in the dark, but the attacking companies are alone, so in the process of response, they often take care of each other and cannot be effectively and effectively fighting.How to avoid the outbreak of such crises to the greatest extent, this not only requires companies to have profound insights on the market, but also need to understand the country and society where the market is located. Based on this, multi -level interaction is performed.

It should be said that companies that are currently capable and determined to go out are often overlooking, and a few of them have rolled out of the muddy business reality in China.Therefore, the culture of these enterprises will inevitably have a strong consequences of practical factors.This management principle established based on actual combat allows companies to call the wind and rain in the country like General Chang Sheng, but it may have suffered in the Western world.The fundamental is because Western business logic is almost completely different from China.From a micro level, the managers of China and the governance of the governance, as well as the strugglers who are willing to give up all the hard work, have a strong aggressive cultural inertia. This characteristic is mainly an urgent pursuit of development speed.Society is still Southeast Asia or Africa. Their efficiency is generally lower than that of China and the fierce competition than China. Cross -cultural management makes it difficult for local employees to adapt to Chinese companies.In addition, the awareness of the success of the Chinese is often stronger, which has led them to look at foreign employees with colored glasses. This hinders that the Chinese company has drawn external nutrition, and it will inevitably make it localized with strong opportunity motivation.

The macro -level problem will be more serious.Chinese companies' politics in China is very different from the attitude of integrated into the European and American rule of law society.In China, it is a normal state to tell stories and the hotspots of public opinion. However, overseas, enterprises are either a single advertising offensive for products or dumb guns.In this way, it is a single understanding of the business role of the Western public in the subtlety of the Western public in the subtle way, and missed the opportunity to establish a three -dimensional and full image in European and American society.What you know about telling the stories to be suitable is the globalization pattern, and more specifically, the global localization thinking and actions, not a passive crisis response, but an active situation.Therefore, this article is more concerned about how Chinese companies understand the foundation of Western political society, how to integrate and prevent crisis prevention of the understanding of the soldiers under such a big logic.As the author, as the first China -Europe policy consultant to serve as the European European Parliament, there will be some viewpoints and perspectives in the Western system in the long -term work. I hope this article can inspire more global companies in China.

Culture: The communication of planning ahead

In fact, most Chinese -funded enterprises who have gone out of China have been in the thinking outside the window for a long time in overseas.The so -called politics is the most secure posture, which can avoid all potential risks. This kind of thinking is very common among Wenzhou, Fujian and even Hong Kong businessmen who go out in the 20th century. It also proves that the small boss of restaurants or shops does not need any politics.Layout to assist them in doing business.However, China today is not China in the past. Nowadays, those who want to go out are no longer Chinese businessmen who focus on small business, but are large Chinese companies who want to expand the global market.The changes in the external environment and the different goals naturally require companies to get rid of the past thinking inertia and establish a new cognitive system.Even devastating strikes.For a large investment in global companies that have jumped out of a small business, if it is in the quagmire from the perspective of overseas globalization, it is not the benefit or a part of the commercial resources, but it may be the loss of long -term political discourse.

Let's first look at the situation of foreign companies operating in the European market.Overall, misjudgment or mistakes are always inevitable, because the definition of the problem is not in the hands of the enterprise.At this time, the most important prevention is that the error is magnified. After that, it is easy to be splashed with dirty water from all angles.His platform sounded, and in the end, he could only fight alone, but he was often unattainable.We might as well find an example of the problem: the most lessons in history are the Jews who have received the greatest lessons in history.In many Christian countries, from the Middle Ages, especially after the Crusades, the Jews were banned from engaging in agricultural activities and prohibited from entering churches and universities or courts. The means of making a living can only be business and lending.For hundreds of years, even if the Jews have done business and diligently, they have indeed achieved unprecedented success in business, but they have never escaped discrimination and killing for them.On the other hand, the strong rise of the Jewish nation in the 20th century, not only completes the strong country, strengthen the nationality, use Hebrew uniformly, and become a political force that sweeps the world.In the contest, an international relationship network that can be attacked and retreated.The easiest truth behind this uses the familiar language of Chinese people to seek unity in struggle and conspiracy with games.

Of course, the overseas political influence of an enterprise can be established.Three cores:

One is to build a prerequisite for understanding the localization culture and respect.This is far from being as simple as understanding the customs and customs of various countries. We must strive to overcome some of their cultural differences. For example, in the political and social context of Chinese habits, the concepts of science and technology, innovation, development, and growth are pointed to each other.Is a synonym for progress.However, this is not the case in Europe and the United States, especially Western European countries.As early as the beginning of the last century, the intellectual world discussed these concepts and the logic behind it.During this century, with the beginning and end of the two World War, the development and decline of the European and American economy, and rejuvenation, a speculative consensus gradually formed: for everything that may break the development of society in the pastAttitude.This requires enterprises to have a high social and humanistic literacy. It is necessary to make the products or services provided by themselves to have a positive chemical reaction from the society and reflect their multi -directional value.In this regard, Chinese enterprises are obviously not enough, whether it is homePower manufacturers, Haier and Hisense, or mobile phone manufacturers who have just begun to enter the European market, still continue this idea of selling, selling and selling.A misunderstanding of Chinese enterprises in the process of globalization is simply that as long as they are tax on the local area, hiring locals has made the greatest contribution to society.Ignoring this simple Chinese -style development is the possibility of conflicts that will occur between hard -the -ms logic and western society to maintain our lifestyle, so as to miss the foothold and timing of maintaining their own interests.

The second is to build global public relations or market capabilities.This also includes in -depth understanding of the political ecosystem of the target market and prepares to allocate the required resource allocation capabilities.The world's big market today may not be a big country, but it must have a large logic and system of self -containing.If it is simply copying a certain successful experience in the past, it is naturally not enough to support the rollover of the company's globalization strategy.As the United States has the rules of the United States, the EU has the laws of the European Union, and China has regulations in China.If an enterprise wants to truly complete the global chess game, it is not essentially not the ability to extinguish the crisis in the downstream fire, but the ability to plan crisis in the upstream.

Looking at the current global public relations layout of Chinese companies, especially in the world's largest political arena MDASH; MDASH; the layout of the US capital Washington and the EU capital Brussels, it is not difficult to find that even companies such as Huawei and Lenovo have successfully expanded overseas.It is also rarely incorporated into the political scene, let alone other domestic star companies who have just went to sea.From a certain perspective, the reason why the US acquisition of KUKA has caused so well in the European Union before and after the European Union, which is largely due to weak global public relations capabilities.The cusp of public opinion was undoubtedly the target of politics alert or even attack.This has also increased the burden on the company's integration after completing the transaction, and the investment market will not be optimistic.

The third is the construction and maintenance of public discourse space.Westerners pay attention to interaction and speculation, and the justice of procedure, which is the importance of the public dominance proposed by Habermas to the legitimacy of political authority.This tradition leads to the construction of such an invasion of such an invasion of public space as a whole. Specifically, it is to hope that the dialogue can communicate in both directions, and everyone has the right and time of expression, opposition, and refutation.Under the premise of this space platform, all communication content is missing legitimacy, and naturally it will not convince anyone, only to make each other deeper.This is very different from Chinese -style one -way communication methods. MDASH; mdash; either studying too humblely or expressing too confidently.Because of this, no matter how many times the two sides talk about, it is always difficult to reach consensus, because there is a lack of communication rules that can accept each other.Public space seems to be nothing, but in the process of enterprise globalization, it is a process that goes through every day. If you do not want to face or pay attention to it, it is likely that every employee will work hard.The author has experienced the communication of many companies during the European Union's work. Compared with the communication method of a single show in Chinese companies or promoting disruptive changes, European and American companies, such as Microsoft, Siemens, Bomw, BMW, etc.Good at building an interactive communication mechanism and platform (Intercommunicative and Interactive System and Platform), not only accumulate communication and communication with people from all parties, but more importantly, everyone can see the value of the company in a greater vision (ValueIn the bigger picture).

There are still many differences that Chinese companies may encounter in the process of globalization. For example: Modern Westerners think that the working method of 996 is unreasonable and occupies the time of getting along with people and families.But on the other hand, the elites of Europe and the United States are even 996 or even more struggling in university. You can choose to struggle in Western society.The issue of respect is even a legal issue.To put it simply, it is difficult to say who is good and who is not good.After all, the purpose of Chinese companies going out is to expand its market more effectively, rather than unilaterally affecting and changing the culture and state of others.Another point is that trying to avoid rejection of local employees with efficiency issues, and global companies take into account efficiency and integration.

Another cultural challenge requires corporate thinking about self -cultural reflection issues.For a long time, the education of the Chinese people believes that the history of modern times is the history of humiliation, and then stimulates that it is strong, and at the same time, there are some disgust in the bones of foreign civilization. Even many people think that the purpose of China is to get rid of humiliation and bring themselves historical shackles.As far as the door is concerned, our film and television works are full of praise of the war, full of historical hatred for Japan, and even the Jin Yong martial arts novels that everyone likes to see, and do not blink.Behind these familiaristic cultural symbols, the strong and good fighting based on the sense of inferiority based on historical inferiority are easy to show, but its rationality has the innocence of some weak people. These deep -rooted ideas are incorporated into the local culture of global companies into local culture.They are all obstacles.There must be a sober understanding of this aspect: culture is not divided into high and low, and its value lies in diversity.This is a cross -cultural psychology that global companies must overcome, and Chinese and foreign companies are unable to be outside.

Business: In -depth understanding of Western thinking traits

European business culture is actually very different from the United States.Let's look at the cultural characteristics of Europe first.On the surface, it can be understood as a conservative or even conservative attitude, but in the deep level, in fact, it reflects a collective self -reflection.There are three reasons for this complex:

The first point is based on the reflection and self -redemption of World War II.This is particularly reflected in Western Europe and Germany. Today, Germany has been continuously continuously reflected on the generation of Nazi Germany and its consequences.This is not only reflected in the education system for students, in the historical buildings and museums of the whole society, but also in the national legal norms for all citizens. Nazi history and this propaganda are not only inside, but also outsideEssenceIt is like giving everyone a vaccine, hoping to produce strong antibodies to populism and nationalism represented by Nazi.Therefore, the Germans do not like singing the national anthem, without the traditional National Day, and the country with the lowest sense of patriotism in Europe, less than 40 % of them are proud of themselves.It is precisely because of the continuous advancement of de -nationalization and nationalization that Germany has continuously promoted the process of regional and Europeanization.The European Union and the later EU completed the self -salvation of Germany in the 20th century.For another example, I found that I found that there are very few visible national signs in addition to government agencies. Even if there are, the EU is marked at the forefront.EssenceIn other words, strengthening European consciousness and local consciousness is a process of weakening the weakening of national consciousness.Judging from the result of this protracted and profound reflection, the front of the coins has indeed become a unswerving peacekeeper and humanitarian spirit, and is willing to assume more regional and even world responsibilities.This is why Germany has been opposed to resolving regional disputes through warfare; in the opposite side of the coin, Merkel announced in 2015 that Germany will open the door to accept Syrian refugees in large quantities, and the German government is still willing to bear huge expenses to this day.Many people don't seem to be a good thing.

The second point is based on Europeans' live memories of the history of the Cold War.During the Cold War, Europe was split into two different camps, east and west. For the political purpose at that time, it was natural to have some targeted hostile public opinion propaganda to strengthen the legitimacy of government rule and some very reasonable rationality: from East and West Germany:The carnation revolution that split Portugal to Portugal to the Franco's authoritarian rule in Spain is all.With the end of the Cold War and the disintegration of the Soviet Union, the Western camp represented by the United States achieved the victory of the Cold War, Francis Bull; Fukuyama even predicted that this would be the end of history.But because of the victory of the Western camp, they led the historical cognition of the Cold War and strengthened the criticism of the rule of the Soviet camp.Stasi) for the monitoring of the whole people and the constraints of ideas.The consequences of this monitoring are the consequences of the penetration of persecution: for example, the West continuously strengthened the protection of personal privacy, bringing the mentality of victims facing strong groups and organizations and technology.In order not to let the banking agency master your own consumption informationSo prefer to pay with cash; for example, in order to prevent your information from being peeped, pseudonym and non -personal images are usually used on social networks.This directly leads to a positive attitude towards the future of Asia to embrace the future of science and technology. Europe has made a slight conservative in Europe that has questioned and strongly maintaining security.

Excessive duplication and in -depth mining make German society highly sensitive to the history and political issues related to it, and even highly nervous.This high -pressure political correctness is actually an invisible cocoon.Under such a logic of thinking, it is easy to take the status quo as the ultimate goal, and the preconceived to compare many new things and changes with the painful history of the previous pain, thereby rejecting changes.Due to the increasing content of the reflection, the lessons for the first formed by the Nazi and the consequences of the Nazi and the consequences of it, and later, the reflection on the people's monitoring of the people's monitoring of the East and West and the East German government security institutions Stasi.Safe attention has a great historical background.

The third point comes from the importance of political expression in the post -western agency democracy.The explosive development that China has experienced in the past forty years is highly similar to the United States in the end of the 18th century and the European War after World War II, but there are strong differences: similar points are based on a large number of abolishment.People diligently worked hard day and night to create economic and social miracles; the differences between the differences between Europe and the United States are to establish and maintain their legitimacy by voting.To meet the needs of the backbone of society, that is, the needs of voters.The political program and political foundation founded by each political party are built on maintaining the interests of a certain part of social forces.Through the election system, the policies they advocate have obtained strong legitimacy and can be implemented during the administration.In such a relatively short cycle of political cycle, expression and participation appear to be more and more important.In such an recognition of silence, it is the default environment. If a company chooses to be silent and does not make reasonable political expressions, it will be considered the abandonment of its legitimate political rights and the negation of the entire system.

Enterprises in European and American have obtained the right to speak and social recognition after decades of decades or even hundreds of years, so that more people's consciousness and recognize the multiple contributions of the enterprise to society.Because of this, the position of enterprises will be used as an important reference in the process of policy formulation. Political decision makers and other stakeholders need them very much and promote the enterprise as soon as possible to provide their opinions as soon as possible.Under this premise, it is conceivable that if Chinese companies pretend to be low -key and choose not to express, they may not only avoid suspicion, but will only cause more suspicion, dissatisfaction, and even hostility.Instead, high -profile charity, social responsibility, and attention to disadvantaged groups are often considered by the company's headquarters as impromptu performances from business.

These have made Chinese companies be cold and profitable in the eyes of foreign media and foreign public, and it is easy to cover up their contribution and promotion to the economy of the country.

Globalization: Constructing the cornerstone of Chinese and Western cooperation with consensus driving force

In addition, in the process of global development of Chinese enterprises, it is easy to make two logical errors.The first error: often briefly understands public relations as government relations, narrowing the scope of public affairs to communicating with the government.The existence behind this is actually the deviation of the understanding of the Western society. It is reflected in: First, the politics is excessive, and it is limited to the decision -making process and decision -making process of explicit policy policy in reality.Government, parliament, and regulatory agencies are the main decision makers of the policy, and each voting and voting are regarded as a test.The second is that we need to understand that it is not European and American politics, but the political ecology of Europe and the United States.Although the two look similar on the surface, their essence is very different.The definition of politics itself can be large or small, but the ending point in the real society is often limited to our visible and known; third, from the perspective of European politics procedures, referendum or direct election is a process of reflecting democracy, evenI feel that the martial arts and tongue war between the parties are the manifestation of freedom of speech.These views are the result of one -sided and fixed understanding. If you blindly learn this concept, you will largely ignore the dynamic process of the entire system, and thus reduce our cognitive range and action space.

The second error: it is still about the successful performance.Both companies and individuals in China are accustomed to rewarding good news.In the process of global development, Chinese companies are also particularly willing to preach their success to the world. Behind it is a very local logic MDash; MDash; successful represents deserves respect, successful representatives, and representative abilities.What's more, even the achievements of their own achievements are fascinated, and they are covered with the aura of divinity, which has a gap with the thinking logic of European and American society led by industrialization in the future.The success of Chinese -style, in Europe and Americans, will think so: If this successful story is true, it is really worthy of congratulations.But the question of followed is whether the origin of this success is fair?Is it legal?Is it reasonable?Is your success built on the premise of continuous decline in other European and American companies?

As a result, the Zhou shopkeeper's consulting team advocated building a bond and bridge of Chinese and Western cooperation on the basis of the Consensus-Driven strategic model, conducting dialogue, and gradually eliminating differences, and locking in the framework and boundaries of development according to the needs of cooperation.As shown below:

Comprehensively resolve the current internal and external challenges, and then promote the dynamics of consensus driving force cooperation:

First of all, you need to build a broad public space at a cross -country, cross -region, and cross -cultural level, and maintain the existence of this space for a long time to ensure that the value of the value in the space is publicly expressed, and the cross -type communicationUnderstanding of ideas; second, in, in theThe social level prompts deep communication and interaction between those at all interests, thereby gradually generating the production framework, intention, and content of consensus -driven cooperation; finally, at the institution, enterprises, communities, and personal levels, consensus is based on consensus.Driven interaction occurs chemical reactions, form cooperation, and achieve their respective value propositions.In this way, it can build a three -dimensional parallel architecture of cross -level, multi -dimensional, multi -dimensional, and long time. Enterprises are both consensus builders and maintenanceers of public spaces. They are also the main executors of cooperation.In the entire dynamic system, enterprises have completed the establishment of interests, value output and system maintenance, and complete the full and three -dimensional image of the globalization process.

In addition, in the cooperation dynamics driven by consensus, enterprises will continue to strengthen their self-awareness, and naturally cross-border benchmarking more other companies or institutions.In other words, this is a process of constantly correction of self -cognitive deviation.If you want to be rationalized to cognitive yourself, you need not just self -reflection, but interactive reflection.Only in this way can we avoid the scene of successful promotion of success.You must know that Chinese -style rewards are not only unable to prove your ability, you can only attract more questions and suspicion, and even become the target of criticism in the subtle way.In the process of globalization, how to remove the aura of divinity, return to the glory of human nature, how to shorten the distance between institutions, groups, and individuals and enterprises, and interact with the same sense of empathy. This is the need for every Chinese enterprise to needThink carefully.In a word, if you want to understand the differences in China, Europe, and the United States more deeper, the most need is to jump out of your own thinking comfort circle and grasp it from the big logic formed by the big background of the target country and the environment.A more objective judgment.The straightforward is: Western perspective.

Finally, we will incorporate Chinese companies into the world, especially the four simpler and specific suggestions in European and American society: First, there may be trade war and scientific and technological war between the country and the country.Still integrating; the second is that Chinese companies should not preach their own cultural center theory. If they do not integrate into the local society and blindly emphasize making money and success, it is easy to have a essential conflict with the balanced values advocated by Westerners;The work includes a deep understanding and judgment of society, the government, and the country's personality, and we cannot simply use the symbols such as the painting between the three, and there must be different strategies for different objects.Global localization should communicate and communicate with local employees, listen to their opinions, and introduce multiple thinking.Judging from the highest mission of Chinese global companies, we cannot continue to develop under the premise of the decline of the West. In the final analysis, we should have worked hard to obtain recognition in the final analysis of the West and contribute local service thinking.

In summary, Chinese enterprises need to deeply recognize the importance of the right to speak in the Western political ecology, but also need to be able to truly think about problems and landing operations from the perspective of globalization.Without the right to speak, it is to deliver your own destiny into the hands of others; without the right to speak, it is the possibility of losing everything for yourself.But blind self -centered thinking, in fact, does not get the right to speak, and obtains the incomprehension and resistance of others.For the globalization of Chinese enterprises, this is the process that takes decades or even hundreds of years. It is important to play with foreign governments and institutions and integrate into the society.Citizens of the world are incorporated into the world.

(The author is the former EU China-Europe policy consultant, the founder of Xinfu consulting, reader WeChat: XINSONG-CN-EU. This article only represents the author's point of view. Edit mailbox: [email protected])