Author: Wang Huilin

The revised fugitive regulations proposed by the Hong Kong government (sending the regulations), of course, the democratic faction opposes it, and there are different opinions in the internal of the establishment faction.However, the government's reaction this Tuesday was NO, which really made the situation on fire.But on the other hand, foreign countries also need to watch the revision of the regulations, especially the attitude of the United States.

The difference between Beijing and Hong Kong is vague and need to adjust the policy

A few days ago, the Consul General of the United States Tang Weikang (Feitang) once traveled to the North District, and he also saw him about food on the Internet.But the citizens turned to see him in television interviews about Hong Kong and the United States and Sino -US relations.Feitang mentioned that in the regulations of the China -China regulations, the judicial system of Hong Kong and China is different, and the government should not respond to local and international attention.Feitang said that Fear is fear and cannot be seen.However, it is worth noting: he pointed out that the Hong Kong policy law is the legal framework of the United States, allowing the United States to be treated differently in Hong Kong and the Mainland (Mainland) under national laws.Feitang said that these differential treatments are not only different treatments of tariffs. This law also allows the United States to have different treatment in Hong Kong and China in other areas, including visa policy, law enforcement department cooperation, and investment laws.He said that the United States is concerned that if the difference between Hong Kong and Beijing will become vague (BLUR) and the framework of one country and two systems is not clear, then the US policy needs to be adjusted.

This is believed to be an important information expressed during the interview last week.

The author is not an expert in Sino -US relations. After Nixon's visit to China, the U.S.'s direction and evolution of China policies are not very good.In terms of Hong Kong -US relations, the relevant discussions of academic circles are mostly from British governance in the 1950s. How the United States uses Hong Kong in the Cold War (of course, mainly supports the British behind), as a bridgehead for the United States to promote its interests of AsiaEssenceBut at the same time, the situation has changed new.After the US President Trump (invading) came to power, the United States' policy towards China turned tough, and the US policy on Hong Kong also changed.The transformation of the US policy on Hong Kong has also mentioned several articles in the past.

Simply put, the background of the US policy on Hong Kong is to start with the United States' views on Asia -Pacific policies and geopolitics.Since the invasion of the stage, the United States returned to Asia by the United States' anti -President Obama (the practice of pushing regional economic cooperation isolated China), and turned into a more aggressive policy with the tough suppression of the Chinese economic order as the main axis.In a few words, of course, the connotation of the Indo -Pacific order cannot be fully explained.However, the most important thing is that the Indo -Pacific economic order is not only for the Belt and Road Initiative of Beijing, but the name of the United States to re -plan the role and positioning of Asian countries through economic cooperation, as well as driving these countries into its new order.Here are not only economic cooperation, but on the road of national development. What policies do you have to do to meet the strategic needs of the United States.Moreover, under this new order, the Indo -Pacific countries need to be interested in the United States: on the one hand, it is necessary to meet the strategic needs of the United States in Indo -Pacific order, and on the other hand, we must also be self -position.The development of order.For example, President Tsai Ing -wen in Taiwan said on March 27, when he exchanged video exchanges with Washington think tanks, it was said that the Green Camp government had three main principles to ensure that Indo -Pacific is free to open: democracy, regional prosperity and collective security.This is the Indo -Pacific homework of the Green Camp government to the United States.

The United States has become a real

Therefore, Feitang's speech on February 27 refers to the role and role of Hong Kong in the Indo -Pacific region. This is the United States' requirement for Hong Kong to Indo -Pacific's economic order.Among them, the United States mentioned a keyword: risk (RISK).This refers to whether the development of Hong Kong's development will cause US companies to have doubts and risks in doing business in Hong Kong.At that time, the risks mentioned in the United States actually refer to some political events, including the Ma Kai incident.In fact, at that time, the United States explicitly stated and hinted, that is, when political risks occurred in Hong Kong, the United States would intervene.However, Fat Tang did not mention how to get involved.Moreover, after the Hong Kong Policy Law Report, because the United States reports that Hong Kong's autonomy, although it is damaged, it is still a Suffering, which can continue to continue special treatment.It is believed that Hong Kong is a goose with golden eggs in the United States, but just talk casually, it will not move.

But about two months, Fat Tang's statement changed.In March, the Hong Kong Policy Law Report only mentioned the risk of political and economic, but today it is mentioned that Adjustment will be adjusted to Hong Kong Policy Law today, which is a considerable policy transformation, that is, the United States is from the wolf from the wolf.Turned to play true.In terms of words, adjustments can be good adjustments or bad adjustments. Moreover, the United States will not openly intervene in Hong Kong in the past. Maybe just have to speak?However, the government's bravery and aggressiveness in the regulations of the government refutes any suggestions, will it ignore the pressure of the United States?Will the United States have further announced and moved this?This requires close attention.

The author is current affairs commentator