Yu Zhi: The essence of the current contradiction between China and the United States is the ideological conflict of economic and politics. It is completely wrong to define the current Sino -US contradictions with a civilized conflict.

Recently, according to US media reports, Ms. Skinner, director of the Policy Planning Office of the U.S. State Department (Foreign Affairs), mentioned in a forum: The US State Department is formulating a diplomatic strategy of China in a civilized conflict.The conflict between the two different civilizations forms a comprehensive response strategy for China.She also put forward a more amazing point of view: the contradictions between the United States and China are different from the original US -Soviet contradictions, because the US -Soviet contradiction is the internal contradiction between the Caucasus (Westerners), while the US -China contradiction is the Caucasus (Westerners) and the Westerners and the United States and China.The contradiction between non -Caucasian (Chinese).This speech has caused the uproar of public opinion, and has caused fierce criticism from many people from all walks of life in China and the United States.

The author believes that it is completely wrong to define the current contradiction between China and the United States by civilized conflicts. The essence of the current Sino -US contradiction is the ideological conflict of economic and politics rather than civilized conflicts; Chinese civilization and Chinese official ideology have both.There are also important differences, which cannot be equal; there are differences between Chinese civilization and western civilization, but there is no fundamental conflict, which can be integrated with each other; although the current contradiction between China and the United States and the United States and the Soviet Union is different in the form of expression, it is essentially similar.It belongs to ideological contradictions rather than civilized or racial conflicts; both China and the United States should be vigilant and opposed to rendering the contradiction between China and the United States to the conflict of civilization to prevent them from being used by the narrow nationalists and the Chinese anti -reform forces of the two countries.The national opposition between the country hinders China's progress, Sino -US relations and world peace.

The following first defines the two basic concepts of civilization and ideology, and then explain the above views in detail and detailed in turn.

1. The concept of distinguishing civilization and ideology

Civilization is the sum of the worldview, humanistic spirit, invention creation, and order customs that specific people have accumulated in history. It is a collection of ideas and social behaviors that make humans from being separated from the brutal state, including language, religious beliefs, social and cultural concepts, economic and politicsOrder and other aspects.Civilization is closely related to the crowd.The main civilizations in the world today include Western civilization (European and American civilization based on Christianity), Middle East civilization (Arab civilization based on Islam), oriental civilization (mainly Indian civilization based on Buddhism, and Confucianism, interpretation, and TaoismFounded Chinese civilization), African civilization, etc.Of course, these are just roughly divided and are not very accurate. For example, some countries in Southeast Asia (such as Indonesia) believe that the population of Islam is the main body, and many countries (including China) have a variety of religions coexisting.

But these do not prevent the above division of the above.

The word civilization conflict was proposed by Harvard professor Huntington in 1996 and the rebuilding of civilization published in 1996.He believes that after the end of the Cold War, the decisive factor of the world structure is the eight major civilizations, namely Chinese civilization, Japanese civilization, Indian civilization, Islamic civilization, Western civilization, Orthodox civilization, Latin American civilization and African civilization;Then there is ideological differences, but the conflict of civilization based on culture and religion.

After this view and concept were put forward, they caused extensive debates and controversy in all sectors of society.After the 9bull; 11 terrorist attacks, this concept was widely used to explain the conflict between the Christian civilization of Western Western Christianity and the Islamic civilization in the Middle East.This concept this time defined the current contradictions between China and the United States as the conflict between Western civilization and Chinese civilization.

The ideology is much narrower than the scope of civilization, which mainly refers to the sum of the people's understanding, cognition, ideology, and values of things, especially the cognition and choice of the economic and social system.The economic and political claims based on the rule of law), which can be referred to as liberalism (economic freedom and political freedom); second, Marxism -Leninism, which originated in Western society, with economic planning (with public ownership of property) and political dictatorshipEconomic and political claims based on the main demands of the dictatorship of the other class).In addition, there are other ideas that are different from the two (such as social capitalism, welfare capitalism, etc.), or are very different from both (such as fascism), but their influence is less than above.

It should be noted that these two main ideology originated from Western European and American countries.Among them, the former is the mainstream in the West, and on the basis of the ideological basis, it adheres to the Western Christian tradition: the political philosophy of property private, freedom, democracy, and rule of law, all of which have begun to start with talented human rights, that is, human rights, that is, human rights, that is, human rights, human rights, and human rights.The latter is a tributary in the West, and on the basis of the ideological basis, it deviates from the Western Christian tradition. It takes atheism, materialism, and evolution as the theory and ideological basis. It can be said that it is a rebellion of the mainstream ideology in the West.The latter once occupied the mainstream position in some Western countries (former Soviet Union and Eastern Europe) and many Oriental countries (China, North Korea, Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, etc.).

Theory and academic circles are usually named and distinguished by Western ideology and Eastern ideology to reflect the geographical scope of its influence.But these two ideology are two completely different concepts from Western civilization and oriental civilization, and should not be confused.The opposition and struggle of these two ideological forms is an important focus of the world contradictions in the 20th century. It is represented by the Cold War of the United States and the Soviet Union. It is represented by the cold war between the two major camps of the United States and the Soviet Union.As mentioned earlier, Huntington believes that after the end of the Cold War, the focus of world contradictions and conflicts will transform from the conflict between the two ideas to the conflict of different civilizations.

2. At this stage, the essence of the contradiction between China and the United States is still the ideological conflict of economic and politics

A manifestation of the current contradiction between China and the United States is the contradiction between the two parties in terms of the economic and trade system, and its essence is the conflict of economic ideology between the two parties.The core of this contradiction is that the United States believes that China takes the government -dominated economic development model, including the export -oriented strategy of export support from the government, the stronger strategy of supporting state -owned enterprises, and the industrial development strategy of supporting specific industries.The development of enterprises has formed a competitive threat.From the perspective of the United States, these development strategies In essence, the color with a strong traditional planned economy (dominated by the government) is a manifestation of China's economic system reform from the traditional planned economic system to the modern market economy.

These strategies and the US -based free market economy development models, including free trade strategies, private enterprises, and market -oriented industrial development strategies, have formed contradictions.Therefore, the contradiction between the two sides in this field essentially reflects the contradiction between the original economic ideology between China and the United States.The contradiction of this economic ideology has not been highlighted in the process of China's market -oriented reforms in the past 30 years; but in recent years, with the increase in China's economic volume, and the US market -oriented reforms that the United States believes, the US market -oriented reformsThe slowdown of the process and even the partial regression (such as the greater state -owned enterprise and the state -owned enterprise decision -making from the board of directors to the party committee, private enterprises to establish party committees, industrial support, etc.), and gradually highlighted and intensified.However, with the increase of external pressure and the advancement of Sino -US trade negotiations, China has conceded in some fields (such as promise to reduce export support and industrial subsidies, follow the neutrality of state -owned enterprises, etc.).Get a certain degree of relief.

Another manifestation of the current contradiction between China and the United States is the contradiction between the two sides in the field of politics and diplomatic, and its essence is the conflict between the political ideology of both parties.In the 30 years before China's reform and opening up, the political ideology of both China and the United States was completely opposed, which is the opposition between Marxism -Leninism and liberalism mentioned earlier.After the reform and opening up, China began to gradually dilute the class struggle and dictatorship, relax political control, increase people's political freedom, and dilute ideological disputes (such as the controversy that Deng Xiaoping emphasized the abandonment of the surname of the surname).Said gradually ease.

Concept, expand international influence.This has led to the United States that China competes with its economic development model, political ideology, and even actual control of the world leadership, and then take various measures to curb in all aspects of China, including bilateral investment, intellectual property, strategic industries, Taiwan, South China Sea, Military, diplomatic, international relations and other fields.In the near future, China is unlikely to make major political direction adjustments, so the contradiction between China and the United States in this area is slowThe possibility of solution is not great.

Many scholars believe that the Sino -US economic and trade friction and even political friction have nothing to do with the conflict between the two sides in terms of economic and political ideology. Instead, due to the enhancement of China's economic development and the influence of politics, military, and diplomatic influence, the United StatesThe challenge of the hegemon is challenged, which has led to the comprehensive suppression of the United States on China, that is, the contradiction between the tradition and the great power of the great power and the emerging rising power, that is, the trap of the past.In this regard, my point of view is that the enhancement of China's strength is only the reason for the increasing contradiction between China and the United States, not the root cause of contradiction;

Otherwise, it is difficult to explain why when there is contradiction between China and the United States, developed countries such as Europe, Japan, Australia, and Canada choose to stand on the side of MDash; MDash; the reason is that they follow the same economic and political ideology and system as the United States;And they do not have any domineering status for China to challenge, and China's total economic volume has surpassed them.In short, the economic and trade and political friction between China and the United States represents the friction between China and the entire Western world in economic and political ideology and systems; the enhancement of China's strength is only the reason for this friction.

3. The Chinese civilization and the official ideology of China have both things and important differences, and cannot be equivalent

Chinese officials have always emphasized that the direct source of ideology is Marxism -Leninism, and at the same time, it has emphasized that it has renovated Sinicization in combination with China.This is in line with reality.At the same time, it should be seen that the reason why this ideology can take root in China and become an official ideology is certain because it is in some aspects of traditional Chinese culture (this article will use it with the concept of Chinese civilization))There is something in common, which is undeniable.As for the traditional Chinese culture, the Chinese civilization itself, this official ideology emphasizes the essence of its own standards and abandon its dross according to its own standards. This process is its discarding process of Chinese traditional culture.

These all show that between Chinese official ideology and traditional Chinese culture, that is, Chinese civilization, there are both common and different.

As far as the ideology of ideological economy and politics is concerned, the commonality of Chinese civilization and Chinese official ideology includes (but not limited): In terms of economy, both the government's direct control of some important industries (such as Chinese history (Chinese historyThe official business of salt, iron, and state -owned state -owned livelihood industries that are related to the national economy and people's livelihood are now emphasized in terms of political aspects.The important difference between the two includes (but not limited to) the following points.

First of all, in the economic field, the Chinese civilization has always been based on the free economy and private property rights that the people have allowed. The government does not interfere with the economy except for the very few industries (such as salt, iron, etc.) in the government.The form is based on the public ownership and government control of Marxist economics. The government has a strong ideological basis for direct management and control of the economy (for state -owned enterprises) and indirect management control (for private enterprises), although in the process of reform and opening upThere is a lot of relaxation.

Secondly, in the political field, the centralization and unification system of the traditional civilization emphasized by the Chinese civilization is the foundation of the monarchy and under the general heaven.The emphasis on centralization and unified systems, the foundation foundation is from the recognition of socialist superiority of concentrated power to do major events.

With the rise of the Chinese economy, Chinese officials have implemented the revival of traditional culture in the past ten years, in order to strengthen the sense of national identity and pride, build momentum for the rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, and even promote Chinese culture internationally internationally, such as promoting the Confucius Institutes in all countries in the world.EssenceBut what should be seen is that Chinese officials did not prove well that Chinese civilization, that is, the internal consistency of the inheritance of Chinese civilization, the traditional Chinese culture and its official ideology.With Chinese model/road/wisdom/solution (that is, tell the story of Chinese).

This has aroused alertness in Western countries, because although Western countries do not exclude or even love Chinese civilization, that is, traditional Chinese culture (such as many Americans, including the love of Trump's family's love for Chinese culture), it is very exclusive to Chinese official ideology.of.This also reflects the differences between Chinese culture and Chinese official ideology from another aspect.

Fourth, there are differences between Chinese civilization and western civilization, but there is no fundamental conflict, and it can be integrated with each other

There are of course important differences between Chinese civilization and western civilization, or there will be two civilizations.For example, in the political field, the traditional Chinese civilization emphasizes the people's nature of the political governance system, that is, warning that the governance of the king should be based on the people, the people and the monarchs are light, but they have been staying in the scope of monarchy, but not like Western civilization.The monarchy has developed into civil rights, establishes democratic cognition, and has not established a systematic discussion and practice of the democratic system. It only borrowed the advantages of Western civilization after modern times.

Despite significant differences, there is no fundamental conflict between Chinese civilization and Western civilization, but on the contrary, it can be well integrated.First of all, from the perspective of the economic field, both traditional Chinese civilization and Western civilization respect the free attributes of the civil economy and the protection of private property rights.Cognition for talent, namely God).One of the reasons for the similarity of the two in the political field (the only reason) is that the basis of the two ideas is divine, and both recognize the right and wrong judgment standards (divine rights), and the king of the king or the government.It is not always correct with the government.

It should be explained that in terms of deity beliefs in Chinese civilization and Western civilization, the expression forms are very different: there is no unified system for Chinese civilization, and there are a variety of gods worshiped.The highest masterpiece does not describe the system of the world's origin; and Western civilization has a unified Christian form, and there is a unified supreme god, namely God, and a system description of the origin of the world.However, it is precisely because of the non -unity of deity in Chinese civilization and lacks strong exclusiveness to other deed civilization (such as Christian civilization and Islamic civilization).

EssenceCoupled with the Buddhist and Confucianism's own strong non -violent colors in the traditional Chinese culture, as well as the concepts of unwillingness and not being desired, it has a strong color of other civilizations.Violent conquest of other civilizations to force them to accept their own civilization.This has created powerful conditions for this civilization and other civilizations.

Regardless of the deepening of the faith of the deeds, or from the perspective of the shallow economic and political claims, there are many examples of Chinese civilization and western civilization and peaceful integration.The most typical example is the Taiwan after democratization: religious beliefs are very free. Various deeds (Christians, Muslims, Buddhists, etc.) coexist with atheists.The system completely accepts the free market economy and modern democratic politics derived from Western civilization.South Korea, Japan, and some Southeast Asian countries, which are similar to Chinese civilization, are also highly integrated with Western civilization.American scholars and politicians should not see this.

Perhaps it should be seen that the historical development of mainland China for more than 100 years has also shown that although there is a collision and friction between Chinese civilization and Western civilization, the overall trend is gradually recognizing and continuously integrating.From the beginning of the beginning of the teacher's long -term techniques to study Western technology, and the practical practice of the foreign -style movement of the corresponding middle school and the Western studies, although the middle of the Bloody and the delegation is blindly ranked, it has gradually developed to the Revolution of 1911.The May Fourth New Culture Movement and the Republic of China accepted the science and democracy in modern western modern civilization during the Republic of China, that is, accepting deep ideological and institutional elements in modern western civilization.

Although this process was interrupted due to ideological confrontation during the 1950s and 1970s, after the reform and opening up of China in the late 1970s, the mainland's recognition, acceptance, and integration of western civilization began.In recent decades, the process of reform and opening up is a process of continuous and fusion of Chinese civilization and western civilization.Although the official ideology of Chinese officials and the ideology of modern western civilization still have a large difference in, from a formal point of view, Chinese official ideology is also the basic concept of accepting democracy, freedom, rule of law, human rights, etc. from modern Western civilization.It also recognizes that China is inadequate in these areas and can be improved.American scholars and politicians should see these historical trends, rather than being confused by some short -term phenomena.The contradiction caused by the incomplete ideology of the country has risen to the perspective of civilized conflicts and even racial conflicts.

5. Although the form of contradiction between China and the United States and the United States and the Soviet Union is different, it is similar in nature.

Ms. Skinner believes that the current fundamental difference between the contradiction between China and the United States and the original US -Soviet contradiction is that the contradiction between the United States and the Soviet Union is the internal contradiction of the same person, and the contradiction between China and the United States is a contradiction in different races.This is not only a naked politics incorrect racist speech, but also does not meet the reality at all.In the author's opinion, the current contradiction between China and the United States is different from the original American and Soviet contradictions. Although there are different forms of expression, the essence is very similar. They are contradictory of economic and political ideology, not civilization or racial conflicts.

During the Cold War of the United States and the Soviet Union, the United States took various measures to do everything possible to curb the former Soviet Union.2), because the Soviet Union's economic and political ideology is completely opposite to the United States, the two must conflict globally to compete for world leadership.Khrushchev once proposed a peaceful competition theory, but both of the United States and the Soviet Union knew that this was just a guise to ease the atmosphere.Both sides have never really stopped.

The economic and political ideology before China's reform and opening up is highly consistent with the former Soviet Union (although there are great contradictions between the two), but after the reform and opening up, it has changed greatly: it mainly abandoned the planned economy in the economic field and turned to the market economy.However, many government intervention colors (such as huge state -owned enterprises, direct intervention of private enterprises, extensive industrial policies, etc.); although the reform in the political field has progressed, its range is far from its magnitude of its economic field.In order to promote China's reform, the overall strategy of the United States on China is based on contact and cooperation.From the perspective of the United States, China's reform in economic and political systems in recent years has not only stagnated, but also a trend of retrogression. It does not meet the original expectations of the United States.root cause.

From this point of view, although the current contradiction between China and the United States is very different from the formal forms of the United States and the Soviet Union, it is similar to the contradictions of economic and political ideology, not the civilized conflict between Ms. Skinner saidIt is not a racial conflict.

In a public speech in the second half of 2018, US President Trump blatantly declared that China is the same as the former Soviet Union as the former Soviet Union.U.S. Vice President Pence's speech at the Hudson Institute of the Famous Think Tank at the end of 2018 has publicly blame the Chinese economic and political direction in recent years, and calls on China to return to Deng Xiaoping's route of reform and opening up.These all indicate the homogeneity of the contradiction between China and the United States and the United States and the United States and the United States that the United States knows.From the perspective of the United States, the current contradiction between China and the United States is due to China's incomplete reform of the original economy and political ideology, or even backstur. Therefore, it belongs to a new Cold War similar to the Cold War of the United States and the Soviet Union.New Cold War Declaration on behalf of the US government.

Even according to Huntington's own point of view, the Cold War contradictions are ideological contradictions, not civilized conflicts or racial conflicts.

From a specific form, the current Sino -US contradictions are both obviously different from the US -Soviet contradictions and the same.Mainly manifested in the following aspects:

First, the development of Sino -US economic and trade relations in the past 40 years of reform and opening up makes it difficult for the United States and China to isolated as the United States and the Soviet Union.China has the intention of being enclosed.For example, when the United States imposes tariffs on Chinese products, it does not exempt most US companies in China, trying to force them to turn to other countries or withdraw their own country.Control, increase China's investigation and veto of the US investment, and strengthen the enclosure of China's specific high -tech industries (Made in China 2025) and enterprises (Huawei), reflect its plugging intention.

Second, the bilateral characteristics of the current confrontation between China and the United States are relatively obvious, and unlike the United States and Soviet Cold War, the two countries have also attracted many countries to form groups for collective confrontation;The United States has united its allies, and has taken consistent actions on China on many issues, including (but not limited to) several joint statements of the United States, Europe, Japan, and three parties to trade issues, the United States, Europe, and California.Charges on the Chinese Belt and Road Plan, and so on.China also tries to warm up with related countries through the Belt and Road, China -Africa Forum, etc., and tries to win and differentiate the United States allies.

Although the partners of the two parties will also keep close contact with each other, they will not be as opposed to the US -Soviet ally, they may also have the possibility of group confrontation on specific issues, at least the possibility of the United States, Europe, and Japan.

Third, the current Sino -US confrontation has strong economic and trade and political colors. Unlike military confrontation like the Cold War of the United States and the Soviet Union, the risk of military confrontation also exists.The military confrontation between China and the United States on the Taiwan issue and the South China Sea issue is increasing.If the control is weak, the trend of military confrontation will be strengthened.Moreover, with the enhancement of China's own economy and military strength, and the expansion of large country diplomacy, the possibility of military confrontation in other parts of the world cannot be completely eliminated in the future.

All in all, even if the United States initiates a new Cold War like the former Soviet Union against China, its form will not be exactly the same as the Cold War of the United States and the Soviet Union, and the degree may not be so strong.But at the same time, it should be seen that this does not deny that the two sides have the possibility of serious confrontation.This is why people use the Cold War instead of the term directly using the term of the Cold War.We don't have to be too stuck in the accurate definition of the term of the New Cold War, and we can understand it as a serious confrontation between the economic, political, and military economies of the two countries.Many Chinese and foreign scholars often emphasize the differences between the contradiction between China and the United States and the United States and the Soviet Union in the above three aspects.And ignoring its commonality in these three aspects, and even denying its similarity in ideology.This cognition is one -sided.

6. Both China and the United States should be alert and oppose raising the current contradiction between China and the United States to a civilized conflict.

Rising the current contradictions of China and the United States based on economic and political ideology to civilized conflicts is an important cognitive error, but also an important political incorrect, and has a direct harm.Essence

On the one hand, this error cognition may be used by the narrow ethnicist of the United States, misleading the people and decision -making classes of the United States, and expanding some of their current economic and political ideology in China, expanding into the entire Chinese civilizationEven the disagreement of the Chinese nation has led to the American people and the government adopting a unfriendly or even hostile attitude and policies for Chinese people, including Chinese people, Chinese businessmen in the United States, and even all Chinese in the United States, and even stirred up the wave of new anti -China and China.If so, it will be very detrimental to the peaceful and development of the people of China and the United States.

On the other hand, this error cognition may also be used by Chinese narrow nationalists and even anti -reform forces.The hostility of civilization and the Chinese nation, thereby aroused the overall dislike of all walks of life in Chinese society, and aroused the narrow, righteous anti -the United States, and vitality of the Chinese folk.This is also unfavorable for China's reform and opening up, the development of Sino -US relations, world peace and development.

It is gratifying that after Ms. Skinner expressed its point of view, many people of the United States (including academia and politics) in the United States have criticized them seriously, pointing out that she has misunderstood the current China and the United States.Contradictions, full of racism, will also cause harm to US decision -making and Sino -US relations.On the other hand, even the many eagle factions in the US strategic and political circles, such as Bannon, Navaro, Littichiz, Soros, etc., although there are very pointed criticisms on the current official ideology of China, they areIn public speeches, they are distinguished from the Chinese people, and they do not hesitate to praise the Chinese people.This shows that they also disagree with the increase in the contradiction between China and the United States into cultural conflicts and even racial conflicts.

I believe that because American society is open and free, all kinds of views can be disseminated freely, and the people’s ideas are relatively high.The mainstream views of the United States and the government's decision -making basis.But we should maintain high vigilance and clear opposition.

At the same time, I want to explain that all sectors of China should not only be alert to the views of raising the contradiction between China and the United States to civilized conflicts and even racial conflicts, but also a similar point of view from the opposition to a few Chinese people.Since the extension of the contradictions between China and the United States last year, a few Chinese scholars have also expressed similar views that the shallow root of Sino -US contradictions is the conflict of trade and economic systems, and the deep root is the conflict between the East and the West.category.However, the civilized conflict and racial conflict are only one step away, and their understanding is incorrect.Of course, scholars' cognition belongs to the category of academic ideology and can be discussed, but we should criticize this cognition and strive not to make it from becoming the basis of social mainstream ideological trends and official policies.

Finally, the author hopes to specifically explain that the current contradictions proposed in this article are not racial conflicts, but the views of economic and political ideological contradictions. It only represents my awareness of the nature of China and the United States.The value judgment of ideological advantages and disadvantages; the United States quoted by the United States on China's economic and political ideology and the views on China's economic and political trends in recent years do not represent my views.The author welcomes readers to discuss and criticize his own point of view, but hopes that such discussions and criticism follow the rules of Robert's discussion, do not question the motivation, do not go online, and do not bring political attacks and suppression.I love China, support Sino -US peace and friendship, and look forward to China's reform and opening up. It has achieved more obvious achievements, and I look forward to a healthier and stable development of Sino -US relations.

(Note: The author is a scholar in mainland China. This article only represents the author's personal point of view.